lose weight fast

Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Blog

Weight Loss Motivation. Weight Loss Results.

Dr. Aron brings you fun and important weight loss tips, exciting diet recipes, medical weight loss breakthroughs, and a steady source of weight loss motivation.

Her medical weight loss program provides real results for overweight and obese persons seeking non-surgical medical treatment, with lasting results.

Call now — 718-491-5525 or visit WeightLossNYC.com

Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Center

7032 4th Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11209, Directions to office

Patient Review: She lost 32 lbs in 3 months

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Aug 20, 2024

Follow the Plan

No two human bodies are alike. What is proper diet and exercise for one person is not necessarily so for another. Dr. Aron's Weight Loss Program addresses the specific needs for each individual patient.
Weight Loss Fitness Equipment
Follow the Plan
I’ve tried Weight Watchers. I’ve done the Keto diet and just about every diet out there and I couldn’t lose the amount of weight I needed to lose. I decided to go to Dr Aron and it’s truly a blessing for me. I saw Dr Aron on May 3rd 2024 and my weight was 246 lbs as of today August 7th 2024 I’ve lost 32 lbs. All you have to do is follow the Plan she gives to you. 3 meals a day. 800 hundred calories per day. Exercise 3-4 times a week. Stick to it and you’ll see the scale move every week. I need to lose another 34lbs but I’m confident that with Dr Aron guidance and me doing my part that I will reach my goal. I highly recommend that you try Dr Aron program if you’re struggling to lose weight.

Patient Review by Kim J., 8/7/2024 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Start Now

Start today with medical weight loss expert Oksana Aron, M.D.: Receive your own personalized weight loss program to help you reach your health and wellness goals.

Visit Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at WeightLossNYC.com and see how her medical weight loss program can work for you.

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Dr Oksana Aron - Actionable Weight Loss Tips

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Mar 23, 2024

Dr Oksana Aron brings you healthful insights and weight loss tips to motivate you to being your best.

Learn more about her medical weight loss program at WeightLossNYC.com

group beach selfie
Envision Yourself

Recent Blog Posts

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Health Benefits of Sleep

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Mar 13, 2024

Pillow Talk

Weight loss is often about the small steps we take each day that sum up long-term for huge results.

Big, sweeping life changes really boil down to small, everyday decisions.
~A Vincent

Dr Oksana Aron and other medical experts chime in on the benefits of good sleep and weight loss. Studies continue to roll in extolling the virtues of extinguishing the night oil.

Follow through on several blog posts past with blog post label sleep:

Smiling sleeping woman
Sleepy Satisfaction

Perchance to Dream

Some light-hearted quotes about sleep to help you relax:

  • If you can’t sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there and worrying. It’s the worry that gets you, not the loss of sleep. ~Dale Carnegie
  • People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one. ~LJ Burke
  • Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone. ~A Burgess
  • [Sleep is] the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together. ~T Dekker, English dramatist (1572-1632)
  • Getting enough sleep can be just as important as working out. ~A Vincent
  • There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep. ~Homer, The Odyssey, Greek epic poet (800BCE-700BCE)
  • Finish each day before you begin the next, and interpose a solid wall of sleep between the two. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson, US essayist & poet (1803-1882)

Weight Loss Guidance

Work with Dr Oksana Aron of Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at WeightLossNYC.com and receive personalized weight loss structure and support to help achieve your weight loss goals.

What if you slept? And what if, in your sleep, you dreamed? And what if, in your dream, you went to heaven and plucked a strange and beautiful flower? And what if, when you awoke, you had the flower in your hand? Ah, what then?
~Samuel Taylor Coleridge, English critic & poet (1772-1834)

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Hate Fitness? Try this!

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Feb 13, 2024

Dance Party

Body movement does not need to be at a gym or even feel like a WORK-out. You can find enjoyable activities that can boost your metabolism and state of mind too.

Dancing can be an effective fat-loss tool for people who are overweight or have obesity … People who danced regularly lost about four more pounds — including three and a half pounds of fat — than those who didn’t dance. They also shaved an extra inch off their waists.

Participants who danced three times a week for at least 3 months reaped maximum benefits. And the more they let loose, the better — more creative dance forms led to more pronounced improvements in body composition.

Happy Woman Dancing
Weight Loss Tips

Weight Loss Expectations

This is more about consistency and ongoing habit. Remember anything you do is a positive over not doing any activity at all!

Dancing burns about 300 calories per hour, so it takes roughly 12 hours to lose one pound.

One Step at a Time

Consider your options:

  • Frame it as fun time Choose activities you enjoy or even used to enjoy - Make the actual reward the enjoyment of your recreational time well spent.
  • Consider group classes or go out with friends More the merrier works here too. Finding a social channel instead of solo may be all the mood making you need to get engaged and stay motivated.
  • Warm up, Take breaks Easy does it - Not trying to win any awards here, just be able to enjoy your new hobby each day, and slowly increase over time. Take breaks whenever you need one.

The meta-analysis revealed that compared to normal lifestyles dance had meaningful improvements in body mass(BM), BMI, waist circumference(WC), Fat(%), and fat mass(Fat(kg))…

Dance is effective on fat loss in people with overweight and obesity, and has a significant improvement on body composition and morphology. For its high efficiency and greater sense of enjoyment, dance can be a beneficial exercise intervention for fat loss.

You Got This

💃 Weight Loss Results

Looking for more guidance? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Oksana Aron; Visit Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at WeightLossNYC.com and see how her medical weight loss program can benefit you.

Sources: MedScape, PLOS One

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Building in a Workout to Boost Your Success

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Nov 29, 2023


We all hear about working out, but how can we make it work in — into our lives?
Patient Success
weight loss success

Weight Loss Success

  • Make it Manageable

    Strive to integrate a workout into your life at a manageable pace. Keep it at 20-30 minutes to start and gradually raise it to keep it attainable.

  • Swing Your Partner Round and Round

    Dance! Or take a walk together. Find something enjoyable that you and a friend can do together. Use the buddy system for motivation and to hold one another accountable.

  • Do a 30-Day Challenge

    See if you can rise to the occasion: Put in rewards and recruit others to be part of it.

  • Make it Routine

    Put your workout in your calendar just as you would an appointment. The consistency will make you more reliable at doing it.

Weight Loss Help is Here

Jump into your game with Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Center for actionable advice and guidance on how to lose weight fast, under medical doctor supervision. Call or Visit WeightLossNYC.com for more information and scheduling now.

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Fitness is Fun

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Oct 25, 2023

Lose weight and feel your best with a fitness routine

Being on a weight loss journey - you know that it takes hard work and dedication. But one of the best things you can do for yourself is to start a fitness routine. Exercise not only helps you burn calories and lose weight, but it also has a host of other health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, stronger bones and muscles, and reduced stress levels.

Starting a fitness routine can be daunting, especially if you’re not used to exercising. But relax - you don’t have to start off running marathons or lifting weights like a bodybuilder. Even a little bit of exercise is better than none.

Remember, any amount of exercise is better than none. So start small and gradually build up your fitness routine over time. Read on for how to start a fitness routine that’s safe and effective for you.

On Your Marks

Maybe fitness isn’t on your mind, or maybe you’re looking for easier ways to boost your metabolism. Toning and building muscle helps many aspects of your physiology, along with baseline cardiovascular “cardio” workouts to round out the mix.

Always remember your health and safety are first and foremost. Do not do anything you aren’t comfortable with and stop if feeling pain or unease.

This is the day!
Start Today

Get Set

Before you jump in, consult with your doctor on any limitations to your fitness goals as pertain to your current well-being.


Choose activities you enjoy

If you don’t enjoy your workouts, you’re less likely to stick with them. So choose activities that you find fun and motivating. There are endless possibilities to choose from, such as walking, running, swimming, biking, dancing, yoga, and kickboxing.

Start slowly

… and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts. Trying to do too much too soon you’ll more likely get injured or discouraged. Start with shorter, easier workouts and gradually increase the intensity and duration as you get stronger.

Set realistic goals

You won’ lose weight overnight. Set realistic goals for yourself, such as losing 1-2 pounds per week. This will help you stay motivated and on track. Coupling this with your weight loss guidance from Dr Aron is the best fit.

Research shows that lifestyle changes are necessary for both weight loss and for maintenance of weight loss. We at Dr. Aron Medical Weight Loss Center want you to not only take the weight off, we want you to keep it off, so yes, some lifestyle changes will need to happen. [Dr Aron] will discuss with you ways to make small changes that fit in with your busy lifestyle.

Simple starters:

Help choosing and using your fitness style

Make Bigger Moves:

Smart guide to getting started with bodyweight moves you may struggle with — Super tips on how to do what you cannot yet do!

Pro Tips:

How you workout targets different goals

  • Tone Muscle and Burn Fat You need to perform five sets of 12-20 reps using a light weight, followed by a rest period of 30-90 seconds between sets.
  • Increase Strength and Build Muscle You need to perform five sets of 2-6 reps using a heavy weight, separated with a rest period of 3-5 minutes between sets. To ensure you have work a good range of muscles alternate the exercises on the different days.
  • Always do abs and add cardio to your daily mix

Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center

Remember you can always log your fitness in your patient portal lifestyle journal, or synch your fitbit or apple watch to have this done automatically. Learn more or start now at WeightLossNYC.com

Visit Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at WeightLossNYC.com and see if her medical weight loss program is for you.

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Men: Better Body, Better Sex Life

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Apr 13, 2023

Bigger isn’t always better

erectile dysfunction and obesity
Weight Loss for Men

The link between erectile dysfunction and weight

It’s a topic no man wants to talk about, but listen up, guys. Men may have a new “cure” for erectile dysfunction (ED) that can also improve other areas of your life: losing weight.

According to an Italian study, researchers found that overweight men experienced an improvement of their ED after going on a healthy eating and exercise plan.

The study involved 110 obese men between the ages of 35 and 55 who suffered from ED and were put on a plan to eat healthy and exercise in order to lose 10 percent or more of their body weight.

In two years’ time, one third of the men had lost 33 pounds on average. Additionally, they were found to be more physically active in general.

ED may be a highly sensitive issue, but this study shows that men have options other than going on medication. By pursuing a healthy, active lifestyle and eating right, men can enjoy a healthier sex life and improved self image. Make the commitment to exercise and diet to lose weight--and improving this condition is just another benefit and motivator for healthy living.

Weight Loss NYC can help

By making your first appointment with WeightLossNYC® today, you’ll be on your way to an improved lifestyle and an improved YOU! Your first step is to call us at 718-491-5525.

Source: webmd

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Can you do a pull-up?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC May 24, 2021

Lift your own bodyweight

Perhaps pushups haven’t happened for you since high school gym class, so how about pull-ups?

Developing body strength doesn’t have to be hard — ease into developing your strength with some simple progressions. No need to rush through the series, focus on proper posture and slow steady movement to maximize control and strenght building.

Keep things easy for yourself as getting hurt is never the goal. Find the method that works best for you here and follow it for several weeks until it is no longer a challenge. Of course you can mix things up if want to make your own routine.

Start simple

  1. Wall pullup Standing feet flat, with your body in a straight line, hold a vertical handrail you can perform a sideways pullup! Try for 50, and when you can master 3 sets you can advance to next level (if you wish):
  2. Chest-height pullup Moving from vertical to an angle gives you more weight resistance for your arms. Find a sturdy handrail about chest height. Pivoting on your heels, go for 30 angled pullups with the bar. When 3 sets are easy you can advance:
  3. Hip-height pullup Finding a lower bar around hip height gives you a steeper angle to work against thus more body weight to lift, though still not full weight. Ideally work with something strong enough to support your full weight (video shows some dubious examples) as chest and hip points are just height guidelines. You can work with whatever angle you have and are comfortable working with. For hip height, aim for sets of 25, with 3 full sets as your final goal.
  4. Jackknife pullups Finally moving now from angle to vertical, analagous to kneeling pushups, you can now work from what resembles a seating angle (though not sitting!) and lifting your weight up. Optionally, can place feet on a chair instead of floor. Note as with kneeled pushups you are still distributing weight via a partial leg angle on the ground. Pivoting on your heels, your body starts bent and then straightens out (resembling chest-height position above), hence the name. Target is again sets of 25, with mastery of 3 to advance.

    Upgrades: Can lift one leg at a time during pullup to increase proportion of body weight. See if you can lift your full weight from this angled position.

Full time

You did it! Now that you are here, you now can try just doing one set of three regular pullups, to develop core and not overdo it.

Can try overhand or underhand grips, and other variations to make for a more versatile workout, or rotating arms and shoulders too to work different muscle groups.

View more videos

Follow Dr. Aron for more health and wellness content via this blog, or her website, weightlossnyc.com

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Can you do 1 pushup?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC May 17, 2021

Ease into Exercise

For many of us, pushups haven’t happened since high school gym class, yet they’re an easy and fundamental fitness means for toning up arms and developing core balance.

If you are not up to par with your arm strength, you can ease into developing arm strength with some simple incremental steps.

Keep things easy for yourself as getting hurt is never the goal. Find the method that works best for you here and follow it for several weeks until it is no longer a challenge. Of course you can mix things up if want to make your own routine.

Zero to hero

  1. Wall pushup Start off standing facing a wall with your palms flat against it. Keeping your body in a straight line, perform a pushup against the wall as if it were the floor! Easy enough right? Try for 50! When you can go three sets of 50 easily you can push into the next tier:
  2. Incline pushup Moving from vertical to an angle gives you more weight resistance for your arms. Leaning against a sturdy handrail, go for 40 incline pushups against the bar. When 3 sets of 40 are mastered, move on:
  3. Kneeling pushup You may already be familiar with these; Like a regular floor pushup, simplified to use your knees not feet as the endpoint. This reduces the load on your arms and core, and a solid next step to success. Go for mastery of two sets of 25

One and Done

There is no need to rush through this or any progression. If you are comfortable just staying in the zone, by all means keep to it. This is just a fantastic way to develop full strength for pushups without hurting yourself or getting frustrated with no result.

Nope? Can’t do any of these? Start by lying on your back and pushing up against the air.

View more videos

Follow Dr. Aron for more health and wellness content via this blog, or her website, weightlossnyc.com

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Fitness Forever

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC May 14, 2021

Physical Activity is important

No matter your health and physical abilities, you can gain a lot by staying active. Physical activity can help you maintain your independence and continue to do everything you want to do. — National Institutes of Health (NIH)
fitness is fun
Classroom poll: our kids love pushups!

Coming up

We have long advocated daily activity, and warned of the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle, and will always continue to offer motivation — In the coming weeks we will be launching a series of fitness blog posts to help you get started where you may have stumbled before.

Why Is Physical Activity Important?

Exercise and physical activity are good for just about everyone, including older adults. No matter your health and physical abilities, you can gain a lot by staying active. [S]tudies show that taking it easy is risky. Often, inactivity is more to blame than age when older people lose the ability to do things on their own. Lack of physical activity also can lead to more visits to the doctor, more hospitalizations, and more use of medicines for a variety of illnesses. — NIH

Choose activities you enjoy

Fitness helps with emotional being too; find activities you enjoy, to make fitness fun and not a chore. Choose activities you like and want to do, not what you feel you have to do.

Some exercise ideas to help you lift your mood:

  • Walking and Bicycling Endurance activities increase your breathing, get your heart pumping, and boost chemicals in your body that may improve mood.
  • Yoga is a mind and body practice combining physical postures, breathing exercises, and relaxation; or Tai Chi moving meditation involves shifting the body slowly, gently, and precisely, while breathing deeply.

Choose activities you enjoy:

As the adage goes, the best fitness routine is the one you do !

How about:

  • Dancing
  • Gardening
  • Tennis
  • Kicking a soccer ball with your kids
Sources : Teacher pre-K poll photo; National Institutes of Health citations.

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How to motivate yourself into daily fitness

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Feb 9, 2021

Simple steps to start

You’ve got enough in your life, how can you fit fitness into that too? —Oksana Aron, M.D.

pretty woman

Human Nature

Firstly no beating yourself up. It’s human nature to defy all the best logic and intentions and keep the status quo. So acknowledging that lack of inertia is a good place to start. You don’t have to want to start exercising to actually start! In fact ask anyone who does work out regularly, it’s a big part of it to just get yourself to get going each day to keep the habit going too.

Once you start, you will see you will still have good days and bad days, and that is ok. You just need to accept your mood doesn’t have to be the reason you don’t get moving.


For many, the fun of fitness includes friends. If you have a workout buddy that does give a lot to help, though be sure you both focus on the fitness part and not fall into just socializing. Lunchtime powerwalks can be an easy place to start. Or morning dog walks (dogs are people too, right?).

Finding and setting up the routine is key here. Do you have a regular place to practice, whether a walking path, or yoga mat, or room in your home to exercise without distraction?

Youtube or even old school DVDs can make for easy access to fun workouts daily. You can keep the same channels and workouts or mix things up when want to break into a new skill or new drill. So even a tv, phone or tablet can be your workout partner and trainer.

Ready or not?

Overcoming any mental or physical constraints of course is essential to moving ahead into new fitness zones. Be mindful of your limitations and start simple, don’t get ahead of yourself, even once begun, keep the bar low to develop the habit not any desired result. Most important is to have compelling cause for wanting to workout. That will drive you ahead when feeling doubt, as much as enjoyment of the activities of choice.

So, finding a time and place, person to workout with, a clear mind and body, and good cause…

Keep it simple

Accept the bare minimum initially — getting suited up and psyched for some activity is first, so once there, just do what you can not what you think you should do. Maybe 15 minutes or walk one mile, or one block — do what you can to feel safely within your limits and return to repeat tomorrow!

You can mix it up too, especially with seasonal and other concerns. Indoor bike or floor stretches on Sunday, Yoga on Monday and Friday, Tuesday and Thursday strength exercises, and Wedneday walk, for example.

For some, variety breaks out of the perception of drudgery and also your body can experience the excitement of something different each workout. For others, the daily drill works best — taking that daily walk can become mentally as well as physically therapeutic. It may seem unlikely now, yet truly once you own your fitness experience it will carry you into higher levels of wellness you cannot walk away from!

Move on up

There is no goal or expectation for when you can exercise for 30 minutes every day. Avoid any talk that makes you feel discouraged or punitive. Compare yourself only to yourself. Hey I am not at my desk or couch. I am outside walking and that is 15 minutes of huge benefit for myself, both by working out, but also by not NOT working out!

Your momentum can carry you over those days when you feel discouraged. Know that the doing is more important than the feeling, and also once you get started your mood will change. Don’t be surprised if that 5, 10 or 15 minute workout turns into 20-30-40... good for you! Yet keep it simple and safe. Getting injured will set you back far more than any extra gains you are striving to achieve today. Remind yourself you are on the lifetime fitness plan!

Keep track

Recognize your interests and attempts,

Decide what your lowest bar is for the particular workout routine you’re wanting to establish (50 steps, 5 minutes of pedaling or jogging, one round of sun salutations) and use this tiny benchmark whenever you catch yourself dreading exercise to at least maintain the framework of the routine.

Focus on the behavior, not the ideal duration or outcome

and find the zones that inspire you most.

You don’t have to keep a fitness log, but may want to mark off what days you worked out and for how long, to give yourself a sense of history and purpose. There are even apps that help track streaks — how long you can maintain a good habit over time.

Shake off the Shoulds

Now you’re getting in stride. It’s called your workout because it is yours. So keep to yourself about your gains and just get into the enjoyment of the game. Healthy habits are priceless, in comparison to doing nothing!

Setup the structure to win, and then get into it!

One pitfall though is to reward yourself for fitness, with something bad! Ouch. Don’t do it. Make fitness the reward! This cannot be understated. Make physical activity the fun highlight for each day.

You have a grocery list, make a fitness list! What are some activities you’ve often aspired to do. Make a list of them, skiing? bike riding? even horseback riding! Reaching those milestones are far more life altering than any food or counterproductive “reward”

Mix it up more now

Fill in fitness to everything you do! Do some easy yoga while the coffee brews. Some leg stretches while you brush your teeth. Take the farther (less crowded!) parking spot and walk those extra blocks. Oh yeah. It’s really that simple. You do not need a gym membership! You just need to use your time the right way.

Even make up some silly rules like:

  • Stand up for instagram — only read social media on your phone while standing!
  • Make extra trips when setting/clearing the table. Carry LESS than you can to make you make more steps — that adds up to a lot over the course of a day, week, year
  • Put down your phone in another room so you have to get up to get to it. Especially if that keeps you from just sitting down and doom scrolling! Don’t carry the phone around, make yourself have to get up to answer it.

Now you’ve got it. There’s no reason to NOT exercise. Just move your body more, stay away from sedentary habits. The more you move, the more you get results. Give yourself a big hug and get walking!

About WeightLossNYC™

Dr. Oksana Aron is medical weight loss physician: A medical expert trained in treatment of overweight and obese persons who may have struggled to lose weight other methods and seeking results where others have failed. Visit weightlossnyc.com for more information about the doctor and her weight loss programs.

Start losing weight today, with Dr. Aron and her team at WeightLossNYC.com

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Walking - How many steps is enough?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Feb 8, 2021

Heart Health

We’re all familiar with the popular adage 10,000 steps a day, yet recent research has tested this assertion for validity, with helpful results. The origins of this value were the the invention of a pedometer marketing campaign and seemed to have stuck with us ever since. Now we know more:

walking puppet hand
Popular convention asserts 10,000 steps daily, yet how many steps are really needed for health results?
[The] word mile was derived from the Latin phrase mila passum, which means 1,000 paces — about 2,000 steps. [The] average person walks about 100 steps per minute — which would mean it would take a little under 30 minutes for the average person to walk a mile.

Walk on by

With so many health guidelines encouraging fitness in varying degrees, this recent study from Harvard Medical School found 4,400 steps to initiate benefits, with increases up to 7,500 steps a day, as a metric centered on women and mortality risk. Note this also addressed the urgent need to reduce sedentary lifestyle habit, as these values are in comparision to 2,700 daily steps.¹

Fat Metabolism

Fat metabolism is also a component of fitness. Studies have shown walking fewer than 4-5,000 steps per day can affect your fat metabolism the next day.² Many health benefits are associated with low impact fitness, so you can simply try and step up your game to adding more steps each week to maintain a stable plateau of activity.

If you want to increase how many steps you get daily or want to move more, one easy way to do that is to increase your current step count by about 2,000 steps a day. … And given that even small amounts of physical activity positively impact your health, taking regular breaks to move around if you’re working at a desk all day will easily get more physical activity.

Learn More

If you are looking to improve your health and fitness outcomes in a weight loss context, visit WeightLossNYC.com for more actionable advice and information on how to lose weight.

¹,² Sources: gratisography, inverse, cited research studies: Walking and Measurement, Daily Step Count and Fat Metabolism, Effects of Moderate/Intermittent Low-Intensity Exercise on Lipidemia

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Simple Ways to Stay Slim, not Sedentary, at home

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jan 30, 2021
yellow flowers

Healthy Habits at Home

A common complaint these days is staying home has only made maintaining or even achieving weight loss success a greater challenge than ever before. Whether its reduced social engagement or remote work that's kept you more bound for cabin-fever, we've got your back with a few simple tips to stay slim while home.

  • Activity

    Perhaps the most obvious and least achieved, yet you can surely spend just half an hour daily following your favorite youtube fitness type online, be it eXercise, Yoga, Zumba or another other alpha fitness. Best to schedule the same time each day, or at least a regular interval each day that you can guarantee yourself to be there and aware. Better still if you've got a friend or family member at home willing to keep you on track and join in the fitness fun.

  • Hydrate

    Before you reach for that morning joe, get some water into your system. Consider you've been fasting all night and likewise needing to rehydrate too. You may even find your caffeine urges will temper once you've had some morning water, before, during and after a workout too.

  • Sleep

    We've blogged a few times on this, the easiest weight loss tip ever. Your body needs to recharge and provide all the regenerative benefits that go along with a solid night's sleep. No surprise that fitting fitness into your life will help you sleep better at night too. Being too sedentary robs you of all the natural rhythms of life you need for balance.

  • Nutrition

    Eating proper meals at mealtimes is the best way to keep energy high and hunger cravings low. Now that you're at home, guess what -- you're always steps away from preparing your own healthy meals instead of so many tempting and unhealthy ways from your on the go ways.

    Keep tabs on yourself though, by avoiding temptation to graze around the kitchen when home.

  • More to go on

    Consider breaking out of the habit of staying in house clothes all day too. Get up on a regular schedule and gear up and groom for a real day ahead. Having a steady routine is fundamental for all things mental and physical too. You can do this! and you may pick up some great lifetime habits along the way.

    Learn more

    Visit WeightLossNYC.com to learn more about ways to lose weight and how Oksana Aron, M.D. can help you achieve weight loss success where other methods may have failed you.

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Top Tips for Losing Weight (and keeping it off)

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Sep 29, 2020

Top Tips

Dr. Aron has compiled some of her favorite weight loss tips to help you lose weight and maintain a lifetime of healthy habits.

mother doing yoga with her young child
  1. Written Goals - Remember your 12 reasons? That’s just our way of getting you started. You can and should review and update this list as you see fit. Ask yourself what motivates you, and what results you seek.
  2. Observe Your Habits - Do you dine at the table, or grab and go? How much of your eating is mindless? Take stock of yourself and then reflect on habits you'd like to change.
  3. Water - Drink before meals to fill up, and between meals to steady your appetite. But also water for its own sake, as your body really needs it to manage and maintain itself. Pro tip: your kidneys can only process 1L per hour, so don't overdo it.
  4. Healthy Favorites - List good, nutritious foods you like and plan them into your week -- when shopping, meal planning, or even on the go. Tuck in a salad for lunch or dinner each day. Veggies every meal - Brunch and munch with broccoli or spinach. Make the flavors fun and mix it up!
  5. Fresh Produce vs Juices - Fresh fruits and veggies have lots of fiber to balance out the sugars and complete the nutritional balance. Try to eat minimally processed produce as often as able.
  6. Protein Balance - Ignore fad diets. Just include 4 ounces of quality protein each meal, to aid in satiety and to ensure proper balance for your health.
  7. Fat Friendly - Notice what oils you're cooking with and also the types of fat you're inclined to be eating. Avoid trans fats, minimize saturated fats, and seek out healthy natural oils in your diet.
  8. Fill in Fitness - Mainly, avoid sedentary life, get up and move around, even if its just household chores, or on the go errands. The cumulative effects of regular activity are far better in the long run than bursts of random fitness. That said, find fitness activities you do enjoy, and work them into your daily or weekly routine.
  9. Sleep it off - Truly the easiest and most overlooked weight loss, or even health tip, is to get enough sleep, regularly.
  10. Patience - Give yourself the slack and the time to make these changes, in their own time and in your own way, to ensure a lasting healthy lifestyle. Equally important is to not let others sabotage your weight loss agenda. Find workout or even lunch buddies, who share your goals and will help each other stay on track and motivated.

Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Program

Dr Aron can provide you with a personal program to reach your weight loss goals via the structures and clinically provens methods she uses. Visit her weight loss practice website at WeightLossNYC.com and start losing weight today.

Once you’ve focused on making healthy eating changes, then you can start to incorporate exercise, which will make you feel good and help you boost your metabolism.

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Another Reason Why You Should Exercise

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Mar 27, 2015

You Can Do It… and you should

You already know that exercise is a necessary evil if you want to lose weight, but did you also know it can help your knee pain? If you carry extra weight on your frame, every pound can put more stress on your knee. We’ve spoken before on how exercise can do more than just help you lose weight.

woman with bended knee
Joint Fitness

Regular exercise: Just do it

Traditionally, glucosamine and chondroitin supplement have been used to relieve knee pain, but results were mixed upon further research. In fact, many joint pain sufferers didn’t experience much more relief than the placebo.

In a recent JAMA study, however, overweight and obese patients with knee osteoarthritis, who followed an intensive diet and exercise plan, reported less pain, improved mobility and better overall health. Losing weight—even just a few pounds—also showed it can help reduce knee pain.

All kinds of exercise, from walking and water aerobics to conditioning are proven ways to reduce pain and increase flexibility. Exercise is an easy way to instantly improve the way you feel, no drugs or supplements required.


“Losing weight—even just a few pounds—also showed it can help reduce knee pain.”

Take Action, Feel Better

A healthy diet and regular exercise will help you lose weight and reduce pain. If you suffer from knee or joint pain or are simply inactive, get proactive. Even those who suffer from osteoarthritis feel better when they get regular exercise; if someone with arthritis can improve their health with a little exercise, you can too!

Take the first step by calling 718-491-5525 to make your first appointment with Dr. Aron at WeightLossNYC.com™ Start losing weight today and be on your way to a new you.

weightlossnyc fitness

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Need an exercise shortcut? Try a 7-minute workout

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jun 17, 2013

A new you in 7 minutes?

Lose the Wait. Lose the Weight.

What’s your excuse for not working out? Whatever the reason, you're not alone. Busy schedules, and juggling work and family life typically leave the average American adult with little time or energy to hit the gym, but there is a solution for you.

Whether you’re trying to drop some pounds or stay in shape, you need regular exercise. But when you’re short on time, what do you do? You get creative. That’s why this 7-minute workout routine is perfect for someone like you who has the desire but not the time. Check it out.

Get the most out of your short workout

Turns out just 7 minutes of high-intensity interval training can make a difference. By doing just 8 to 12 repetitions of resistance training for each muscle group at 40% to 80% intensity for two or three non-consecutive days a week, busy people can still put in a good workout that promotes weight loss, according to the American College of Sports Medicine. Two to four sets of each muscle group with two to three minutes rest in between each exercise are recommended.

Try exercises such as side planks, abdominal crunches, squats, lunges, push-ups and jumping jacks for 30 seconds each with a 10-second rest period in between. Do them for a total of 7 minutes and you're on your way to a fitter, healthier body.

Now there are no excuses! This is not only a great alternative to 30 or 60 minutes or longer of exercise, but you’ve got an effective way to lose body weight and fat.

Lose Weight Fast

You can lose as many as 10 to 20 pounds each month—or more! Schedule your first consultation with Dr. Aron today so you can learn how. Call us today at 718-491-5525.

Cite: journals.lww.com

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