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Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Blog

Weight Loss Motivation. Weight Loss Results.

Dr. Aron brings you fun and important weight loss tips, exciting diet recipes, medical weight loss breakthroughs, and a steady source of weight loss motivation.

Her medical weight loss program provides real results for overweight and obese persons seeking non-surgical medical treatment, with lasting results.

Call now — 718-491-5525 or visit WeightLossNYC.com

Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Center

7032 4th Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11209, Directions to office

Patient Review: Healthy Weight

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jan 31, 2024

Lost 30 pounds in 3 months

After 4 months of Dr. Oksana Aron, M.D. WeightLossNYC program I have lost 30 pounds from 220 to 190. There was a lot of struggle at first experimenting with a regular healthy diet plan but with the help and guidance of Dr. Aron I’m now on the right track of a regular daily regimen of fresh vegetables, fruit and whole grains with plenty of fiber. My goal is to lose another 20 pound and get back to a healthy weight of 170, and a 33 inch waist.

Patient Review by Richard B., 6/28/2021 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

high fiber diet
Weight Loss Nutrition

Whole Grains, Fresh Fruit, Fiber

Adopting new dietary guidelines from Dr Aron can help you make the transition to a healthier lifetime routine you can enjoy and sustain.

…with the help and guidance of Dr. Aron I’m now on the right track of a regular daily regimen of fresh vegetables, fruit and whole grains with plenty of fiber. My goal is to lose another 20 pound and get back to a healthy weight of 170, and a 33 inch waist.

Weight Loss Lifestyle

Get FREE actionable weight loss tips from Dr Oksana Aron and learn how her medical weight loss program can help you to lose weight without feeling hungry.

Visit Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at WeightLossNYC.com to book your initial consultation today.

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Patient Review: She Lost 40 pounds in 6 Months

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC

Dr Oksana Aron Guidance

My journey with Dr Aron started after I was told by my Dr that my Cholesterol # is not looking good..due to my bad eating habits...I got her info from my girlfriend, who have been seeing her for a couple months..and have gotten very good results...and so my weight loss journey begins..I start at 200 lbs and 6 months later, I’m down to 160lbs..

She started at 200 lbs, Lost 40 lbs in 6 months

Celebrate Weight Loss Success
Before/After Weight Loss Photos
I couldn’t have done it without Dr Aron guidance 🙏..she is very understanding, even on my low days, when I cheated. She still encourages me not to give up..I’m in a better place now with my health,,I goes to the gym 4 days per week...and with her weight loss plan I know the food to avoid or to eat in small portions..Thank to Dr Aron and her excellent staff..I’m now on the right track..

Patient Review by Rita M., January 2024 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

You Can Lose Weight Too

Dr Oksana Aron is a medical doctor specialized in helping overweight patients achieve results where other methods have failed.

Visit Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at WeightLossNYC.com and see how her medical weight loss program can help you lose weight easily.

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Health vs Hype: Media Sensationalism vs Reality

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jan 27, 2024

Health vs Hype

Media sensationalism presents a very distorted view on causes of death for Americans than what actual causes occur. Our World in Data presented these figures quite significantly in the following chart. Heart Disease and Cancer are the actual causes of 60% of Americans, yet media have been shown to present instead violent causes to be 70%.

Chart of American causes of death
How Much Should I Weigh?

The best news from this however, is the results are far more in your own hands — You have much more control over your own health and wellness than media scare tactics distracting you from medical realities.

The first column represents each cause’s share of US deaths … the discrepancy between what we actually die from and what we get informed of in the media is what stands out:

Around one-third of the considered causes of deaths resulted from heart disease, yet this cause of death receives only 2-3 percent of Google searches and media coverage; just under one-third of the deaths came from cancer; we actually Google cancer a lot (37 percent of searches) … but it receives only 13-14 percent of media coverage; … the largest discrepancies concern violent forms of death … receive much more relative attention in Google searches and media coverage than their relative share of deaths. When it comes to the media coverage on causes of death, violent deaths account for more than two-thirds of coverage … but account for less than 3 percent of the total deaths in the US.

Your Medical Health Matters

The facts are facts, your personal health is a far more significant factor in yielding longer life than what popular media attempts to portray. Overweight and obesity-related conditions play a far more significant share of your health risk than other causes combined.

Visit Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at WeightLossNYC.com to learn more about how her medical weight loss program may help you.

Sources: Our World in Data, Wikimedia, Wikipedia

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Burning off the Fat Takes More Than You Think

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jan 19, 2024


Hyperlipidemia defines an elevated level of lipids — like cholesterol and triglycerides — in your blood. Doctors link this disease to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and other serious conditions like heart attack, stroke, and peripheral artery disease.

Fat Burner Foods

If you’re like most people, you have no real idea how much effort it takes to whittle down those extra ounces—or pounds—of fat that you just took in with your last meal or snack. You may even be diligent about exercising it off right away by taking long walks after lunch at work, or jumping on the elliptical at the gym when you have had a greasy meal. But sometimes, it's still not enough—and you can still gain weight. Here’s how to make sure you don’t gain more pounds or bite off more than you can burn up.

woman eating sugary breakfast cereal
Weight Loss Nutrition

Know What You’re Eating

Don’t approach food blindly. Read the nutrition labels and find out how many calories, fats and sugars it contains, and portion your meals accordingly.

Go High-Tech

Technology including smart watches and apps will pull you out of the dark when it comes to eating the right foods and learning what to avoid. There are calorie calculators and weight loss apps available to help you, so you have no excuse for not eating right!

Weight Loss Recipe Inspirations
fat burning foods

Learn More About Food

The more educated you are about food, the more responsible your diet choices. Read up on the health benefits of various fruits, vegetables and nuts, and incorporate them in your diet. You can also find healthy weight loss recipes online from a variety of resources, including this blog.

Lose Weight Fast

If you still struggle with a healthy weight loss diet plan, make an appointment with Dr. Oksana Aron and come up with a plan together.

Source: Guardian News

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A Sedentary Lifestyle Means Earlier Death

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jan 17, 2024

Do you know how long you’ll live?

As if you didn’t have enough reasons to get regular exercise, a recent study shows that those who sit the most have shorter life spans. This is true even for those who exercise. Read on for more details on the study.

Woman seated inside a round wall opening
Weight Loss Motivation

The facts

The study, which included participants 45 years old and older, proves just how vital exercise and staying active are to your health and life expectancy.

Its most striking finding was that people who sat more than 11 hours a day had a 40% higher risk of dying in the next three years than people who sat less than four hours a day. This was after adjusting for factors such as age, weight, physical activity and general health status, all of which affect the death risk. It also found a clear dose-response effect: the more people sat, the higher their risk of death.

It didn’t matter whether the study participants were active or inactive, the more they sat the more likely the were to die within 3 years, showing that prolonged sitting was a risk factor in death.

The good news

The evidence did reveal some positive news: Exercising as much as 5 hours a week or more had a much lower risk of death.

This highlights the importance of not only getting exercise several times a week, but also staying active. Find ways to move throughout the day, like standing instead of sitting while you work, taking the stairs instead of the elevator and taking walk breaks several times a day. Your life span depends on it!

Weight Loss Tips
father and child viewing computer screen

Learn More

Learn more about how to improve your quality of life and keep the weight off. Visit Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at WeightLossNYC.com or call 718-491-5525 to take the best step forward to reaching improved health and wellness via medical weight loss.

Sources: The Atlantic; Archives of Internal Medicine

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How Long Will You Live? There's a Test for That

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC

One simple test predicts life span

Are you active in middle age and beyond? Here’s interesting health news you probably haven’t heard. How easy a middle-aged person or older person can get up off the floor from a seated position can determine their chances for living a long life, according to a study in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.

woman fitness training
Weight Loss Diet Plan

What the ‘Sit Test’ found

In the study, people who needed extra help (hands, knees, etc.) in getting up from the floor had a 21% lower chance of survival over a six-year trial. Those who scored higher in the test (needed less help and were able to get up easier) had more than 5 times the survival rate than those who scored lowest (needed the most help getting up from the floor).

Although the test scores were lower among older individuals as to be expected, the low score and high mortality rate were still found to be true, even when results were adjusted for age, sex and BMI.

Physical Activity

The study did not control the study for physical activity patterns, but it’s always a good idea to be physically active no matter your age. Staying active and exercising regularly, even mild exercise such as walking, has been proven to improve your health and help you lose weight.

Need Help Losing Weight?

If you have any questions or concerns about your own health and need to be pointed in the right direction in order to lose weight, Call or visit Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at WeightLossNYC.com.

Your first appointment with Dr. Aron can get you started on a weight loss plan that works. Lose up to 10 to 20 pounds a month or more. Start today - 718-491-5525

Source: MedPageToday

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How to Shop for Healthy Foods

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jan 16, 2024

Choose Your Future

You start off with good intentions, but you may not always grab the healthiest items at the grocery store. These quick tips show you how to shop smart so you buy the healthiest options.

Women shopping at health food store
Weight Loss Nutrition

Fruits and Veggies

Think colors of the rainbow when selecting fruits and veggies. As in, find items of all different colors to ensure you’re getting a variety of key nutrients (not to mention adding variety to your diet).


If you eat dairy products, try to find the low-fat options rather than whole fat. Also, avoid buying sweetened dairy products such as yogurt with fruit, which may have a lot of sugar added to it.

Favor Fresh Fruits

Bakery Items

Read the ingredient lists carefully. Stay away from anything with hydrogenated or partially hydrated oils, which are unhealthy transfats. Grab whole-grain or whole-wheat items instead of ones made with white flour. Also important: choose items high in fiber (the more the better).


With meats, the leaner the better. For pork or beef look for the word "round" or "loin", which means a leaner cut, and watch out for white marbling, which is fattier and has more calories. For lunch meats, go with the lower fat, low-sodium options.


Fish choices with the pinkest hue are higher in omega-3 fats. And those with clear eyes; moist, shiny scales; and clean scent are your safest bet (a fishy scent is not a good sign!).

Choose whole, fresh ingredients over processed food items. If it somes in a box with a label it is most likely heavily processed. Spend most of your grocery time in the fresh produce section…

Frozen Foods

Frozen food products can often be the unhealthiest, so shop this section with caution. Check the sodium and fat content as well as number of calories. A healthy frozen food product would contain a good balance of the following: a variety of veggies, lean protein, moderate amount of healthy carbs and no more than 800 mg of sodium.

Grocery Guidance

For personalized weight loss diet guidance, work with Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Center for actionable, verifiable medical advice on fast and easy weight loss with physician supervision.

Source: Fitness Magazine

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Quality Calories vs. Junk Calories

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC

Finding Healthy Calories

We all know when calories add up, so do the pounds. But where those calories come from is even more important. That’s why it’s vital to choose quality calories over empty ones for everything you eat.

green vegetable pasta
Weight Loss Nutrition

What to look for


Look to see what is in your food. Even though the package says it’s only 100 calories, if they include hydrogenated oils instead of far-healthier olive or sunflower oil or bleached white flour instead of whole grains, then it’s junk.


We all need roughly 25 grams a day of fiber, which not only helps with regularity, it can keep us feeling fuller and more satisfied than foods without it. Fiber in turn keeps you from overeating and helps you consume less overall calories.


If the sugar content is high, then it’s not good for you. If you’re going to eat sugar at all, make sure it’s natural and comes from fruits or vegetables instead of refined sugar in processed foods. Too many sugars in your diet cause you to gain weight.


Fat is actually a necessary part of a healthy diet — as long as it’s unsaturated. Watch out for trans fats and saturated fats, which will make you fat!

Vitamins and Minerals

Check to see what kinds of vitamins and minerals are in what you’re about to eat. If it has none, then you know it has no nutritional value. Healthy snacks and foods, however, will have at least some.

Get More Guidance

Still confused about low calorie-diets? Learn more how Dr Oksana Aron medically supervised diet plan can get you on the right path to healthy weight loss results.

Start your journey with your initial consultation with Weight Loss Medical Expert Dr. Oksana Aron.

Source: SelfGrowth

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Banish That Belly Bloat

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jan 10, 2024

What floats your bloat??

Knowing which healthy foods help you lose weight isn’t good enough — you also need to know which types of food make you bloated and appear heavier than you really are so you can steer clear of them.

Belly bloat
Your Food Choices Matter

What’s the main culprit of a bloated belly? Sodium. You know, having too much salt in your diet, which typically comes from processed and/or junk food in your diet.

Top Ten Troublemakers

The top 10 sources of food that contribute to belly bloat, according to the CDC, Centers for Disease Control

  1. Bread
  2. Cold Cuts and Cured Meats
  3. Pizza
  4. Poultry
  5. Soups
  6. Fast-food Burgers and Sandwiches
  7. Cheese
  8. Pasta
  9. Meatloaf and other meat dishes
  10. Salty snacks (potato chips, pretzels)

Not only can many of these foods add pounds, but they can make you look bloated and larger than your true size. Additionally, too much salt intake can lead to other health problems such as high blood pressure. By avoiding the less healthy foods in this list or at least limiting your intake, you can keep the weight off and the bloating away. Also, be sure to eat mainly whole, natural foods that aren’t processed for a healthy weight and size.

Tips for cutting down sodium

  • Season your food with spices instead of salt
  • When a recipe calls for salt and you are already using other ingredients such as canned tomatoes that contain salt, leave it out
  • Select foods that are “low-salt” or “no-salt.”

    But be careful: foods marked as “reduced sodium” may still contain a lot of it. Aim for no more than 200 mg of sodium per serving.
Weight Loss Meals
gooey pizza

Weight Loss Consultation

Today can be the beginning of a healthier you. Start working with Dr Oksana Aron, Medical Weight Loss Doctor in Brooklyn, for personal guidance on your proper diet and nutrition to lose weight quickly under physician supervision.

Visit Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center website: WeightLossNYC™ to learn more, and schedule your weight loss consultation today.

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Is Your Favorite Food Making You Sick?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jan 8, 2024

Are your favorite foods making you sick?

A study in the journal Nature suggests that emulsifiers—commonly used ingredients in many favorite processed foods—may be interfering with bacteria in our digestive tracts and causing increases in metabolic syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, and obesity.

woman illness
Diet and Inflammation

Ingredients such as lecithin, carrageenan, polysorbate80, polyglycerols and xanthan and other “gums” improve the texture and shelf-life of many supermarket foods and keep ingredients such as oils and fats from separating. They are found in many ice creams, baked goods, salad dressings, veggie burgers, non-dairy milks and hamburger patties.

Several commonly used ingredients in many popular processed foods could be interfering with bacteria in our digestive tracts yielding increases in obesity, metabolic syndrome, IBS and more. can help you address many of these health concerns.

In the study, when fed emulsifiers, the mice who had normal immune systems developed mild intestinal inflammation and a metabolic disorder that led them to eat more. They became obese, hyperglycemic and insulin resistant. The mice with abnormal immune systems developed chronic colitis.

Food additives could be inducing inflammation

Emulsifiers seem to change the gut microbiota (or environment) and how bacteria interact with the intestine. This paves the way for inflammation. While emulsifiers may not be the sole cause of the rise in obesity, they could very well be a factor.

Many emulsifiers and food additives are considered safe by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). However, the FDA has not determined safe levels of consumption, particularly because people consume emulsifiers in so many different foods.

Additional studies on humans are needed to better understand how emulsifiers impact humans.

Do you need to lose weight?

Oksana Aron, M.D. is a bariatric physician and internist, specializing in medical treatment of overweight and obese persons:

“Through our comprehensive program, many individuals have lost well in excess of 20% of their initial body weight using a combination of appetite suppressants and a low calorie diet, while eating just regular grocery store foods.”

You can visit Dr. Oksana Aron’s website at

Before/After Weight Loss Photos

Before/After Weight Loss photo


  • Sima Michaels Dembo, MPH, Public Healthcare consultant and writer is a guest contributor to this blog.
  • Chassaing, Benoit, et. al., Dietary emulsifiers impact the mouse gut microbiota promoting colitis and metabolic syndrome, Nature, 519, 92-96, Published online 2/25/15. Accessed 3/5/15.
  • Grossman, Elizabeth., How Emulsifiers Are Messing with Our Guts (and Making Us Fat), Civil Eats, February 25, 2015. Accessed 3/5/15.

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High Protein Meal Replacements #weightloss #nyc

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jan 6, 2024

Weight Loss On the Go

Supplement your weight loss program with high protein meal replacements, at home.

No sales tax ever, plus free shipping on orders over 75.

Ready to Drink Shakes

Stock up on your favorite ready to drink shakes, with free shipping! No limit. (Minimum order 75 for free shipping)

Woman drinking a chocolate shake
High Protein Meal Replacements

Running low doesn’t mean running out. Available now online are just some of the meal replacement options we offer in-office to optionally supplement your medical weight loss program.

We Get it - You’re Busy

Online Product Catalog

Also visit our Brooklyn office for complete selection of additional supplements to help you maintain your weight loss nutritional needs.

  • High Protein Bars and Squares
  • High Protein Shakes and Smoothies
  • High Protein Soups and Hot Chocolate
  • High Protein Chips and Snacks
  • High Protein Hot Oatmeal and Overnight Oats

Lose Weight with Dr Oksana Aron

Visit Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at WeightLossNYC.com to learn more about how her medical weight loss program can help you lose weight quickly under physician supervision.

Read Patient Reviews of Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Patient Review: My weight is under control #weightlossnyc

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jan 1, 2024

Weight Loss Success

Patient Review by Natalie V., 12/19/2023 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I [have] been going to Dr. ARON for a year one my weight under control my health has never been better. The staff is so friendly and kind they make you feel right at home. DR. ARON is the kind of doctor you can rely on she’s always understanding and really works with you to reach your goal.
Weight Loss Success

Start Today: Learn more

Visit Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at WeightLossNYC.com to learn more and schedule your first visit.

View more patient videos, reviews and more.

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