How to Shop for Healthy Foods
Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jan 16, 2024Choose Your Future
You start off with good intentions, but you may not always grab the healthiest items at the grocery store. These quick tips show you how to shop smart so you buy the healthiest options.

Fruits and Veggies
Think colors of the rainbow when selecting fruits and veggies. As in, find items of all different colors to ensure you’re getting a variety of key nutrients (not to mention adding variety to your diet).
If you eat dairy products, try to find the low-fat options rather than whole fat. Also, avoid buying sweetened dairy products such as yogurt with fruit, which may have a lot of sugar added to it.
Bakery Items
Read the ingredient lists carefully. Stay away from anything with hydrogenated or partially hydrated oils, which are unhealthy transfats. Grab whole-grain or whole-wheat items instead of ones made with white flour. Also important: choose items high in fiber (the more the better).
With meats, the leaner the better. For pork or beef look for the word "round" or "loin", which means a leaner cut, and watch out for white marbling, which is fattier and has more calories. For lunch meats, go with the lower fat, low-sodium options.
Fish choices with the pinkest hue are higher in omega-3 fats. And those with clear eyes; moist, shiny scales; and clean scent are your safest bet (a fishy scent is not a good sign!).
Choose whole, fresh ingredients over processed food items. If it somes in a box with a label it is most likely heavily processed. Spend most of your grocery time in the fresh produce section…
Frozen Foods
Frozen food products can often be the unhealthiest, so shop this section with caution. Check the sodium and fat content as well as number of calories. A healthy frozen food product would contain a good balance of the following: a variety of veggies, lean protein, moderate amount of healthy carbs and no more than 800 mg of sodium.
Grocery Guidance
For personalized weight loss diet guidance, work with Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Center for actionable, verifiable medical advice on fast and easy weight loss with physician supervision.
Source: Fitness MagazineLabels: calories, low fat, manhattan, new york, nutrition facts, ny, nyc, omega 3 fatty acid, sugar