Dr. Aron brings you fun and important weight loss tips, exciting diet recipes, medical weight loss breakthroughs, and a steady source of weight loss motivation.
Her medical weight loss program provides real results for overweight and obese persons seeking non-surgical medical treatment, with lasting results.
Don’t let your past experiences of trying to lose weight keep you from picking up the phone and calling us. Remember, our purpose in being here is to help you lose weight. We want to do that in a way that contributes to your health, happiness and long-term weight goals. — Oksana Aron, M.D.
This is a great place! Dr Aron is wonderful, attentive, and encouraging. The office staff follow up with you and make sure everything is going well. I lost 75 pounds and could not be happier. I have kept it off for over three years now. I have my life back. Highly recommend this clinic.
If the number on the scale isn’t budging as much as you’d like, there’s still some good news. Research shows that even modest weight loss can have a long-term positive effect on your overall health.
Research has shown that even a 5 to 10 percent loss of the initial body weight can greatly reduce health risks and improve general well being
Worth the weight (loss)
By losing 20 pounds or 10 percent of a 200-pound person's body weight, overweight and obese individuals can reduce their risk of Type 2 diabetes by as much as 58 percent. It can also benefit sleep apnea, hypertension, quality of life and mobility as people age. Additionally, the health benefits from losing the weight can last up to about 10 years, even if the individual gains the weight back, according to the behavioral study on 3,000 participants who changed their eating habits by tracking everything they ate and keeping unhealthy foods out of the pantry.
Researchers will also examine whether these healthy habits will decrease the risk of heart attacks and heart disease, and ultimately, whether it can prolong your life.
Make it Happen
The time to start losing weight is now. It’s never too late to become a healthier you. Call Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at 718-491-5525 or visit WeightLossNYC.com to schedule your appointment.
Pop culture Dr. Oz and others have cheered on support for raspberry ketone as a natural weight loss supplement. Dr Jennifer Seger from the American Society of Bariatric Physicians offers this response:
“Raspberry ketone [4-(4-hydroxyphenyl) butan-2-one] or rheosmin, is a compound extracted from raspberries, blackberries, peaches, apples, rhubarb, grapes and the bark of some trees. … [containing] compounds that are thought to exert anti-obesity actions and alter lipid metabolism. … Raspberry ketone has been used in cosmetics and as a food additive for decades, and in its “natural” state, it is quite expensive. Nowadays, raspberry ketone is primarily synthesized in a lab and is a very inexpensive additive … a population desperate for results and large profit margins, it is no wonder that raspberry ketone is one of the top-selling nutrition supplements on the market right now. At this point, though, the use of raspberry ketone can be based on only anecdotal experience and insufficient scientific data. Hence, I currently cannot recommend the use of this supplement.”
Dr Oksana Aron offers solid weight loss structures in her medical weight loss program available via her website, WeightLossNYC.com — There you can learn how to lose weight quickly under her expert medical care without any fads or gimmicks, only sound medical results.
Schedule your initial consultation with Dr Aron today and see how yourself lose weight easily, where other methods may not have worked for you in the past.
Body movement does not need to be at a gym or even feel like a WORK-out. You can find enjoyable activities that can boost your metabolism and state of mind too.
Dancing can be an effective fat-loss tool for people who are overweight or have obesity … People who danced regularly lost about four more pounds — including three and a half pounds of fat — than those who didn’t dance. They also shaved an extra inch off their waists.
Participants who danced three times a week for at least 3 months reaped maximum benefits. And the more they let loose, the better — more creative dance forms led to more pronounced improvements in body composition.
This is more about consistency and ongoing habit. Remember anything you do is a positive over not doing any activity at all!
Dancing burns about 300 calories per hour, so it takes roughly 12 hours to lose one pound.
One Step at a Time
Consider your options:
Frame it as fun time Choose activities you enjoy or even used to enjoy - Make the actual reward the enjoyment of your recreational time well spent.
Consider group classes or go out with friends More the merrier works here too. Finding a social channel instead of solo may be all the mood making you need to get engaged and stay motivated.
Warm up, Take breaks Easy does it - Not trying to win any awards here, just be able to enjoy your new hobby each day, and slowly increase over time. Take breaks whenever you need one.
The meta-analysis revealed that compared to normal lifestyles dance had meaningful improvements in body mass(BM), BMI, waist circumference(WC), Fat(%), and fat mass(Fat(kg))…
Dance is effective on fat loss in people with overweight and obesity, and has a significant improvement on body composition and morphology. For its high efficiency and greater sense of enjoyment, dance can be a beneficial exercise intervention for fat loss.
Looking for more guidance? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Oksana Aron; Visit Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at WeightLossNYC.com and see how her medical weight loss program can benefit you.
See how Dr. Aron’s expertise can help you achieve where other weight loss programs could not succeed. Visit WeightLossNYC.com today 718-491-5525
Book Online make it easier for you to come in before or after work, whether you’re here in Brooklyn or traveling from Manhattan, Bronx, Staten Island or beyond.
The process of losing weight can have some profound results in your life beyond the fundamental loss of weight. Read reviews or view videos of our patients on our website, weightlossnyc.com
Dr Aron has changed my life. When I first started seeing her, I was overweight, had terrible eating habits, made awful food choices and was overall unhealthy. Under her guidance, I was able to lose almost 40 lbs, lower my lipid count, lower my blood pressure and finally form long lasting healthy habits.
Now I work out regularly and make way better food choices. I feel amazing. My energy level and self confidence have increased tremendously.
I really love the website. It is always up to date. It is so easy to make an appointment and the best part is that she takes walk ins so I can walk in anytime it is convenient for me.
Her staff is kind and friendly. I am always seen within minutes even without an appointment. I couldn’t be happier! Thank you! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
5 stars, Graziella F., July 16, 2021
Dr Oksana Aron, Weight Loss Doctor
Work with Dr Aron to uncover aspects that may be hindering your weight loss goals and impairing your health. Visit Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at WeightLossNYC.com to learn more and book your initial consultation today.
Just because you think you’re a normal size and weight, it doesn’t mean you’re healthy. We all know belly fat is unhealthy, but the latest research shows that people of a normal weight who have belly fat have a higher risk of dying from heart disease, even when compared to obese people.
The study found that normal-weight people can have what’s called central obesity because of the belly fat. They’re also nearly three times more likely to die from heart disease and twice as likely to die of any cause compared to other normal-weight individuals with a healthy waist-to-hip ratio.
Another danger: Normal-weight people may not feel the need to improve their lifestyle by making healthier choices, which can only increase their health risk.
The healthy solution?
Losing unhealthy weight, eating healthfully, exercising and increasing muscle mass have shown to help normal-weight individuals with central obesity or belly fat. That way, they lose weight and build muscle mass at the same time, while redistributing their weight in a healthier way.
Waist-to-hip ratio, according to some studies, has been found to be more reliable in determining cardiovascular mortality risk than body mass index (BMI).
Need Help Losing Weight?
If you are looking to lose weight successfully and fast, contact Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at WeightLossNYC.com or call 718-491-5525. Get on track with your weight loss goals now.
Parents in recent years have been surprised to find pizza sauce being counted as a vegetable and junk food masquerading as a healthy snack, but change is starting to happen.
The National School Lunch Program was started 65 years ago to make sure children are nourished and can get through the school day on a full stomach.
While the program now serves 30 million children nationwide at a low or no cost, it’s also become increasingly criticized for the quality of foods offered and is being partially blamed for the rise in childhood obesity, especially in low-income children.
Taking action on school lunches and childhood obesity. The USDA called for more nutritious ingredients in school lunches, including more fruits, vegetables, low-fat milk and whole grains. It also urged limits on trans fats and high-calorie foods.
Taking action on school lunches and childhood obesity
In 2012, the USDA called for more nutritious ingredients in school lunches, including more fruits, vegetables, low-fat milk and whole grains. It also urged limits on trans fats and high-calorie foods.
Parents in some states have pushed for laws requiring healthier school meals and more stringent nutritional standards—and it’s making a difference:
Children in schools with more stringent nutritional standards had a healthier weight status.
The rates of obesity were much lower in states that exceeded the USDA nutritional requirements.
Obesity rates were doubled among students who ate reduced and free school lunches (26%) compared to students who didn’t eat school lunches (13%).
What you can do
If you’re unhappy with what your school is offering, speak up! You never know what kind of change you can make until you try. You can also pack a healthy, nutritious bag lunch for your child if the school lunches provided don’t meet your personal standards for your child.
Start losing weight today
If you struggle with weight loss, please contact us at 718-491-5525. Make an appointment with medical weight loss expert Dr. Oksana Aron, who can help you lose up to 10 to 20 lbs or more each month. A healthier family starts with a healthier You!
For women, weight gain happens throughout all life stages, but each stage contains its own set of reasons and risk factors. Review here--from puberty through menopause--how and why women may gain weight, and how you can use that knowledge to your advantage to keep off the weight.
The earlier a girl starts puberty, the more likely she is to be overweight or obese as an adult. If she starts her period before age 11, she is likely to weight between 9 and 11 pounds more than another woman who started hers after age 14. Additionally, as many as 26 percent of women who started puberty early were considered obese by age 30 compared with 15 percent of the other women.
It’s difficult to imagine weight gain as a problem during childhood, but the childhood obesity epidemic proves this is an important time to start healthy diet and exercise habits that will last throughout the child’s adult life. It’s never too early to start. In fact, the earlier you start your child on a road to healthy living, the better!
Healthy habits during pregnancy help post-partum weight loss
Weight gain is expected during pregnancy, but you still have to proceed with caution and be careful not to gain an excessive amount of weight. Gaining 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy is usually the goal. Typically, a pregnant woman will gain 2 to 4 pounds in the first trimester, then 1 pound per week after that, but it depends on the woman’s pre-pregnancy weight because 1 pound per week may be too much for some. Your doctor will give you guidance on what your ideal weight during pregnancy should be.
After pregnancy, many women’s bodies will hold on to 5 pounds of that gained weight, which may never be shed, but they generally will lose about 10 pounds immediately following delivery. They can lose 5 pounds a month in the next couple of months depending on the following factors: breastfeeding, diet and exercise level. By staying active, getting exercise, eating a healthy diet and breastfeeding, you can lose weight faster and easier.
Hormonal changes contribute to weight gain
Two-thirds of women are overweight by the time they reach their 50s. A drop in estrogen production is a possible cause, which causes the body to store fat, making weight loss more difficult.
Weight loss can be more challenging for women after menopause, so it’s important to seek the help of your doctor to ensure you’re getting proper nutrition, exercise and remain in overall good health. By doing all of the above, you’re increasing your chance of maintaining a healthy weight and leading a healthier, happier life.
To lose weight, you already know what to do: eat right, diet, exercise, and the pounds will come off, right? It’s not always that simple.
Aside from making these healthy lifestyle choices, you need to address the psychological aspect of weight loss. It’s just as much a physical switch you have to make as a mental one.
What’s your #1 weakness, the one treat that foils your dieting plans every time, guaranteed? Whatever it is, keep it out of your refrigerator or pantry to remove the temptation or craving.
Whenever you’re grocery shopping, skip the aisle if you can and certainly, don’t buy it! This is your first step in keeping the weight off and avoiding those vices that contribute to weight gain.
Avoid tantalizing images of bad food
Ever heard the term, “food porn?” Well, it’s called that for a reason. If you’ve ever salivated over a Pinterest board of ooey-gooey chocolate-chip cookies or drooled over a foodie blog’s Instagram of their latest dish while out on the town, you understand the danger!
Scientific research shows that viewing these images can actually make you feel hungrier—and overeat as a result. Instead, look at delicious images of healthy food to inspire your own homemade creations of health-promoting meals to make a healthier difference.
Swap bad cravings with good-for-you ones
It’s easy to say avoid unhealthy foods, but you may still crave them. Rather than deny yourself, satisfy those cravings in a healthier, savory way with alternatives.
If you realize the reason you crave a certain candy bar is because you want something salty or you crave the crunch of almonds, try a small handful of almonds or walnuts instead.
Rather than grabbing a fast-food burger, make turkey burgers with extra-lean meat ahead of time, topping it with fresh veggies in a variety of colors (how about leafy romaine lettuce, white onion, tomato, sprouts, and a little bit of avocado and mustard?) When you get home from work, it will be an easy leftover dinner night. Now that’s fast food, and you don’t have to wait in line for it, either!
Dr. Oksana Aron can Help, call 718-491-5525
Need help figuring out what’s healthy and what’s not? Get started on a weight loss plan that gets results, personally designed for you by Dr. Oksana Aron, by calling us at 718-491-5525 or book online via WeightLossNYC.com
[T]he typical American diet is shortening the lives of many Americans. Diet-related deaths outrank deaths from smoking, and about half of U.S. deaths from heart disease – nearly 900 deaths a day – are linked to poor diet. The pandemic highlighted the problem, with much worse outcomes for people with obesity and other diet-related diseases.
Read that again … Global study finds bad diets are responsible for more deaths than smoking … As such, medical experts view proper diet as a pivotal component of patient health.
Food as Medicine Consider your food choices as your direct first line of medical benefit (or demise!)
Quality of Calories An essential component of Dr Aron’s Medical Weight Loss Programs is to focus on quality calories to account for the quantity of calories.
Diet and Lifestyle Counseling Getting proper guidance for which direction a patient should go to achieve healthy habits for both food and fitness, are also a core component of our programs.
Easy Steps
You can take some simple steps on your own on your road to overall health:
Limit Saturated Fats and Avoid Trans Fats These items are top targets on the diet do not call list! These are fats from meats, cheeses, and even coconut and palm oils
Whole Grains Whereas cutting overall carbs is key, steering away from processed grains and choosing whole grains like brown rice over white rice, can make easy and helpful swaps.
Go Green with leafy green vegetables, though the list of veggies is limitless, including broccoli, sweet potatoes, beets, okra, spinach, peppers.
Fruits provide fiber and more, despite their sugar content, so factor accordingly. Best to eat the whole fruit over drinks and smoothies which remove the beneficial fiber and concentrate the sugars
TL;DR: High fiber foods provide the most benefit in helping you feel full so you can eat less. So start your meal with your fiber and protein before reaching for the sweet or fat items.
To see some weight loss results, exercise and healthy eating go hand in hand. If you’ve never been athletic, there’s still hope--because even just a little bit of exercise can do wonders for your health and weight loss goals. Here’s how.
Easy does it
You don’t need to be a marathon runner. In fact, you’re better off jogging and doing moderate exercise if you want to lose weight. The best part? All you need to do is exercise a few times a week to get some traction in your weight loss scheme.
Check out these facts:
You may live longer
Specifically, an encouraging 2012 study of 52,656 American adults found that those who ran 1 to 20 miles per week at an average pace of about 10 or 11 minutes per mile … lived longer, on average, than sedentary adults. They also lived longer than the group (admittedly small) who ran more than 20 miles per week.
You can lose more weight
In one study in Denmark, a group of overweight men lost more weight when they exercised moderately for 30 minutes several times per week compared with men who worked out twice as long. They also ate less than the men who exercised more.
You can have more energy
In the same study, those who exercised longer sat around more during the rest of the day than those who exercised moderately. Those who exercised for 30 minutes a day seemed to be more energized.
Moving around, stretching and being more active during the day all add up! Even if you are active for 10 minutes a few times per day, a few days per week, that counts as exercise too--and every little bit helps.
Just do it
The whole point is to not sit around too much being inactive, watching TV or using the computer. Find new ways of doing things (typing while standing, playing with the kids outside more or walking upstairs more often) to burn those extra calories. You’ll not only lose the weight, you’ll also get to enjoy life more when you improve your lifestyle and extend the number of days you get to live!
Make Your Move
Get actionable tips and support structures for weight loss from Dr. Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Center in Brooklyn NYC. A licensed bariatric specialist physician, she’ll set you straight on what you need to eat and do to lose up to 10 to 20 pounds of more each month. Call 718-491-5525 or book online for your initial consultation.
It’s a great starter — talking about habits — good habits, and ones to go on. Reese had it right recently to post a short list of ones she seeks to maintain.
Dr. Aron also suggests you make your own list of motivations to give you self-guidance. What are some simple principles you strive to live by?
Reese recently shared some healthy habits she aspires
“Let’s talk about habits! Are there any that have improved your daily life? Here are some I’m working towards:
Start the day with a big glass of water.
Get 10 minutes of outdoor light…
Spend 30-60 mins reading without distraction everyday.
In bed by 10pm. *no late night TV binges. Try to get 8 hours of rest!”
Fast Facts
It’s a real game changer to drink water before coffee in the morning. It’s more than just another cup of water it’s a real hydration tip — your body hasn’t had any water until the night before.
10 minutes of [morning] light … we sure hope you’re getting much more than that, especially in winter.
Reading and Rest; well we’ve blogged often about getting enough sleep so you know we’re good with that one.
Next Steps
If you are looking to lose weight and having trouble on your own or with other methods, check out Dr. Oksana Aron and her Medical Weight Loss Program at WeightLossNYC.com
Get the real deal on how to lose weight quickly with physician supervision. Schedule your initial consultation now.
Sources: instagram @reesewitherspoon, flickr @GabboT, creative commons license CC BY-SA 2.0, image cropped blurred and text added
No matter your health and physical abilities, you can gain a lot by staying active. Physical activity can help you maintain your independence and continue to do everything you want to do. — National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Classroom poll: our kids love pushups!
Coming up
We have long advocated daily activity, and warned of the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle, and will always continue to offer motivation — In the coming weeks we will be launching a series of fitness blog posts to help you get started where you may have stumbled before.
Why Is Physical Activity Important?
Exercise and physical activity are good for just about everyone, including older adults. No matter your health and physical abilities, you can gain a lot by staying active. [S]tudies show that taking it easy is risky. Often, inactivity is more to blame than age when older people lose the ability to do things on their own. Lack of physical activity also can lead to more visits to the doctor, more hospitalizations, and more use of medicines for a variety of illnesses. — NIH
Choose activities you enjoy
Fitness helps with emotional being too; find activities you enjoy, to make fitness fun and not a chore. Choose activities you like and want to do, not what you feel you have to do.
Some exercise ideas to help you lift your mood:
Walking and Bicycling Endurance activities increase your breathing, get your heart pumping, and boost chemicals in your body that may improve mood.
Yoga is a mind and body practice combining physical postures, breathing exercises, and relaxation; or Tai Chimoving meditation involves shifting the body slowly, gently, and precisely, while breathing deeply.
Choose activities you enjoy:
As the adage goes, the best fitness routine is the one you do !
How about:
Kicking a soccer ball with your kids
Sources : Teacher pre-K poll photo; National Institutes of Health citations.
You’ve got enough in your life, how can you fit fitness into that too? —Oksana Aron, M.D.
Human Nature
Firstly no beating yourself up. It’s human nature to defy all the best logic and intentions and keep the status quo. So acknowledging that lack of inertia is a good place to start. You don’t have to want to start exercising to actually start! In fact ask anyone who does work out regularly, it’s a big part of it to just get yourself to get going each day to keep the habit going too.
Once you start, you will see you will still have good days and bad days, and that is ok. You just need to accept your mood doesn’t have to be the reason you don’t get moving.
For many, the fun of fitness includes friends. If you have a workout buddy that does give a lot to help, though be sure you both focus on the fitness part and not fall into just socializing. Lunchtime powerwalks can be an easy place to start. Or morning dog walks (dogs are people too, right?).
Finding and setting up the routine is key here. Do you have a regular place to practice, whether a walking path, or yoga mat, or room in your home to exercise without distraction?
Youtube or even old school DVDs can make for easy access to fun workouts daily. You can keep the same channels and workouts or mix things up when want to break into a new skill or new drill. So even a tv, phone or tablet can be your workout partner and trainer.
Ready or not?
Overcoming any mental or physical constraints of course is essential to moving ahead into new fitness zones. Be mindful of your limitations and start simple, don’t get ahead of yourself, even once begun, keep the bar low to develop the habit not any desired result. Most important is to have compelling cause for wanting to workout. That will drive you ahead when feeling doubt, as much as enjoyment of the activities of choice.
So, finding a time and place, person to workout with, a clear mind and body, and good cause…
Keep it simple
Accept the bare minimum initially — getting suited up and psyched for some activity is first, so once there, just do what you can not what you think you should do. Maybe 15 minutes or walk one mile, or one block — do what you can to feel safely within your limits and return to repeat tomorrow!
You can mix it up too, especially with seasonal and other concerns. Indoor bike or floor stretches on Sunday, Yoga on Monday and Friday, Tuesday and Thursday strength exercises, and Wedneday walk, for example.
For some, variety breaks out of the perception of drudgery and also your body can experience the excitement of something different each workout. For others, the daily drill works best — taking that daily walk can become mentally as well as physically therapeutic. It may seem unlikely now, yet truly once you own your fitness experience it will carry you into higher levels of wellness you cannot walk away from!
Move on up
There is no goal or expectation for when you can exercise for 30 minutes every day. Avoid any talk that makes you feel discouraged or punitive. Compare yourself only to yourself. Hey I am not at my desk or couch. I am outside walking and that is 15 minutes of huge benefit for myself, both by working out, but also by not NOT working out!
Your momentum can carry you over those days when you feel discouraged. Know that the doing is more important than the feeling, and also once you get started your mood will change. Don’t be surprised if that 5, 10 or 15 minute workout turns into 20-30-40... good for you! Yet keep it simple and safe. Getting injured will set you back far more than any extra gains you are striving to achieve today. Remind yourself you are on the lifetime fitness plan!
Keep track
Recognize your interests and attempts,
Decide what your lowest bar is for the particular workout routine you’re wanting to establish (50 steps, 5 minutes of pedaling or jogging, one round of sun salutations) and use this tiny benchmark whenever you catch yourself dreading exercise to at least maintain the framework of the routine.
Focus on the behavior, not the ideal duration or outcome
and find the zones that inspire you most.
You don’t have to keep a fitness log, but may want to mark off what days you worked out and for how long, to give yourself a sense of history and purpose. There are even apps that help track streaks — how long you can maintain a good habit over time.
Shake off the Shoulds
Now you’re getting in stride. It’s called your workout because it is yours. So keep to yourself about your gains and just get into the enjoyment of the game. Healthy habits are priceless, in comparison to doing nothing!
Setup the structure to win, and then get into it!
One pitfall though is to reward yourself for fitness, with something bad! Ouch. Don’t do it. Make fitness the reward! This cannot be understated. Make physical activity the fun highlight for each day.
You have a grocery list, make a fitness list! What are some activities you’ve often aspired to do. Make a list of them, skiing? bike riding? even horseback riding! Reaching those milestones are far more life altering than any food or counterproductive “reward”
Mix it up more now
Fill in fitness to everything you do! Do some easy yoga while the coffee brews. Some leg stretches while you brush your teeth. Take the farther (less crowded!) parking spot and walk those extra blocks. Oh yeah. It’s really that simple. You do not need a gym membership! You just need to use your time the right way.
Make extra trips when setting/clearing the table. Carry LESS than you can to make you make more steps — that adds up to a lot over the course of a day, week, year
Put down your phone in another room so you have to get up to get to it. Especially if that keeps you from just sitting down and doom scrolling! Don’t carry the phone around, make yourself have to get up to answer it.
Now you’ve got it. There’s no reason to NOT exercise. Just move your body more, stay away from sedentary habits. The more you move, the more you get results. Give yourself a big hug and get walking!
About WeightLossNYC™
Dr. Oksana Aron is medical weight loss physician: A medical expert trained in treatment of overweight and obese persons who may have struggled to lose weight other methods and seeking results where others have failed. Visit weightlossnyc.com for more information about the doctor and her weight loss programs.
Start losing weight today, with Dr. Aron and her team at WeightLossNYC.com
A common complaint these days is staying home has only made maintaining or even achieving weight loss success a greater challenge than ever before. Whether its reduced social engagement or remote work that's kept you more bound for cabin-fever, we've got your back with a few simple tips to stay slim while home.
Perhaps the most obvious and least achieved, yet you can surely spend just half an hour daily following your favorite youtube fitness type online, be it eXercise, Yoga, Zumba or another other alpha fitness. Best to schedule the same time each day, or at least a regular interval each day that you can guarantee yourself to be there and aware. Better still if you've got a friend or family member at home willing to keep you on track and join in the fitness fun.
Before you reach for that morning joe, get some water into your system. Consider you've been fasting all night and likewise needing to rehydrate too. You may even find your caffeine urges will temper once you've had some morning water, before, during and after a workout too.
We've blogged a few times on this, the easiest weight loss tip ever. Your body needs to recharge and provide all the regenerative benefits that go along with a solid night's sleep. No surprise that fitting fitness into your life will help you sleep better at night too. Being too sedentary robs you of all the natural rhythms of life you need for balance.
Eating proper meals at mealtimes is the best way to keep energy high and hunger cravings low. Now that you're at home, guess what -- you're always steps away from preparing your own healthy meals instead of so many tempting and unhealthy ways from your on the go ways.
Keep tabs on yourself though, by avoiding temptation to graze around the kitchen when home.
More to go on
Consider breaking out of the habit of staying in house clothes all day too. Get up on a regular schedule and gear up and groom for a real day ahead. Having a steady routine is fundamental for all things mental and physical too. You can do this! and you may pick up some great lifetime habits along the way.
Learn more
Visit WeightLossNYC.com to learn more about ways to lose weight and how Oksana Aron, M.D. can help you achieve weight loss success where other methods may have failed you.
Filling up on veggies is a top rule for anyone wanting to eat healthier, yet that doesn't have to sound boring. Check your favorite produce store for winter squashes, including the amusing shaped butternut squash. Like its cousin the sweet potato, it's often overlooked as a starch, yet the orange interior reflects it is rich in beta carotene, which converts to vitamin A in your body.
One cup of Butternut Squash (cubed and cooked) yields 127% of the US RDA for Vitamin A, with 80 calories, 4g sugar, 21g of carbs. Far more favorable than mashed potatoes with (or without) gravy! Factor in the 7g of fiber and you're on your way to RDA daily mark of 25-30g fiber per day.
Beta carotene, as one of the team members of antioxidants, on its own offers many nutritional benefits. Butternut Squash also has ample potassium (more than the benchmark banana) plus 30% of your daily RDA of Calcium. Other minerals at hand include Iron and Niacin, along with Vitamin E.
Winter Wondering
Other winter squashes you can try - (measuring nutrients to the one cubed cooked cup)
Acorn Squash has more fiber and potassium, though less vitamin A than Butternut. 9 grams fiber per cubed cooked cup, potassium (896 mg).
Pumpkin Squash has both alpha and beta carotene. Alpha carotene also converts vitamin A in the body; Pumpkin Squash has twice as much of alpha than Butternut.
Spaghetti Squash is yellow and can even be used as an alternative to spaghetti. Lower in calories and carbohydrates than the other squashes mentioned here, but also lower in fiber. As a pasta substitute though, you'll consumer only 42 healhty veggie calories not pasta carb 200 calories.
Feeling Preppy
Summing it up with preparation, all of these can simply be sliced and roasted, with familiar spices like cinnamon and nutmeg, or clove or allspice. For easier prep you can often buy these pre-cut in stores, though caution on canned variants due to added sugars. You can even puree squashes to make satisfying soups and sauces too. Some folks even suggest smoothies, accompaniments such as apple, nut butter and soy or almond milk.
Hungry for More
Learn more healthy dieting and meal structures from Dr Oksana Aron at WeightLossNYC.com
She’s lost 60 lbs before her 60th birthday — and heading for 20 more
Her kids now in college, she looked at what she wanted to be in this next stage of her life; With most of her 83 pound weight loss goal achieved she joyfully reflects on her healthy regimen with just 20 more pounds to go before her 60th birthday.
Prep School
She’s worked out a solid routine of three healthy meals a day without any mid-meal snacks. Obviously the early weeks were the most daunting, laying down the foundation for what has become her success story 8 months later.
Managing the daily challenges of real life setup some more obstacles in her path: managing the social obligations and even day to day cravings. She worked out some new strategies along the way to making better life habits and healthy choices.
Some of her magic spells include mashed cauliflower, and wine-free spritzers en verre
There is no shortage of diet names to confuse us all. We want to be healthy and want to go beyond just a gimmick or trend. Dr Aron surely knows fact from fad, she prescribes diets to all her patients. So here are some simple facts about what makes a diet healthy, and why it should matter to you.
“Diet is the single most significant risk factor for disability and premature death.” — American Family Physician
Well … That seems like a pretty good reason to care about your diet.
Diet Characteristics
Across the board evaluation of clinically viable food plans favor higher percentage of vegetables, limiting sugars, and replacing processed grains with whole grain sources. Important to note is that juices are not considered a proper replacement for real fruits and vegetables due to their higher glycemic index and loss of healthy fiber in processing. Likewise, potatoes fall into the carb camp not as veggies.
Making the proper substitutions can be challenging yet the clinical outcomes are meaningful in that your diet can push back on risk factors for cardio-vascular diseases, high blood pressure, obesity, and of course, diabetes.
What to do next
Fundamentally, maintaining proper nutrition is key, via proper balanced diet and appropriate food choices. Dr Aron can advise you of any items you are not sure if suitable for your weight loss progress as well as for your life.
Visit her medical practice at WeightLossNYC.com to learn more.
Sources: American Family Physician; Twitter author jokes
Keeping an eye on the target, she has been on her mark to reach her goal weight, having lost 45 pounds in 5 months and steadily moving ahead to the next level in her weight loss program. Motivation truly comes from within, make a mark inside yourself that you can do this and work hard to do it. It is ok to have your doubts — being realistic is important to maintaining proper perspective.
Conversely being too idealistic works against you — it is ok to dream but if you are pessimistic it works against your motivating force.
The Power of Attitude
Another rah for positive thinking: Having the right attitude can really affect you reaching your weight loss goals. A year-long study of obese patients evaluated their expectations and fantasy regarding their weight loss program. The study found these two aspects to affect success in opposite ways:
“… expectation and fantasy [differ … predicting] weight change in opposite directions. Optimistic expectations but negative fantasies favored weight loss. Subjects who displayed pessimistic expectations combined with positive fantasies had the poorest treatment outcome. Finally, expectation but not fantasy predicted program attendance.
How to Lose Weight Fast
Focus on the reasons and motivating factors that drive you to want to lose weight. Dr Aron and the team at WeightLossNYC™ can guide you to getting motivated and staying on track to lose weight in their comprehensive medical weight loss program.
Based on clinically proven guidelines, the weight loss programs offered by Dr Aron are the real medical treatment for obese and overweight patients. Call today at 718-491-5525 or visit WeightLossNYC.com
“Expectation, fantasy, and weight loss: Is the impact of positive thinking always positive?”, Cognitive Therapy and Research
Oettingen, G. & Wadden, T.A. Cogn Ther Res (1991) 15: 167. doi:10.1007/BF01173206
Additional Notes on Medical Weight Loss Success
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