Dr. Aron brings you fun and important weight loss tips, exciting diet recipes, medical weight loss breakthroughs, and a steady source of weight loss motivation.
Her medical weight loss program provides real results for overweight and obese persons seeking non-surgical medical treatment, with lasting results.
Weight loss is often about the small steps we take each day that sum up long-term for huge results.
Big, sweeping life changes really boil down to small, everyday decisions. ~A Vincent
Dr Oksana Aron and other medical experts chime in on the benefits of good sleep and weight loss. Studies continue to roll in extolling the virtues of extinguishing the night oil.
Follow through on several blog posts past with blog post label sleep:
Some light-hearted quotes about sleep to help you relax:
If you can’t sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there and worrying. It’s the worry that gets you, not the loss of sleep. ~Dale Carnegie
People who say they sleep like a baby usually don’t have one. ~LJ Burke
Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone. ~A Burgess
[Sleep is] the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together. ~T Dekker, English dramatist (1572-1632)
Getting enough sleep can be just as important as working out. ~A Vincent
There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep. ~Homer, The Odyssey, Greek epic poet (800BCE-700BCE)
Finish each day before you begin the next, and interpose a solid wall of sleep between the two. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson, US essayist & poet (1803-1882)
Weight Loss Guidance
Work with Dr Oksana Aron of Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at WeightLossNYC.com and receive personalized weight loss structure and support to help achieve your weight loss goals.
What if you slept? And what if, in your sleep, you dreamed? And what if, in your dream, you went to heaven and plucked a strange and beautiful flower? And what if, when you awoke, you had the flower in your hand? Ah, what then? ~Samuel Taylor Coleridge, English critic & poet (1772-1834)
Body movement does not need to be at a gym or even feel like a WORK-out. You can find enjoyable activities that can boost your metabolism and state of mind too.
Dancing can be an effective fat-loss tool for people who are overweight or have obesity … People who danced regularly lost about four more pounds — including three and a half pounds of fat — than those who didn’t dance. They also shaved an extra inch off their waists.
Participants who danced three times a week for at least 3 months reaped maximum benefits. And the more they let loose, the better — more creative dance forms led to more pronounced improvements in body composition.
This is more about consistency and ongoing habit. Remember anything you do is a positive over not doing any activity at all!
Dancing burns about 300 calories per hour, so it takes roughly 12 hours to lose one pound.
One Step at a Time
Consider your options:
Frame it as fun time Choose activities you enjoy or even used to enjoy - Make the actual reward the enjoyment of your recreational time well spent.
Consider group classes or go out with friends More the merrier works here too. Finding a social channel instead of solo may be all the mood making you need to get engaged and stay motivated.
Warm up, Take breaks Easy does it - Not trying to win any awards here, just be able to enjoy your new hobby each day, and slowly increase over time. Take breaks whenever you need one.
The meta-analysis revealed that compared to normal lifestyles dance had meaningful improvements in body mass(BM), BMI, waist circumference(WC), Fat(%), and fat mass(Fat(kg))…
Dance is effective on fat loss in people with overweight and obesity, and has a significant improvement on body composition and morphology. For its high efficiency and greater sense of enjoyment, dance can be a beneficial exercise intervention for fat loss.
Looking for more guidance? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Oksana Aron; Visit Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at WeightLossNYC.com and see how her medical weight loss program can benefit you.
Lose weight and feel your best with a fitness routine
Being on a weight loss journey - you know that it takes hard work and dedication. But one of the best things you can do for yourself is to start a fitness routine. Exercise not only helps you burn calories and lose weight, but it also has a host of other health benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, stronger bones and muscles, and reduced stress levels.
Starting a fitness routine can be daunting, especially if you’re not used to exercising. But relax - you don’t have to start off running marathons or lifting weights like a bodybuilder. Even a little bit of exercise is better than none.
Remember, any amount of exercise is better than none. So start small and gradually build up your fitness routine over time. Read on for how to start a fitness routine that’s safe and effective for you.
On Your Marks
Maybe fitness isn’t on your mind, or maybe you’re looking for easier ways to boost your metabolism. Toning and building muscle helps many aspects of your physiology, along with baseline cardiovascular “cardio” workouts to round out the mix.
Always remember your health and safety are first and foremost. Do not do anything you aren’t comfortable with and stop if feeling pain or unease.
Before you jump in, consult with your doctor on any limitations to your fitness goals as pertain to your current well-being.
Choose activities you enjoy
If you don’t enjoy your workouts, you’re less likely to stick with them. So choose activities that you find fun and motivating. There are endless possibilities to choose from, such as walking, running, swimming, biking, dancing, yoga, and kickboxing.
Start slowly
… and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts. Trying to do too much too soon you’ll more likely get injured or discouraged. Start with shorter, easier workouts and gradually increase the intensity and duration as you get stronger.
Set realistic goals
You won’ lose weight overnight. Set realistic goals for yourself, such as losing 1-2 pounds per week. This will help you stay motivated and on track. Coupling this with your weight loss guidance from Dr Aron is the best fit.
Research shows that lifestyle changes are necessary for both weight loss and for maintenance of weight loss. We at Dr. Aron Medical Weight Loss Center want you to not only take the weight off, we want you to keep it off, so yes, some lifestyle changes will need to happen. [Dr Aron] will discuss with you ways to make small changes that fit in with your busy lifestyle.
Tone Muscle and Burn Fat You need to perform five sets of 12-20 reps using a light weight, followed by a rest period of 30-90 seconds between sets.
Increase Strength and Build Muscle You need to perform five sets of 2-6 reps using a heavy weight, separated with a rest period of 3-5 minutes between sets. To ensure you have work a good range of muscles alternate the exercises on the different days.
Always do abs and add cardio to your daily mix
Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center
Remember you can always log your fitness in your patient portal lifestyle journal, or synch your fitbit or apple watch to have this done automatically. Learn more or start now at WeightLossNYC.com
You can lose weight with physician supervision at Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center in Brooklyn, NY.
How does it work?
Dr Aron is a bariatric physician - a medical doctor specialized in treatment of overweight and obese patients. Her program begins with a diagnostic evaluation including lab testing and other analyses to aid her in her initial assessment and diagnosis for treatment.
Based on her assessment she will provide you with her medical guidance and a structured program for you to follow. Her protocols are unique to your needs and goals and vary for each patient during their course of treatment.
I need to lose weight
The program goals are healthy and rapid weight loss of 2-20 pounds per month while maintaining healthful, nutritional eating habits.
During your initial consultation she will review with you your goals and weight loss history as well as provide ongoing feedback and directional guidance in the course of your weight loss journey.
How to Begin
Visit her weight loss practice website at weightlossnyc.com or call to book your initial visit. You set the pace of your program, whether biweekly, monthly or more. Dr Aron and her staff are here to guide and support you along the way.
⧉ Three things to consider to keep your holidays safe this season — the three W’s
WEAR a mask
WASH your hands
WATCH your distance
Wear a mask
Choose a mask with two or more layers, to protect yourself and others from covid-19. Wear it over your nose and under your chin, with the side also snug on your face. You want to limit exposure of air in either direction between you and others.
Avoid touching the mask as well as other parts of your face (eyes, nose, mouth) with your fingers.
If using a reusable mask, you must properly wash it between uses. If disposible, please discard appropriately.
Wash your hands
Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If handwashing not available, use a hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol, and carry with you.
Allow hand sanitizer to dry on your hands, do not wipe it off. You want to allow the alcohol to absorb into your skin.
Watch your distance
Keep at least 6 feet (two arm lengths) away from people who do not live in your household. Even people without symptoms can be infectious.
Likewise be extremely mindful of those at highest risk of illness, for their safety give them space.
Virtual Family
⧉ Household members are those in your home consistently taking measures to reduce the spread of covid-19
Celebrating virtually or with members of your own household poses the lowest risk for spread. Your household is anyone who currently lives and shares common spaces in your house or apartment … family members, roommates or people who are unrelated to you.
People who do not currently live in your home, such as college students returning home from school for the holidays, should be considered part of different households.
In-person gatherings that bring together family members or friends from different households pose varying levels of risk.
— U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Holiday Plans
⧉ Communicate with guests in advance to manage expectations for your event.
Consider scaling down your gathering, limiting to those within your home and remote video with others if available.
If you must entertain, have a small outdoor meal, and limit duration to minimize exposure. Have people wear masks when not eating, and be seated in household groups 6 feet apart.
If indoors, keep windows open, or central ventilation on, including bathroom fans, to keep air circulating.
⧉ Exposure is cumulative — consider repeated shorter exposures equal to one larger event
Create “new traditions”
⧉ Use this experience to create new special memories instead of lamenting loss of old ones.
Consider some new themes:
Share virtual meals with others, and share recipes and dishes each have prepared.
Prepare meal items to share with others and hand-deliver on their porch or doorstep to avoid mutual exposure.
Enjoy holiday parades, sports and movies online. Find group games and activities to play together.
Create a gratitude journal or scrapbook for all to share what they are thankful for and other well wishes of good times past, present and future.
Virtual shopping and sales are a nice post party perk. Choose contactless options, delivery or curbside pickup.
Wrap it up
⧉ Keep the holiday gatherings simple this year
Feel free to branch out to new experiences and appreciate the spirit of the celebration with new traditions
Be mindful of the risks of travel for you or others coming to visit you. Exposure is cumulative — consider repeated shorter exposures equal to one larger event.
Most of all, enjoy yourself and live to celebrate another day.
Medical Weight Loss Doctor
Dr Oksana Aron is a bariatric physician &mdash specialist in the field of medical weight loss. Schedule a consultation with her at WeightLossNYC.com if you are seeking to lose weight to improve your health and wellness.
Article does not constitute medical, legal, or other professional advice. Content designed to support, not replace, medical or other treatment.