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Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Center

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Where Does Fat Go When You've Lost Weight

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Sep 27, 2024

Metabolism Matters

You maybe surprised to learn how your body eliminates fat. It’s a far easier proposition than you may expect, however the catch is the rate at which your body can do this is the key.

Your metabolic rate
How does your body do it?

Thus your body can only remove so much fat in time (see carbon calculator below). This can be helpful when planning your meals and weight loss regimen.

The Simple Science of Metabolism

Are you suprised? The way your body eliminates fat is via your lungs! The CO2 you exhale is how — the carbon of carbon dioxide comes from the food you eat. So how can we make more sense of this?

Every carbohydrate you digest and nearly all the fats are converted to carbon dioxide and water. The same goes for alcohol.

Protein shares the same fate, except for the small part that turns into urea and other solids, which you excrete as urine.

The only thing in food that makes it to your colon undigested and intact is dietary [fiber] Everything else you swallow is absorbed into your bloodstream and organs and, after that, itโ€™s not going anywhere until you’ve [exhaled] it.

Watch and Learn

When you lose 10 kg, 8.4 kg comes out of your lungs [exhaled as CO2] and 1.6 kg comes out as water.

This amazing TEDx talk spells it out for you in just a few minutes:

You can also try out his tool to approximate how long it takes for your body to metabolism different foods - Carbon Calculator by Ruben Meerman, author of When somebody loses weight, where does the fat go? (British Medical Journal)

Metabolic Testing

An available component of Oksana Aron, M.D. medical weight loss program is to complete an in-office resting metabolism test along with any office visit.

Start your own personalized weight loss program to help you reach your health and wellness goals:

Visit Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at WeightLossNYC.com and see how her medical weight loss program can work for you.

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