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Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Blog

Weight Loss Motivation. Weight Loss Results.

Dr. Aron brings you fun and important weight loss tips, exciting diet recipes, medical weight loss breakthroughs, and a steady source of weight loss motivation.

Her medical weight loss program provides real results for overweight and obese persons seeking non-surgical medical treatment, with lasting results.

Call now — 718-491-5525 or visit WeightLossNYC.com

Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Center

7032 4th Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11209, Directions to office

Keto Bread Recipe

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Feb 28, 2024
Buns of Fiber

Trying to cut back on bread is challenging, here is a fun a simple recipe you can try and adapt to suit your needs. Psyllium fiber is a soluble dietary fiber with clinically demonstrated health benefits.

Enjoy! -

Use of psyllium in the diet for three weeks or longer often lowers blood cholesterol levels in people with elevated cholesterol, and can lower blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes. Use of psyllium for a month or longer may produce a small reduction in systolic blood pressure.

Fiber is good for you because it is not absorbed, instead helps move food through your digestive system and other health benefits.

Ketogenic (Keto) Bread

ketogenic bread
Ketogenic bread is low-carb

Versatile low-carb, gluten-free, keto bread featuring psyllium fiber can also be used for BBQ hot dog or hamburger buns or even for garlic bread.

Yield: 6 rolls


  • 1.25 cups (5 oz) almond flour
  • 1/3 cup (1.75 oz) ground psyllium husk powder
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 2 tsp cider vinegar
  • 3 egg whites
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tsp sesame seeds optional topping


Preheat oven 350°F (175°C); also boil the water.

  1. Place dry ingredients in a bowl; Add vinegar and egg whites, mix.
  2. Add the boiling water, blending with a hand mixer for 30 seconds. Dough should remain thick.
  3. Shape dough into 6 rolls. (Tip: Apply a little olive oil to hands first.)
  4. Place on a greased baking sheet. Top with optional sesame seeds.
  5. Bake on lower rack in the oven for 50–60 minutes; rolls should be a bit firm on bottom.
  6. Top and serve as wish.

Prep Time: 15 minutes, Cook time: 1 hour

keto buns baking in the oven
Fresh-baked low carb buns

Nutrition per bun: 165 cal, 12g fat, 2g net carbs

Keywords: Bread, Low-Carb, Wheat-free, Breads, Gluten-Free Low Calorie Diet

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Yes, You Do Need Carbs in Your Diet

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Nov 27, 2023

Facts not Fads

Some fad diets are low-carb or involve cutting out carbs entirely. That’s not exactly healthy, though, according to doctors. In fact, our diet must contain some carbs in order to get enough nutrients daily.

Carbohydrates are necessary for your body to obtain quick energy, while healthy fats and proteins are more of a long-term fuel source. Carbs are typically about 50 to 60 percent of your daily diet to get enough calories, nutrients and energy to your body, though with medical weight loss programs this value may vary.

Simple? or Complex?

Your carb intake should include healthy complex carbs, which take longer for your body to break down compared to simple carbs. Also, complex carbs give your body a nice, steady flow of energy. Simple carbs, on the other hand, cause you to experience energy peaks and crashes.

bowl of cereal
Weight Loss Diet Plan

Whole Foods, Whole Fiber

Popular examples of carb sources include:

  • whole-grain breads
  • whole-grain or lentil/chickpea pasta
  • barley, bulgur, buckwheat, quinoa, oats
  • brown rice, faro
  • whole fruits and berries
  • vegetables
  • beans, lentils, legumes

Read the Labels

Remember to read food labels to verify whole grain versions of these items, or better yet, preparing fresh whole grains and produce at home.

So, eat your healthy carbs--incorporating them into your healthy meals along with good proteins to reduce insulin spikes and hunger crashes--for a well-rounded diet. Be sure not to load up on too many carbs, though, which will cause you to gain weight. As with everything else, balance is the key here.

Need More help?

Still confused on what a healthy carb is, or how many carbs are healthy or unhealthy? Make an appointment with Dr. Oksana Aron today to discuss a healthy, weight loss plan by calling 718-491-5525, or booking online via WeightLossNYC.com

Sources: EverydayHealth, diet.weightlossnyc.com, Image: Grant Cochrane, FreeDigitalPhotos

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Keto Pizza #Recipe

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Feb 23, 2022

Ketogenic Pizza

Came across this gem, a nice spin on pizza dough, topped with a traditional pizza sauce.

ketogenic pizza recipe
Pizza with Broccoli & Chicken

New Twist on Dough

Ketogenic twist on classic pizza dough, topped with sauce and more to suit. Make, bake and enjoy.

Double boil or microwave the mozzarella to soften it for the dough blend, whereas the sauce need not be heated, the pizza will all be baked along with whatever toppings you like. Prepare the dough on parchment paper.


  • 4 tbsp Parmesan cheese
  • 2 tbsp cream cheese
  • 2 cups mozzarella shredded & melted
  • 4 tbsp almond flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tps italian seasoning
  • 1 egg whisked


  • 1 cup tomato sauce
  • 1 tbsp garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp onion powder
  • 1-1/2 tsp oregano


Reddit user pietyp shared this recipe; Toppings whatever you like … mine was rotisserie chicken chopped up with mushrooms broccoli and red onion. [See photo] I did use some almond flour when forming the base just to give that semolina-look. It was honestly perfect. Definitely recommend..

Healthy Recipe Ideas

Find more recipes on our blog via keyword: recipe, or visit website.

Sources: Reddit u/pietyp photo and recipe

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Fat-Burning Lipotropics, B Vitamins, and Weight Loss

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Feb 1, 2021
B Vitamins and fat burning
green vegetables

What are Vitamins?

Vitamins are a group of … compounds which are essential for normal [function] but which are not synthesized … by the body and [must be included] in small quantities from the diet. In total, humans require adequate amounts of 13 vitamins: four fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) and nine water soluble vitamins, which comprise vitamin C and the eight B vitamins… {NIH}


  • Improve appetite suppression & increase fat burning
  • Increase energy & mental clarity
  • Improve sense of well being
  • Improve skin, hair, and nails
  • Decrease inflammation
Lipotropics are a class of nutrients that target body fat and aid in its metabolism. Particularly, choline, inositol, and methionine have clinically shown to increase fat metabolism thus aid in weight loss. {NIH}

Along with B vitamins, these may be administered to intensify fat burning. B vitamins help convert energy from the compound protein, carbohydrates, and fats you eat.

What are B Vitamins?

These vitamins help a variety of enzymes do their jobs, ranging from releasing energy from carbohydrates and fat to breaking down amino acids and transporting oxygen and energy-containing nutrients around the body. {HSPH}

  • B1 (Thiamine): Conversion of carbohydrates into energy and glucose metabolism. Important in nerve, muscle, and heart functions, as well as brain and digestive systems.
  • B2 (Riboflavin): Breaking down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates; maintaining the body's energy supply; assists in blood circulation and thyroid activity.
  • B3 (Niacin): Helps lower LDL cholesterol
  • B5 (Pantothenic Acid) Production of blood cells, skin, hair, and eyes; assists functions of the nervous system, liver and  digestive system.
  • B6 (Pyridoxine): Improve mood and promotes brain health
  • B7 (Biotin) Metabolizes food components into energy; and aids in blood glucose levels, insulin resistance and glucose tolerance.
  • B9 (Folate, Folic acid) Helpful in a number of domains including memory loss, sleep problems, nerve and muscle pain, also in prevention of high blood pressure and heart disease.
  • B12 (Cobalamin) Improve mood and symptoms of depression and provides an energy boost -- helps with fatigue and weakness.

B-ring it on

Vitamins help the process your body uses to get or make energy from the food you eat. They also help in development of core components such as red blood cells. B vitamin deficiencies can also cause disease. Your best plan is to seek out foods that naturally contain the vitamins and nutrients your body needs for normal, healthful, growth and development.

Learn More

Dr Oksana Aron can help guide you to proper food choices to aid in weight loss and fundamental good life practices. Visit weightlossnyc.com to learn more about her medical weight loss programs and also for additional online weight loss resources.

Sources: NIH, HSPH, WeightLossNYC.com

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11 Celebrity Weight Loss Secrets?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC May 21, 2013

Dr. Oksana Aron recommends taking a fresh look at the foods you eat every day is an important healthy start. Keep switching out some of the unhealthy items in your diet with healthier ingredients, you will feel and see the difference in your diet.

There are No Secrets, Just Healthy Facts

Media love to hype up celebrity diets, but you don’t need an endorsement to read up on healthier food options for your diet.

healthy dieting options
Healthy Dieting Program

Healthier foods, healthier you

On the quest for foods that help you lose weight? Or are you in a meal planning rut? Look no further than the following healthy foods to incorporate in your next meal to mix it up and drop some pounds. The only celebrity here is you, making famous food choices to build a healthier you.

  1. Black Beans

    An excellent non-meat source of protein, 1 cup of black beans give you 15 grams of protein to keep you full and satisfied
  2. Green Tea

    It boosts your metabolism and may even prevent fat absorption
  3. Cucumbers

    Cucumbers help you feel full and satisfied, but are low in calories
  4. Olive Oil

    Its healthy monounsaturated fats lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol
  5. Bran Cereal

    A high-fiber alternative to other breakfast cereals, it can help you cut calories and stay fuller
  6. Pears

    With 5 grams of fiber, they're as filling as they are delicious. They also contain pectin, which helps lower bad cholesterol.
  7. Dark Chocolate

    Its antioxidants may help boost your metabolism
  8. Wild Salmon

    Salmon can keep you feeling full and satisfied with its high levels of omega-3s
  9. Eggs

    Eating eggs for breakfast can lower your daily caloric intake by 400 calories.
  10. Low-Fat Mozzarella String Cheese

    With no carbs and lean protein, it helps you feel full.
  11. All-Natural Peanut Butter

    Its piceatannol content helps block the formation of fat cells.

Lose Weight Fast Diet Plan

You can lose weight quickly by calling us at 718-491-5525 for your initial consultation. By taking a holistic approach to your unique needs, Dr. Aron will help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

“Today’s diet is tomorrow’s body” — Oksana Aron, M.D.

Medical weight loss is the only clinical solution recommended by the American Society of Bariatric Physicians.

Visit Dr Aron at WeightLossNYC.com

Cite: rd.com; besthealthmag.ca; everydayhealth.com

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Thanksgiving Survival Guide, from Oksana Aron, M.D.

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Nov 19, 2012

How to Have a Happy Thanksgiving without Really Trying

thanksgiving is about the people you spend it with.

We’ve prepared this Thanksgiving Survival Guide* to give you ideas on how to best avoid overeating this Thursday, and keep yourself together on your weight loss program.

Abate Your Appetite; Trounce Temptation

The best way to battle any festival meal, where eating is the presumed focus, is to reduce your appetite thus obviously significantly lowering your temptation. You can follow these steps as guidelines to keep you on track with your diet plan.

Before You Go

  • As always, eat an appropriate breakfast as Dr. Aron has provided for your plan.
  • Be sure to include a real protein source to invoke satiety.
  • Keep up on your hydration. Drinking water will also help keep you feeling full.
  • Likewise, throughout the day, avoid alcoholic beverages for their dehydrating effects and of course insane caloric values.

Boots on the Ground

Once you’re there, keep it simple and safe:

  • Salad is always your friend. Enjoy the simple greens, not salads overladen with extras you know aren’t helpful to your diet.
  • Veggies, again mostly green, also round out your plate nicely and fill you up before looking further.
  • 4 ounce skinless white meat turkey as your meal protein. Keeping to the lower fat cut is the obvious choice.
  • Small samples of gravy or sauces for flavor are ok yet at a minimum. Avoid alcohol drinks entirely.
  • Small portion of potatoes or stuffing are better than breads and rolls.
  • Dessert? Only if you must, enjoy a small one. Better to enjoy a little more turkey, or better yet veggies/salad, we suggest.
“When facing the challenges of dieting during the holidays, remember to keep your focus on what’s really important — the people you’re spending the holidays with."

Remember Why You Came

Truly, the holidays are about getting together with friends and loved ones. Open your mouth more for the laughs and conversation, and keep the focus on the fun not the food. Think ahead when you get back home how much happier you'll be knowing you spent the day in conversation not in consuming unneeded calories.

Leftovers are Left for Others

You’re on a diet plan. You can leave them for others and keep the holiday meal behind as you walk out the door. Weather-permitting, keep on walking … and enjoy more conversation and fresh air as you move your body after a festival meal. When you get home, get back on your regular plan and keep the fond memories of the friends you enjoyed your holiday with.

Happy Thanksgiving, from Dr. Aron and Staff of WeightLossNYC

For more information on safe and healthy weight loss diet plans, visit our website WeightLossNYC.com and start losing weight, today.

*Thanksgiving Survival Guide, from Oksana Aron, M.D. is a copyrighted work by Weight Loss NYC® adapted from HRI Thanksgiving Success Plan. Image adapted from morgueFile.

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