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Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Blog

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Her medical weight loss program provides real results for overweight and obese persons seeking non-surgical medical treatment, with lasting results.

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Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Center

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Fickle Foods that can Fool you

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Mar 11, 2024

Some Foods can be False Friends

Many tempting foods in marketed as low-fat or low-calorie, or even fat-free quite often can be counter-productive to your weight loss goals. Eating real, minimally processed foods is always the best option, along with maintaining a healthy active lifestyle.

Pro tip: Mix up your own healthy fruits into real yogurt

bowl of yogurt with berries
  • Flavored Yogurts

    With yogurts legendary health and wellness appeal, what could be wrong? The marketing spin on flavored yogurts (event low-fat ones) can present flavorful additions like sugary preserves and non-natural sweeteners. Even pro-biotic yogurts present more marketing spin than health benefits. As always, real the label — Look for low-fat Greek yogurt varieties without additional sweeteners.

  • Bagged Salads

    The convenience and comfort of a premade salad can’t be understated, just be mindful of the fillings — bacon or sweeted fruits and nuts, fatty cheeses and meats, plus high-fat salad dressing just negate any intent of Healthy and Salad.

  • Granola Bars

    So much confusion about healthy here. Along with shelf-stabilizers and other additives, consider many granola bars may simply be remarketed cookies. Consider DIY your own granola mix, so you know what is in it and it will taste so much better too. Try with apples and cinnamon or other takes, and make it fun and your own.

  • Coffee

    Coffee on its own is fine — our grind with coffee (sorry, we went there…) is the popular trend of creamy lattes and crazy toppings that just dose you with a big calories spike nobody needs to have.

Weight Loss Help

Visit WeightLossNYC.com to start working with Brooklyn diet doctor Dr. Oksana Aron, medical weight loss physican expert — to help you to lose weight where other methods have not. She will develop an actionable plan for you to start losing weight easily — schedule your first visit today.

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