Association between Obesity and Colon Cancer
Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Dec 13, 2023Obesity and Cancer
Health Risks of being overweight includes over a dozen cancers along with worse outcomes including greater chances of death.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]:
Being overweight or having obesity increases your risk of getting cancer.
You may be surprised to learn that being overweight or having obesity are linked with a higher risk of getting 13 types of cancer. These cancers make up 40% of all cancers diagnosed in the United States each year.…

“Obesity has been associated with reduced survival in some cancers.…
“In metastatic colon cancer, obesity has been associated with reduced survival…
“Adipose tissue also makes up a large proportion of breast cancer, and obesity has been shown to increase tumor inflammation, the researchers note.
Researchers from Michigan State University and Oakland University in Rochester, MI, discovered how leptin, a fat cell-derived hormone, may aid in the progression of colon cancer. Their results appear in a paper called Novel Mechanism for Obesity-induced Colon Cancer Progression
published in Carcinogenesis.
[Researchers] discovered how leptin, a fat cell-derived hormone, may aid in the progression of colon cancer. They found that the hormone induced precancerous colon cells to increase production of a growth factor that enhances blood supply to early cancer cells promoting tumor growth and cancer progression.
Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center
Dr Oksana Aron is a medical doctor specialized in helping patients lose weight where other methods have proved insufficient. Visit her practice website at to learn more about her medical weight loss program and schedule your first consultation today.
Sources: GEN News:Novel Mechanism for Obesity-induced Colon Cancer Progression" (retrieved 2019, updated 2023),
Obesity Factors Implicated in Anti-VEGF Therapy Failure against Breast Cancer(retrieved 2023), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention