7 Easy Healthy Eating Tips to Slim Down
Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jul 6, 2012
By eating healthy, fresh foods you can get a great variety of flavor and lose weight at the same time. Here, we share a few tips on how to incorporate healthy foods in your diet and tell you what you can cut out for faster weight loss. It's not as complicated as you think, so read on.
1.) Eat your veggies
Filling your plate with a lot of fresh vegetables can help you lose weight. They can also keep you satisfied with their high water and fiber content.
Tip: Fill your plate with three different veggies so you not only get those nutrients in your diet, but also take in less calories. Also: season them with spices, lemon juice or olive oil and skip the salad dressing for a low-fat alternative.
2.) Soup it up
Including a healthy soup in your daily diet can keep you from eating too many calories. The key is to find a healthy soup that's broth-based, not creamy, and is low in sodium (many popular brands are very high in sodium, so look out).
Tip: Choose a low-calorie, low-sodium soup with a high vegetable content. Other healthy ingredients may include lentils and beans for extra fiber and protein.
3.) Tall drinks
Of course, it helps to only drink water, but whenever drinking a beverage, opt for a tall, skinny glass instead of a short, wide one. The reason? Studies show the tall glass provides a visual cue for you to drink as much as 25 to 35 percent less.
4.) Fresh breath
Looking for a simple way to keep snack attacks away? Chewing sugarless mint gum with a strong flavor has shown to be effective at preventing mindless snacking.
5.) A better pizza slice
When you eat or make your own pizza, you can make it healthier with the right toppings and ingredients.
Tip: Try low-fat or skim cheese, thin whole wheat crust and all-veggie toppings to lower the calories.
6.) Phase out soda
By replacing one soda a day with water instead, you can save yourself an extra 450 calories a day. One study showed that participants who drank soda regularly gained 2.5 pounds in a four-week period. By cutting out the unnecessary sugar, your teeth and waistline will thank you.
7.) Say no to bacon
Cutting out two slices of bacon can save you at least 100 calories a day, which can total a loss of up to 10 pounds in one year.
Tip: Instead, substitute other proteins such as tofu or eggs. Healthier bacon substitutions can include a turkey version (just make sure it is low in fat).
Lose weight fast with a customized diet plan. No surgery or diet food required! Schedule your appointment with WeightLossNYC today by calling 718-491-5525.
Source: webmd.com
Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Labels: appetite, brooklyn, calories, diet, fat, lose weight, low fat, manhattan, new york, snacks