lose weight fast

Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Blog

Weight Loss Motivation. Weight Loss Results.

Dr. Aron brings you fun and important weight loss tips, exciting diet recipes, medical weight loss breakthroughs, and a steady source of weight loss motivation.

Her medical weight loss program provides real results for overweight and obese persons seeking non-surgical medical treatment, with lasting results.

Call now — 718-491-5525 or visit WeightLossNYC.com

Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Center

7032 4th Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11209, Directions to office

How Did I Gain Weight?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Feb 8, 2024

6 Ways You Overeat (that you can easily overcome)

You know what’s good for you to eat and you know what’s bad. You may not be the strictest dieter, but you generally follow the rules. Why is it then that you still gain weight? Are you sabotaging yourself or is there something else going on that you aren't aware of? The answers to these questions are surprising facts you need to know to help you stop gaining extra pounds.

  1. Don’t Let Your Senses Fool You

    If you’ve ever told someone you can’t smell fast food without gaining weight, you know what this is all about — and there is some truth to that. The sight or smell of food can trigger your hunger and make you crave it and want more of it. Keeping bad foods out of sight, out of reach and far from your olfactory senses can prevent that desire to overeat.

  2. Pay Attention to What You Eat

    Watching what you eat takes on a whole new meaning when you learn that eating while distracted can cause you to overeat. If your mind is elsewhere, it may not register that you are filling your stomach. Be sure to drop the multitasking and turn off the TV while you eat so that your body knows when it is truly satisfied.

  3. Make It Exciting

    Variety in what you eat can lessen your chances of overstuffing yourself. It’s a fact that we make room for dessert, even after having a huge meal because we haven’t satisfied our sweet tooth yet. The solution? Include a bit of fruit in your meal (or try as a dessert alternative) to get that fix.

  4. Portion Control

    The larger your plate or take-out container, the more you could potentially eat. When eating out of a larger container, you could eat 25 to 50 percent more than someone else eating from a smaller one. The trick is to use smaller utensils, bowls, plates, etc. so it doesn’t appear that you are depriving yourself.

  5. Avoid Alcohol

    Not only can alcoholic beverages add unnecessary calories to your diet, it can stimulate your appetite. Too much of it can impair your judgement — and cause you to overeat. Limiting your intake or steering clear of it keeps those unwanted calories away.

  6. Keep warm

    Colder temperatures make you want to eat more and your metabolism drops (just think how cool restaurants are kept). Regulate your hunger by keeping the temps in your own home warm and not too cool.

Easy Way to Lose Weight Fast

Visit at WeightLossNYC.com and learn about our successful medical weight loss program. You can lose up to 20 pounds per month or more under the supervision and expert care of Dr Oksana Aron.

Call WeightLossNYC today 718-491-5525

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Burning off the Fat Takes More Than You Think

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jan 19, 2024


Hyperlipidemia defines an elevated level of lipids — like cholesterol and triglycerides — in your blood. Doctors link this disease to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and other serious conditions like heart attack, stroke, and peripheral artery disease.

Fat Burner Foods

If you’re like most people, you have no real idea how much effort it takes to whittle down those extra ounces—or pounds—of fat that you just took in with your last meal or snack. You may even be diligent about exercising it off right away by taking long walks after lunch at work, or jumping on the elliptical at the gym when you have had a greasy meal. But sometimes, it's still not enough—and you can still gain weight. Here’s how to make sure you don’t gain more pounds or bite off more than you can burn up.

woman eating sugary breakfast cereal
Weight Loss Nutrition

Know What You’re Eating

Don’t approach food blindly. Read the nutrition labels and find out how many calories, fats and sugars it contains, and portion your meals accordingly.

Go High-Tech

Technology including smart watches and apps will pull you out of the dark when it comes to eating the right foods and learning what to avoid. There are calorie calculators and weight loss apps available to help you, so you have no excuse for not eating right!

Weight Loss Recipe Inspirations
fat burning foods

Learn More About Food

The more educated you are about food, the more responsible your diet choices. Read up on the health benefits of various fruits, vegetables and nuts, and incorporate them in your diet. You can also find healthy weight loss recipes online from a variety of resources, including this blog.

Lose Weight Fast

If you still struggle with a healthy weight loss diet plan, make an appointment with Dr. Oksana Aron and come up with a plan together.

Source: Guardian News

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Quality Calories vs. Junk Calories

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jan 16, 2024

Finding Healthy Calories

We all know when calories add up, so do the pounds. But where those calories come from is even more important. That’s why it’s vital to choose quality calories over empty ones for everything you eat.

green vegetable pasta
Weight Loss Nutrition

What to look for


Look to see what is in your food. Even though the package says it’s only 100 calories, if they include hydrogenated oils instead of far-healthier olive or sunflower oil or bleached white flour instead of whole grains, then it’s junk.


We all need roughly 25 grams a day of fiber, which not only helps with regularity, it can keep us feeling fuller and more satisfied than foods without it. Fiber in turn keeps you from overeating and helps you consume less overall calories.


If the sugar content is high, then it’s not good for you. If you’re going to eat sugar at all, make sure it’s natural and comes from fruits or vegetables instead of refined sugar in processed foods. Too many sugars in your diet cause you to gain weight.


Fat is actually a necessary part of a healthy diet — as long as it’s unsaturated. Watch out for trans fats and saturated fats, which will make you fat!

Vitamins and Minerals

Check to see what kinds of vitamins and minerals are in what you’re about to eat. If it has none, then you know it has no nutritional value. Healthy snacks and foods, however, will have at least some.

Get More Guidance

Still confused about low calorie-diets? Learn more how Dr Oksana Aron medically supervised diet plan can get you on the right path to healthy weight loss results.

Start your journey with your initial consultation with Weight Loss Medical Expert Dr. Oksana Aron.

Source: SelfGrowth

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Banish That Belly Bloat

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jan 10, 2024

What floats your bloat??

Knowing which healthy foods help you lose weight isn’t good enough — you also need to know which types of food make you bloated and appear heavier than you really are so you can steer clear of them.

Belly bloat
Your Food Choices Matter

What’s the main culprit of a bloated belly? Sodium. You know, having too much salt in your diet, which typically comes from processed and/or junk food in your diet.

Top Ten Troublemakers

The top 10 sources of food that contribute to belly bloat, according to the CDC, Centers for Disease Control

  1. Bread
  2. Cold Cuts and Cured Meats
  3. Pizza
  4. Poultry
  5. Soups
  6. Fast-food Burgers and Sandwiches
  7. Cheese
  8. Pasta
  9. Meatloaf and other meat dishes
  10. Salty snacks (potato chips, pretzels)

Not only can many of these foods add pounds, but they can make you look bloated and larger than your true size. Additionally, too much salt intake can lead to other health problems such as high blood pressure. By avoiding the less healthy foods in this list or at least limiting your intake, you can keep the weight off and the bloating away. Also, be sure to eat mainly whole, natural foods that aren’t processed for a healthy weight and size.

Tips for cutting down sodium

  • Season your food with spices instead of salt
  • When a recipe calls for salt and you are already using other ingredients such as canned tomatoes that contain salt, leave it out
  • Select foods that are “low-salt” or “no-salt.”

    But be careful: foods marked as “reduced sodium” may still contain a lot of it. Aim for no more than 200 mg of sodium per serving.
Weight Loss Meals
gooey pizza

Weight Loss Consultation

Today can be the beginning of a healthier you. Start working with Dr Oksana Aron, Medical Weight Loss Doctor in Brooklyn, for personal guidance on your proper diet and nutrition to lose weight quickly under physician supervision.

Visit Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center website: WeightLossNYC™ to learn more, and schedule your weight loss consultation today.

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A New Year, a New You

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Dec 30, 2023

Weight Loss Happens

How does a new year inspire you?

Year Odometer Turning
New Year Diet Plan

Same Old Song?

Next year, I’ll be more disciplined.

Next year, I’ll lose the weight.

Next year, I’ll…

Every year, it’s the same. You make up a list of resolutions that you don’t end up fulfilling, and the number on the scale continues to go higher.

Don’t let it be another year like this.

Make yourself the New Year’s resolution of making an appointment with Dr. Aron at WeightLossNYC to start the new year off right. This is the year you make a real change, so don’t delay and call 718-491-5525 today!

New Year, New Start

Look ahead and make a smart step to work with a weight loss professional. Dr Oksana Aron has decades of experience helping patients lose weight where other methods have failed them.

Visit us at WeightLossNYC.com,

Check out:

Happy New Year 🥳 from Dr Oksana Aron

We look forward to working with you in the new year.

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The One Easiest Weight Loss Tip Ever

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Dec 28, 2023

Lose weight Easily

Is losing weight your number one goal? Setting a goal is great, however break it down into actionable steps so you can start seeing progress right away.

Today’s weight loss tip is so simple, yet most people don’t even consider it when trying to shed pounds. It’s one thing we can’t live without: sleep.

Get More Sleep, Lose Weight

Not getting enough sleep is linked to weight gain and obesity. When you’re tired, you reach for the wrong foods and wind up consuming extra calories. It also makes you hungrier, so you end up eating more than you need:

  • A study published in the Wall Street Journal in 2012 found that inadequate sleep triggered increased levels of ghrelin, the hormone that causes hunger, in men.
  • In women, it can lower their levels of the hormone GLP-1, which suppresses appetite.

Do Something About It

If you haven’t been getting enough shut eye (around 6-8 hours for adults), let’s change that. You’ll not only improve your weight loss success, you’ll also improve your quality of life and even live longer than those who are sleep deprived.

Tip: Be sure to shut off your computers, cell phones and TV at least one hour before bedtime to drift off to sleep easily.

If there’s one simple step to take right now to lose weight, sleeping enough is it. Try it and watch how quickly things will change!

Big Changes, Small Steps

Is it time for a change? Take the first step by calling us at 718-491-5525 to set your first appointment with Dr. Oksana Aron at WeightLossNYC™. We’re here to help you every step of the way to your healthiest weight ever.

Source: Huffington Post

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Turn Down the Thermostat to Maintain Weight

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Dec 18, 2023

Hot Weight Loss Tip

We previously shared you can turn up the heat on your food by eating hot peppers and bell peppers to lose weight. Now, we’re turning the tables and saying you can also cool things down to lose or maintain your weight — It’s as easy as turning down the temperature on your thermostat in your home.

weight loss metabolism and temperature
Faster Weight Loss

The reason is this: human metabolism slows down in warmer temperatures. When the temperature is 77 to 80 degrees, that’s when the body’s metabolic rate is at its lowest. In colder temperatures, however, the body works hard to warm itself, which burns calories.

Get out of the comfort zone

This reduced exposure to indoor cold may have minimized the need for higher energy expenditure for the body to stay warm, Johnson and co-authors suggested.

What researchers discovered is that since the 1960s, our norms of thermal comfort have been changed by using central heating, which can lower the body’s own internal thermostat and its ability to burn fat — and it may also contribute to widespread obesity, according to research by Fiona Johnson, MRCPsych, and colleagues at the University College London, as published in Obesity Reviews.

Cool Weight Loss Tip

The conclusion? There is a causal link between increased time spent in thermal comfort and weight gain. So if you normally keep the thermostat high during the cold months, time to turn it down. You’ll not only save on your heating bill, you could save yourself some pounds!

Actionable Weight Loss

Make an actionable weight loss plan with Dr. Oksana Aron today at Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center, WeightLossNYC™. Take the first step by starting today

Sources: NIH, MedPageToday (retrieved 2012), digitalart/FreeDigitalPhotos

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Yo-Yo Dieting Weight-Gain Myth, Busted!

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Dec 9, 2023

Facts and Friction of Yo-Yo Dieting

You gain weight, you lose some and then you gain some more.

Then you start to wonder if you’ll ever get back to your old weight, worried that you’ve messed up that chance completely.

Weight Loss FAQ

This phenomenon is called yo-yo dieting or weight cycling. No matter what you call it, it’s a vicious and frustrating cycle for 40 percent of men and women in the Western world who are trying to lose weight or stay trim.

But a new study shows that yo-yo dieting will not affect your overall weight loss goals and does not negatively impact your metabolism.

Although severe yo-yo dieters were, on average, almost 20 pounds heavier than the women who were not yo-yo dieters when the study began, at the end of the study the researchers found no significant differences between those who had a history of yo-yo dieting and those who did not.

If you’ve struggled with your weight for years, don’t give up! You still have a chance at achieving your weight loss and health goals. The latest research proves that it’s never too late to get started on a healthier lifestyle by making healthy diet and exercise choices so you can have the body and life you’ve always dreamed of.

The weight cycling did not affect the women’s ability to successfully participate in diet or exercise programs, the study authors reported. Yo-yo dieting also did not affect the percentage of body fat and lean muscle mass gained or lost among the women, they noted.

Help Losing Weight

Are you not making the kind of weight-loss progress you would like? Don’t struggle with it on your own. Call WeightLossNYC at 718-491-5525 to or visit online to schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Aron, who will keep you on track and motivated to lose up to 20 lbs. a month.

Sources: nlm.nih.gov, MedlinePlus, National Library of Medicine

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3 Weight Gain Facts for Women

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Nov 27, 2023

Women and Weight Gain

For women, weight gain happens throughout all life stages, but each stage contains its own set of reasons and risk factors. Review here--from puberty through menopause--how and why women may gain weight, and how you can use that knowledge to your advantage to keep off the weight.

sultry woman
Weight Loss Woman


Teenage weight gain: Start healthy habits early

  • The earlier a girl starts puberty, the more likely she is to be overweight or obese as an adult. If she starts her period before age 11, she is likely to weight between 9 and 11 pounds more than another woman who started hers after age 14. Additionally, as many as 26 percent of women who started puberty early were considered obese by age 30 compared with 15 percent of the other women.

  • It’s difficult to imagine weight gain as a problem during childhood, but the childhood obesity epidemic proves this is an important time to start healthy diet and exercise habits that will last throughout the child’s adult life. It’s never too early to start. In fact, the earlier you start your child on a road to healthy living, the better!


Healthy habits during pregnancy help post-partum weight loss

  • Weight gain is expected during pregnancy, but you still have to proceed with caution and be careful not to gain an excessive amount of weight. Gaining 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy is usually the goal. Typically, a pregnant woman will gain 2 to 4 pounds in the first trimester, then 1 pound per week after that, but it depends on the woman’s pre-pregnancy weight because 1 pound per week may be too much for some. Your doctor will give you guidance on what your ideal weight during pregnancy should be.

  • After pregnancy, many women’s bodies will hold on to 5 pounds of that gained weight, which may never be shed, but they generally will lose about 10 pounds immediately following delivery. They can lose 5 pounds a month in the next couple of months depending on the following factors: breastfeeding, diet and exercise level. By staying active, getting exercise, eating a healthy diet and breastfeeding, you can lose weight faster and easier.


Hormonal changes contribute to weight gain

  • Two-thirds of women are overweight by the time they reach their 50s. A drop in estrogen production is a possible cause, which causes the body to store fat, making weight loss more difficult.

  • Weight loss can be more challenging for women after menopause, so it’s important to seek the help of your doctor to ensure you’re getting proper nutrition, exercise and remain in overall good health. By doing all of the above, you’re increasing your chance of maintaining a healthy weight and leading a healthier, happier life.

Fast Weight Loss help is here

Find answers to your questions on weight loss, weight control, nutrition and more, by visiting Dr. Aron at WeightLossNYC.com; or call to schedule your first appointment with Dr. Aron today at 718-491-5525 and learn new skills for weight loss success today.

Source: dummies.com

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6 Simple Weight Loss Secrets Revealed

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Nov 22, 2023

Start losing weight today

Looking to lose weight the fast and easy way? Well, aren’t we all… In addition to a healthy diet and exercise plan, try these weight loss tips and tricks to shed some pounds and stay on track with your weight loss goals. Better yet, these helpful hints require almost no effort at all.

healthy breakfast
Start Your Day Right

Six Simple Steps

  1. Rest up.

    Did you know? People who only get 5 hours of sleep can gain as many as 2 lbs. in 5 days. They also consume 6% more calories, according to a new study from the University of Colorado, Boulder. So be sure to catch some Z’s in addition to eating right throughout the day.

  2. Start with a hearty breakfast.

    Curb those carbs in the morning and opt for a healthy egg-and-veggie scramble or omelette instead. Eating eggs in the morning instead of a bagel equals 264 less calories consumed the rest of the day, says a Saint Louis University study. Its protein can also help you stay fuller.

  3. Don’t hold off on eating lunch.

    Some people let their hectic schedule dictate when they eat lunch, but that can affect your weight loss goals. Eating lunch late (after 3 p.m.) can cause you to lose less weight and have a lower insulin sensitivity. Even when eating healthfully, waiting too long to eat can undermine your diet’s effectiveness.

  4. Think small.

    People eat 35% less when eating from a small, individual plate rather than serving themselves from a large platter in the middle of the table.

  5. Remember what you ate.

    Thinking back on what you ate for your last meal and how satisfied you were can help you consume 30% less calories at snack time.

  6. Ditch TV watching while eating.

    People who eat while watching TV consume 288 more calories per meal on average compared to those who don’t. This is an easy, no-brainer way to eat less.

Want to lose 10 to 20 pounds in a month, possibly more?

Dr. Aron is here to help: Get your own structured medical diet program and start moving towards reaching your weight loss goals. Call 718-491-5525 today or visit WeightLossNYC.com to book your first appointment.

Sources: colorado.edu; everydayhealth.com; health.yahoo.net

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A Healthier Chip? A Weight Loss Tip

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Nov 20, 2023

Slip away from the chips…

fatty snack chips
Healthier Diet Plan

Even healthy dieters need to snack throughout the day. But what should you do when you suddenly crave something that’s oh so bad for your weight loss goals? Don’t reach for your salty, greasy standby, the potato chip. Instead, grab something else that not only satisfies that same craving but is much healthier—and tastier.

Life has its ups, life has its dips…

A recent Harvard study found that potato chips are one of the top contributors to weight gain, and it’s no surprise, considering that they are fried and covered in grease. The snack options below, however, have fewer calories and fat.

Healthier Alternatives to Potato Chips

  • Baked or sweet potato chips
  • Apple chips
  • Taro chips
  • Kale chips (easy to make at home!)
  • Plantain chips
  • Soy crisps
  • Lightly salted dried Fruit or Veggie
  • Try this: Dehydrated Green beans

Step up to the plate

If you still need help in developing healthy eating habits, schedule an appointment to speak with Dr. Oksana Aron to work on a weight loss plan and fast weight loss diet plan.

Schedule Appointment today, 718-491-5525

Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center is here for you. Visit us at WeightLossNYC.com

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More Obese Americans than Overweight

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jun 29, 2015
surprised woman

Americans continue to gain weight

Several striking news reports reflect that in the US, more adults who are obese outnumber those who are just overweight. The LA Times reported notes from published in JAMA Internal Medicine quoting “adults who are obese now outnumber those who are merely overweight.”

[Researchers] estimated that 67.6 million Americans over the age of 25 were obese as of 2012, and an additional 65.2 million were overweight.
  • Washington Post remarks “"[this is] a startling shift from 20 years ago when 63 percent of men and 55 percent of women were overweight or obese and a depressing sign that campaigns to get Americans to eat healthier and exercise more may be failing.”
  • CBS News (website) notes the ”analyzed data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2007 to 2012 to estimate the prevalence of overweight and obesity.” including details on “15,208 men and women age 25 or older.”
  • TIME magazine iterated “40% of men were overweight and 35% of men were obese” — “30% of women were overweight and 37% were obese.” Numbers “are similar to those estimated by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which suggest that one third of American adults are obese.”
  • and MedPage Today remarked “33% of Americans ages 25 to 54, and 28% of those 55 and older, fell into the normal weight category of having a (BMI) of 18.5-24.9.”

Am I obese? or just Overweight?

You can test your own at WeightLossNYC™ for free online now, and determine your health risk and obesity/overweight metric.

For more results, you can visit for a complete medical evaluation and treatment of your body weight, fat, metabolism and more.

Source AMA medical rounds, JAMA, CDC, and cited news sources

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Why aren't you losing weight? 5 factors that can slow your metabolism

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jan 8, 2015

Why aren’t you losing weight?

Slow Metabolism could be a culprit

Fast, slow or so-so, your metabolism controls your weight loss. No matter how quickly your body burns calories, there are other factors involved. These are just some things that can slow down your metabolism, but the good news is them.

5 Factors that can Slow your Metabolism

  1. Stress

    How much stress are you under? It could be the reason you can’t lose those last few nagging pounds. When your body’s under stress, it releases the hormone cortisol, which tells your body to hold onto weight. Try to avoid stressors as much as you can, while also seeking out ways in which you can manage your stress.

  2. Not exercising

    If you don’t burn enough calories through exercise, then your unused calories turn into fat. Be sure to exercise a few times a week to control your weight. Also wear a pedometer or track how many calories you burn through your exercise so you can keep up with your progress.

  3. Poor diet

    Eating too much? Not enough? You’re asking for trouble. Feed your body the fuel it needs to get through the day and keep your body at a healthy weight. Believe it or not, eating too little or skipping meals could lead to weight gain. Instead, nourish your body with healthy natural foods to stay in top shape.

  4. Not snoozing enough

    When you don’t rest enough, you can gain weight by disrupting your metabolic patterns. Sleeping an ideal amount of hours each night, however, can boost your metabolism. For adults, get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night.

  5. Medication

    If you’re on any medications such as anti-depressants, they could cause you to gain weight as well. Discuss it with your doctor if you believe that’s the case and find out if there are other options that won’t lead to weight gain.

How to Lose Weight

Improve your health, too

If you haven’t noticed, keeping your metabolism in check means simply taking care of your overall health. While it’s important to want to lose weight, you also have to do it in a healthy, informed way. Follow the above steps and you’ll be on your way to a fitter figure, and you’ll also be leading a healthier and more fulfilled life

We can help

Dr. Aron is able to test your metabolism to see if it is slow.

Whether you have a slow metabolism or not, let Dr. Oksana Aron help you find your weight gain triggers and develop a structured plan for weight loss success. Please call us at 718-491-5525 and make your first appointment with WeightLossNYC™.

Source: EverydayHealth

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Ask the Doctor: Is Saturated Fat Bad for You?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jul 16, 2014

The Facts on Fat

Topics: Weight Loss, Obesity, Health

Are you trying to eat right? You're probably overwhelmed with dieting tips and information--some good and some downright incorrect. Just when you thought you knew what you were doing, another new study comes out and changes everything.

The Fat and Skinny on Fat

Doctors and dieting gurus have been harping on staying away from saturated fats, but the latest news challenges all that. Surprisingly, new evidence from a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine questions popular advice to cut out saturated fats and to eat polyunsaturated fats to prevent heart disease (and weight gain).

In the University of Cambridge study, researchers found no evidence supporting dietary guidelines of avoiding saturated fats to reduce heart disease risk. They also found that omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid supplements didn't have any significant effect on reducing cardiovascular disease either. Rather than focusing on macronutrients, we should consider the food groups our meals are based on.

Fat is still… fat

So, what do you do now? Should you start eating saturated fats with abandon? Not exactly. Until further research proves saturated fats are completely harmless, the secret to staying healthy, losing weight and lessening your chances of heart disease is still the same advice: eat a healthy diet, stay active and don’t smoke.

Lose Weight Fast without surgery

Want to fit into that little black dress or slimmer wedding gown? You can start making progress on your weight loss today. Call WeightLossNYC at 718-491-5525 and make your first appointment with Dr Aron, Bariatric Physician.

Sources: ScienceDaily; Delish

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Sugar or Sweetener?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jun 21, 2014

Taste with Your Brain?

Over recent years many people have been reaching for artificial sweeteners, thinking that it’s healthier than the real thing. It turns out that your tastebuds don’t know the difference between sugar and sweetener — but your brain does.

A new study out of the Netherlands used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure brain responses in people sipping two different orangeade drinks — one mixed with sugar and another mixed with four artificial sweeteners (aspartame, acesulfame K, cyclamate and saccharin).

The sugar and sweeteners were found to stimulate the amygdala, which is the part of the brain that detects pleasure. Only the sugared drink stimulated the caudate in the brain, showing that the human brain can tell the difference between a caloric drink and a noncaloric one.

Other research on artificially sweetened beverages include:

  • They can activate parts of the brain that create appetite, but do not satiate it.
  • Increased appetite has been found to occur in people who don’t consume artificially sweetened beverages often.
  • People who drink artificially sweetened beverages regularly tend to weigh more than those who don’t.
  • For those who consume a lot of artificially sweetened beverages, however, their brains, can become used to the sweeteners and may not necessarily cause them to eat more.
weight loss center

Sweet Opportunity

Visit WeightLossNYC.com to learn more about medical weight loss and how you can lose weight fast under physician supervision. Dr. Aron is a leading bariatric physician in Brooklyn.

Fast Weight Loss Testimonial

Listen to Cynthia tell you in her own words her experience with Weight Loss NYC.

Los Angeles Times

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Gain More Self-Control, Not Weight

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Nov 12, 2013

Colorful Weight Loss Ideas

There’s a lot more science to how much we eat than we think. According to a new study called “Plate Size and Color Suggestibility” published in the Journal of Consumer Research, the color of your plate affects how much food you eat.

When there is a low contrast of color between your plate and food, you will serve yourself and eat more food—as much as 22 percent more—than when there's a high contrast of color between your plate and food. Over time, this can cause extra pounds and an expanded waistline.

The study also found that reducing the contrast of color between your dinnerware and background (tablecloth, place mat) can reduce over-serving by up to 10 percent.

Takeaway: Don't just vary the color of healthy foods such as veggies and fruits on your plate--also work on dining with plates in a sharp contrast to what you're eating so you pay more attention to portions. Choosing a dining "background" with a low contrast to your plate will enhance the effect.

Another tip: Serve on small plates for smaller portions. The larger the plate, the larger the portions!

Winning Tip: Make a weight loss diet plan that gets results quickly and safely. Schedule an appointment with WeightLossNYC® today by calling 718-491-5525

Credits: foodpsychology.cornell.edu Image: Chaiwat at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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Using Calories to Your Advantage

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Aug 10, 2013

Weight Loss Nutrition

Maintaining a healthy weight and/or losing unhealthy weight is a science. What does it all boil down to? Calories, plain and simple.

You don’t have to obsessively count every single calorie, but here’s some food for thought if you want to lose weight or simply want to maintain it.

To lose weight, you need to consume less calories than the ones you burn (via exercise or typical daily activities).

To maintain your weight, you just need to consume the exact number of calories that you need and burn daily.

Figure out how many calories you need

Here’s a quick formula to estimate calorie needs on a daily basis:

Your Weight X 12 = Number of calories needed for weight maintenance

To lose about 1 pound per week: Reduce intake by 500 calories/day

Weight Loss Tip:

Make sure you’re filling up on healthy calories and not junk food.

Need help coming up with a healthy diet program you can actually stick to?

Call Dr. Aron 718-491-5525 today and get started

Source: abcnews

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Who Are Your (Super) Heroes?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jul 18, 2013

Weight Loss Heroes

weight loss hero

Who are Your Heroes?

“Who are the heroes in your world -- the people who've got your back no matter what?”

Perhaps the hardest part of staying on your is having everyone around you be on your team.

One patient recently intimated, overtime staff hours were plenished with a tray of junk food to boost morale and sagging energy levels -- the exact opposite of what she needed to keep strong in her weight loss resolve.

Getting your friends and family behind you is one thing, getting the rest of the world on your side is another.

  • Let coworkers know your intentions: "Don't give me that donut. Don't even ask me…"
  • Bring your own life saver to office functions -- pack a safety healthy snack to keep you away from temptation at office party trays.
  • Don't go anywhere you don't need to be. After hours pub time is great social fun, but even one drink is gonna bust your diet ego. If you can't keep it to water and lemon, say, then suggest other plans or make sure you'll be with people who won't press you to consume disaster calories.

For more , keep up with Dr. Aron on twitter, facebook, or google plus pages.

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Fast Food Getting You Down?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Dec 4, 2012

New Fast-Food Health Risk: Depression

fast food link to depression

Don’t let fast food super-size you

Is fast food your weight loss kryptonite? Do you let yourself splurge while on the go, telling yourself, “It‘s just this once,” and that you’ll eat healthier tomorrow to make up for it?

Well that doesn’t work because you’ll just do it again. And again. Before long, you’ve packed on a few extra pounds and you don’t even know why.

Why is fast food bad for you?

Sure, fast food is convenient and cheap, but its unnatural ingredients come with health risks. When consumed regularly, fast food fills you up on fat and empty calories, causes you to gain weight and puts you at risk for obesity. Even worse, you can increase your chance of heart attack, stroke and liver disease.

But that’s not all. New evidence shows that fast food lovers have a higher risk of depression. A Spanish study published in Public Health Nutrition found that people who ate fast food were 51 percent more likely to be depressed.

What’s more, the study authors discovered what’s called a “dose-response relationship,” which means that the more fast food subjects ate the higher their risk of developing depression. And in this case fast food was not limited to just hotdogs, hamburgers, and pizza, but also what the researchers refer to as “commercial baked goods,” meaning foods like doughnuts, croissants, and snack cakes.

The healthy alternative

Think twice before you grab a bite to eat. Instead of dining out, dine at home. Follow a delicious, healthy recipe and learn how to cook for yourself. Knowing what’s in your food and how it’s made will keep you on the road to a healthy weight. People who cook at home are said to live longer too, so it can benefit you in many ways!

Healthy Weight Loss

Get answers to your weight loss and dieting questions today: If you need real guidance from a licensed bariatric physician on how to lose weight, call us at 718-491-5525 for your first consultation with Dr. Aron. You’ll receive clinically proven weight loss treatment that will make you a success story.

Sources: EverydayHealth; Huffington Post

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Can Your Daily Schedule Cause Obesity?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Sep 19, 2012
Are you at risk for obesity?

Obesity has become an epidemic and there are many factors why. Our modern era of processed and fast food, rushed schedules, and too many restaurants to choose from are a major part of it. Here's one obesity risk you've probably never heard of and how to reduce your risk.

A paper recently published in Bioessays by Dr. Cathy Wyse, working with the University of Aberdeen, examines how the human internal clock, or daily circadian rhythms, is affected by irregular eating and sleeping patterns and work schedules such as shift jobs, and whether that contributes to obesity or impacts health.

Says Wyse: "The human clock struggles to remain tuned to our highly irregular lifestyles, and I believe that this causes metabolic and other health problems, and makes us more likely to become obese."

Dr. Wyse believes that circadian desynchrony affects human health by disrupting the systems in the brain that regulate metabolism, leading to an increased likelihood of developing obesity and diabetes.

Further research is needed in studying how circadian desynchrony, along with diet and exercise, come into play with obesity.

News you can use

Is your daily schedule erratic? Time to make a change for the better--and your body will thank you. To maintain a healthy weight and reduce your obesity risk, try the following:

  • Get enough sleep each night while in total darkness (and get to sleep at the same time)
  • Get sunlight during the day
  • Eat meals at the same time each day

Take care of your health and the weight loss will follow. Contact WeightLossNYC at 718-491-5525 if you want to change your life today.

Source: ScienceDaily.com

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