What is raspberry ketone?
Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Feb 28, 2024Weight Loss Nutrition
Raspberries are best recognized for their nutritional value and not revered as some magical weight loss remedy.

Healthy Weight Loss Dieting
Dr Aron has written about good routines for losing weight safely and with proper diet:
Raspberry Ketones and Weight Loss?Pop culture Dr. Oz and others have cheered on support for raspberry ketone as a natural weight loss supplement. Dr Jennifer Seger from the American Society of Bariatric Physicians offers this response:
“Raspberry ketone [4-(4-hydroxyphenyl) butan-2-one] or rheosmin, is a compound extracted from raspberries, blackberries, peaches, apples, rhubarb, grapes and the bark of some trees. … [containing] compounds that are thought to exert anti-obesity actions and alter lipid metabolism. … Raspberry ketone has been used in cosmetics and as a food additive for decades, and in its “natural” state, it is quite expensive. Nowadays, raspberry ketone is primarily synthesized in a lab and is a very inexpensive additive … a population desperate for results and large profit margins, it is no wonder that raspberry ketone is one of the top-selling nutrition supplements on the market right now. At this point, though, the use of raspberry ketone can be based on only anecdotal experience and insufficient scientific data. Hence, I currently cannot recommend the use of this supplement.”

Weight Loss Clarity
Dr Oksana Aron offers solid weight loss structures in her medical weight loss program available via her website, WeightLossNYC.com — There you can learn how to lose weight quickly under her expert medical care without any fads or gimmicks, only sound medical results.
Schedule your initial consultation with Dr Aron today and see how yourself lose weight easily, where other methods may not have worked for you in the past.
Labels: diet pills, fat free, healthy habits, metabolism, peer pressure, weight loss supplements