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Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Blog

Weight Loss Motivation. Weight Loss Results.

Dr. Aron brings you fun and important weight loss tips, exciting diet recipes, medical weight loss breakthroughs, and a steady source of weight loss motivation.

Her medical weight loss program provides real results for overweight and obese persons seeking non-surgical medical treatment, with lasting results.

Call now — 718-491-5525 or visit WeightLossNYC.com

Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Center

7032 4th Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11209, Directions to office

Fickle Foods that can Fool you

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Mar 11, 2024

Some Foods can be False Friends

Many tempting foods in marketed as low-fat or low-calorie, or even fat-free quite often can be counter-productive to your weight loss goals. Eating real, minimally processed foods is always the best option, along with maintaining a healthy active lifestyle.

Pro tip: Mix up your own healthy fruits into real yogurt

bowl of yogurt with berries
  • Flavored Yogurts

    With yogurts legendary health and wellness appeal, what could be wrong? The marketing spin on flavored yogurts (event low-fat ones) can present flavorful additions like sugary preserves and non-natural sweeteners. Even pro-biotic yogurts present more marketing spin than health benefits. As always, real the label — Look for low-fat Greek yogurt varieties without additional sweeteners.

  • Bagged Salads

    The convenience and comfort of a premade salad can’t be understated, just be mindful of the fillings — bacon or sweeted fruits and nuts, fatty cheeses and meats, plus high-fat salad dressing just negate any intent of Healthy and Salad.

  • Granola Bars

    So much confusion about healthy here. Along with shelf-stabilizers and other additives, consider many granola bars may simply be remarketed cookies. Consider DIY your own granola mix, so you know what is in it and it will taste so much better too. Try with apples and cinnamon or other takes, and make it fun and your own.

  • Coffee

    Coffee on its own is fine — our grind with coffee (sorry, we went there…) is the popular trend of creamy lattes and crazy toppings that just dose you with a big calories spike nobody needs to have.

Weight Loss Help

Visit WeightLossNYC.com to start working with Brooklyn diet doctor Dr. Oksana Aron, medical weight loss physican expert — to help you to lose weight where other methods have not. She will develop an actionable plan for you to start losing weight easily — schedule your first visit today.

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How to Shop for Healthy Foods

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jan 16, 2024

Choose Your Future

You start off with good intentions, but you may not always grab the healthiest items at the grocery store. These quick tips show you how to shop smart so you buy the healthiest options.

Women shopping at health food store
Weight Loss Nutrition

Fruits and Veggies

Think colors of the rainbow when selecting fruits and veggies. As in, find items of all different colors to ensure you’re getting a variety of key nutrients (not to mention adding variety to your diet).


If you eat dairy products, try to find the low-fat options rather than whole fat. Also, avoid buying sweetened dairy products such as yogurt with fruit, which may have a lot of sugar added to it.

Favor Fresh Fruits

Bakery Items

Read the ingredient lists carefully. Stay away from anything with hydrogenated or partially hydrated oils, which are unhealthy transfats. Grab whole-grain or whole-wheat items instead of ones made with white flour. Also important: choose items high in fiber (the more the better).


With meats, the leaner the better. For pork or beef look for the word "round" or "loin", which means a leaner cut, and watch out for white marbling, which is fattier and has more calories. For lunch meats, go with the lower fat, low-sodium options.


Fish choices with the pinkest hue are higher in omega-3 fats. And those with clear eyes; moist, shiny scales; and clean scent are your safest bet (a fishy scent is not a good sign!).

Choose whole, fresh ingredients over processed food items. If it somes in a box with a label it is most likely heavily processed. Spend most of your grocery time in the fresh produce section…

Frozen Foods

Frozen food products can often be the unhealthiest, so shop this section with caution. Check the sodium and fat content as well as number of calories. A healthy frozen food product would contain a good balance of the following: a variety of veggies, lean protein, moderate amount of healthy carbs and no more than 800 mg of sodium.

Grocery Guidance

For personalized weight loss diet guidance, work with Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Center for actionable, verifiable medical advice on fast and easy weight loss with physician supervision.

Source: Fitness Magazine

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Quality Calories vs. Junk Calories

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC

Finding Healthy Calories

We all know when calories add up, so do the pounds. But where those calories come from is even more important. That’s why it’s vital to choose quality calories over empty ones for everything you eat.

green vegetable pasta
Weight Loss Nutrition

What to look for


Look to see what is in your food. Even though the package says it’s only 100 calories, if they include hydrogenated oils instead of far-healthier olive or sunflower oil or bleached white flour instead of whole grains, then it’s junk.


We all need roughly 25 grams a day of fiber, which not only helps with regularity, it can keep us feeling fuller and more satisfied than foods without it. Fiber in turn keeps you from overeating and helps you consume less overall calories.


If the sugar content is high, then it’s not good for you. If you’re going to eat sugar at all, make sure it’s natural and comes from fruits or vegetables instead of refined sugar in processed foods. Too many sugars in your diet cause you to gain weight.


Fat is actually a necessary part of a healthy diet — as long as it’s unsaturated. Watch out for trans fats and saturated fats, which will make you fat!

Vitamins and Minerals

Check to see what kinds of vitamins and minerals are in what you’re about to eat. If it has none, then you know it has no nutritional value. Healthy snacks and foods, however, will have at least some.

Get More Guidance

Still confused about low calorie-diets? Learn more how Dr Oksana Aron medically supervised diet plan can get you on the right path to healthy weight loss results.

Start your journey with your initial consultation with Weight Loss Medical Expert Dr. Oksana Aron.

Source: SelfGrowth

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Yes, You Do Need Carbs in Your Diet

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Nov 27, 2023

Facts not Fads

Some fad diets are low-carb or involve cutting out carbs entirely. That’s not exactly healthy, though, according to doctors. In fact, our diet must contain some carbs in order to get enough nutrients daily.

Carbohydrates are necessary for your body to obtain quick energy, while healthy fats and proteins are more of a long-term fuel source. Carbs are typically about 50 to 60 percent of your daily diet to get enough calories, nutrients and energy to your body, though with medical weight loss programs this value may vary.

Simple? or Complex?

Your carb intake should include healthy complex carbs, which take longer for your body to break down compared to simple carbs. Also, complex carbs give your body a nice, steady flow of energy. Simple carbs, on the other hand, cause you to experience energy peaks and crashes.

bowl of cereal
Weight Loss Diet Plan

Whole Foods, Whole Fiber

Popular examples of carb sources include:

  • whole-grain breads
  • whole-grain or lentil/chickpea pasta
  • barley, bulgur, buckwheat, quinoa, oats
  • brown rice, faro
  • whole fruits and berries
  • vegetables
  • beans, lentils, legumes

Read the Labels

Remember to read food labels to verify whole grain versions of these items, or better yet, preparing fresh whole grains and produce at home.

So, eat your healthy carbs--incorporating them into your healthy meals along with good proteins to reduce insulin spikes and hunger crashes--for a well-rounded diet. Be sure not to load up on too many carbs, though, which will cause you to gain weight. As with everything else, balance is the key here.

Need More help?

Still confused on what a healthy carb is, or how many carbs are healthy or unhealthy? Make an appointment with Dr. Oksana Aron today to discuss a healthy, weight loss plan by calling 718-491-5525, or booking online via WeightLossNYC.com

Sources: EverydayHealth, diet.weightlossnyc.com, Image: Grant Cochrane, FreeDigitalPhotos

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3 Weight Gain Facts for Women

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC

Women and Weight Gain

For women, weight gain happens throughout all life stages, but each stage contains its own set of reasons and risk factors. Review here--from puberty through menopause--how and why women may gain weight, and how you can use that knowledge to your advantage to keep off the weight.

sultry woman
Weight Loss Woman


Teenage weight gain: Start healthy habits early

  • The earlier a girl starts puberty, the more likely she is to be overweight or obese as an adult. If she starts her period before age 11, she is likely to weight between 9 and 11 pounds more than another woman who started hers after age 14. Additionally, as many as 26 percent of women who started puberty early were considered obese by age 30 compared with 15 percent of the other women.

  • It’s difficult to imagine weight gain as a problem during childhood, but the childhood obesity epidemic proves this is an important time to start healthy diet and exercise habits that will last throughout the child’s adult life. It’s never too early to start. In fact, the earlier you start your child on a road to healthy living, the better!


Healthy habits during pregnancy help post-partum weight loss

  • Weight gain is expected during pregnancy, but you still have to proceed with caution and be careful not to gain an excessive amount of weight. Gaining 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy is usually the goal. Typically, a pregnant woman will gain 2 to 4 pounds in the first trimester, then 1 pound per week after that, but it depends on the woman’s pre-pregnancy weight because 1 pound per week may be too much for some. Your doctor will give you guidance on what your ideal weight during pregnancy should be.

  • After pregnancy, many women’s bodies will hold on to 5 pounds of that gained weight, which may never be shed, but they generally will lose about 10 pounds immediately following delivery. They can lose 5 pounds a month in the next couple of months depending on the following factors: breastfeeding, diet and exercise level. By staying active, getting exercise, eating a healthy diet and breastfeeding, you can lose weight faster and easier.


Hormonal changes contribute to weight gain

  • Two-thirds of women are overweight by the time they reach their 50s. A drop in estrogen production is a possible cause, which causes the body to store fat, making weight loss more difficult.

  • Weight loss can be more challenging for women after menopause, so it’s important to seek the help of your doctor to ensure you’re getting proper nutrition, exercise and remain in overall good health. By doing all of the above, you’re increasing your chance of maintaining a healthy weight and leading a healthier, happier life.

Fast Weight Loss help is here

Find answers to your questions on weight loss, weight control, nutrition and more, by visiting Dr. Aron at WeightLossNYC.com; or call to schedule your first appointment with Dr. Aron today at 718-491-5525 and learn new skills for weight loss success today.

Source: dummies.com

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How Not to Gain Weight at Thanksgiving

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Nov 20, 2023

Portions Matter

Pickup a small(er) plate and plan head…

thanksgiving is here
Eat Healthy

Most people haven’t a clue how to eat healthy portions for everyday meals let alone at Thanksgiving. Your stomach is only the size of two fists, so it’s easy to overdo it with all typical Thanksgiving offerings, even when eating small amounts of everything.

Here’s how to fill your plate and not gain weight:

Turkey--no larger than a deck of cards

Two starches (i.e. sweet potatoes, dinner roll)--1/2 cup serving each or the size of a computer mouse

Vegetables--the rest of your plate

More tips:

  • Choose a smaller plate so you don’t fill up on too much.
  • If you’re going to be a guest at someone’s house and expect a smorgasbord of unhealthy offerings, try filling up on fresh greens at home beforehand so you don’t overeat.
  • Select sides you only get to eat once a year.
  • Start eating the veggies first, then the turkey and sides.
  • Go for a walk after the meal. Don’t just sit around!

More Help is here

Call 718-491-5525 to schedule your initial consultation with Dr Oksana Aron, or book online via WeightLossNYC.com

Source: msnbc

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What's in your diet?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Feb 10, 2021

Healthy Diet Plan

Food awareness is important for all of us. Whether or not you are trying to lose weight, you still need to be concious of the calories you consume and quality of the nutritional content.

Nowadays, with food labels as available as they are, they don't always capture the complete picture of the quality of your food, most notably the source and processing of the ingredients, as well as informed knowlege of the additives and non-food ingredients therein.

person eating junk food
Keeping a food diary can provide powerful insights into your habits

Best Steps

Your best diet plan starts with choosing real foods with minimal processing, and solid nutritional value. Ideally, if you like to cook, you are able to steer yourself to healthier recipes and freshest ingredients. If cooking is not an option for you, you can still work within your plan and fill in as many healthy options as able, such as a fresh salad bar instead of packaged foods, etc.

Food Journal

Keeping a food diary can be a powerful insight tool, as well as a habit tracker, for what, when and how you are eating. Choose a method that works best for you:

  • Paper Journal This may be the easiest way, as you can just jot down what you are eating and other observations, and go back to fill in any details when you have more time.
  • Online (free) The USDA provides a national database that is most often the source for many other websites, tools and apps. You can access their database to get current food facts, via their MyPlate app.
  • Other apps Many third party food trackers are available if you are more inclined to do your research for which one suits your personal style and needs. Some are visual, some more technical, some incorporate fitness tracking and more. Ideally what will work best is what is easiest for you to maintain on the go, and not be bogged down trying to keep up with a fussy app. Popular apps include Lose it and My Fitness Pal and many more popping up every year.

Thick and Thin

Most importantly now is what to log in your journal (or app). Hopefully, as Dr. Aron advises, you are eating at a mealtime in a relaxed setting, eating mindfully not rushing thoughtlessly at your desk or tv. You can facilitate this in your log:

  • Why am I eating
  • How hungry I am
  • Where I am eating
  • How I am feeling
  • and of course, What am I eating

Include portion sizes and calories as minimal facts, with fat and other elements as you wish to track. Consider any condiments, and snacks and more — be honest with yourself, this is a guide for you only.

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How to Squash those Holiday Cravings

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Nov 25, 2019

Butternut Squash Healthy meals are easy

eat healthy vegetables

Filling up on veggies is a top rule for anyone wanting to eat healthier, yet that doesn't have to sound boring. Check your favorite produce store for winter squashes, including the amusing shaped butternut squash. Like its cousin the sweet potato, it's often overlooked as a starch, yet the orange interior reflects it is rich in beta carotene, which converts to vitamin A in your body.

One cup of Butternut Squash (cubed and cooked) yields 127% of the US RDA for Vitamin A, with 80 calories, 4g sugar, 21g of carbs. Far more favorable than mashed potatoes with (or without) gravy! Factor in the 7g of fiber and you're on your way to RDA daily mark of 25-30g fiber per day.

Beta carotene, as one of the team members of antioxidants, on its own offers many nutritional benefits. Butternut Squash also has ample potassium (more than the benchmark banana) plus 30% of your daily RDA of Calcium. Other minerals at hand include Iron and Niacin, along with Vitamin E.

Winter Wondering

Other winter squashes you can try - (measuring nutrients to the one cubed cooked cup)

  • Acorn Squash has more fiber and potassium, though less vitamin A than Butternut. 9 grams fiber per cubed cooked cup, potassium (896 mg).
  • Pumpkin Squash has both alpha and beta carotene. Alpha carotene also converts vitamin A in the body; Pumpkin Squash has twice as much of alpha than Butternut.
  • Spaghetti Squash is yellow and can even be used as an alternative to spaghetti. Lower in calories and carbohydrates than the other squashes mentioned here, but also lower in fiber. As a pasta substitute though, you'll consumer only 42 healhty veggie calories not pasta carb 200 calories.
Feeling Preppy

Summing it up with preparation, all of these can simply be sliced and roasted, with familiar spices like cinnamon and nutmeg, or clove or allspice. For easier prep you can often buy these pre-cut in stores, though caution on canned variants due to added sugars. You can even puree squashes to make satisfying soups and sauces too. Some folks even suggest smoothies, accompaniments such as apple, nut butter and soy or almond milk.

Hungry for More

Learn more healthy dieting and meal structures from Dr Oksana Aron at WeightLossNYC.com

Sources: Consumer Reports, Pexels

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How Much Sugar is Hiding in Your Diet?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Apr 13, 2019
Is Sugar hiding in your food?

Food labels often don't tell the full story. Viewing the ingredient list can often give you more details than the numerical summaries indicate.

Many foods are marketing as having less sugar than they do by using other names for the sugars that are added. Dozens of terms including fruit juice concentrate, beet sugar, [barley] malt syrup, evaporated cane juice, corn sweeter (and many other corn syrups including the nefarious HFCS) are just some of the more innocent sounding names of added sugars.

Despite attempts back in 2016 to have FDA mandated labeling for added sugar, efforts have stalled:

“Currently, the official Nutrition Facts Label does not require disclosure of the amount of "added sugar" in a product. "Added sugar" is the amount of sugar in a food or beverage item beyond what naturally occurs in the item.” [1]

Ultimately the best plan is to seek and eat least-processed foods and prepare them with ingredients you fully know. Barring that, start to take note of the colorful names in your ingredient labels and start to educate yourself on what items are really in your foods and if they are counter-productive to your goal to lessen sugars in your diet.

As always, you can discuss your food concerns with Dr. Aron during any of your visits. She can help you make healthy food choices for your weight loss dieting needs.

Sources: [1] Forbes, Here is how sugar is hiding in your snacks

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Eat This Fruit and Lose Weight

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Aug 26, 2015

The Green Fruit

Avocado halved
Avocado Garden Salad

Got Avocado?

What’s in your brown bag for lunch? While packing a lunch can be difficult (a sandwich again?!), here’s one idea to switch things up a bit and : eating avocado with your lunch can aid weight loss. Here’s how:

An Avocado a Day Keeps the Hunger Away

Consuming up a half of an avocado can help you feel as much as 26% more satisfied and can even keep you from wanting to reach for an afternoon snack later on in the day, according to a study published in Nutrition Journal. Those in the study reported a:

  • 40% decreased desire to eat 3 hours after lunch, and
  • 28% decreased desire to eat 5 hours later

Just a little avocado a day can go a long way in eating a healthy diet without overeating.

What’s in an Avocado

A whole avocado contains 250 calories and 23 grams of fat, most of which is healthy monounsatured fat, which can reduce bad cholesterol levels. It may even be helpful in regulating blood sugar levels, which has yet to be investigated.

Any way you slice it, avocados can be healthy for you and boost your weight loss efforts. Try some in a healthy green salad or spruce up a boring sandwich with it and notice the difference.

Want to lose weight fast?

Become our next success story at WeightLossNYC™. No gimmicks or crash diets, just sound advice for healthy living. Give us a call at 718-491-5525 today.

Cite: MedicalNewsToday.com

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Why aren't you losing weight? 5 factors that can slow your metabolism

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jan 8, 2015

Why aren’t you losing weight?

Slow Metabolism could be a culprit

Fast, slow or so-so, your metabolism controls your weight loss. No matter how quickly your body burns calories, there are other factors involved. These are just some things that can slow down your metabolism, but the good news is them.

5 Factors that can Slow your Metabolism

  1. Stress

    How much stress are you under? It could be the reason you can’t lose those last few nagging pounds. When your body’s under stress, it releases the hormone cortisol, which tells your body to hold onto weight. Try to avoid stressors as much as you can, while also seeking out ways in which you can manage your stress.

  2. Not exercising

    If you don’t burn enough calories through exercise, then your unused calories turn into fat. Be sure to exercise a few times a week to control your weight. Also wear a pedometer or track how many calories you burn through your exercise so you can keep up with your progress.

  3. Poor diet

    Eating too much? Not enough? You’re asking for trouble. Feed your body the fuel it needs to get through the day and keep your body at a healthy weight. Believe it or not, eating too little or skipping meals could lead to weight gain. Instead, nourish your body with healthy natural foods to stay in top shape.

  4. Not snoozing enough

    When you don’t rest enough, you can gain weight by disrupting your metabolic patterns. Sleeping an ideal amount of hours each night, however, can boost your metabolism. For adults, get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night.

  5. Medication

    If you’re on any medications such as anti-depressants, they could cause you to gain weight as well. Discuss it with your doctor if you believe that’s the case and find out if there are other options that won’t lead to weight gain.

How to Lose Weight

Improve your health, too

If you haven’t noticed, keeping your metabolism in check means simply taking care of your overall health. While it’s important to want to lose weight, you also have to do it in a healthy, informed way. Follow the above steps and you’ll be on your way to a fitter figure, and you’ll also be leading a healthier and more fulfilled life

We can help

Dr. Aron is able to test your metabolism to see if it is slow.

Whether you have a slow metabolism or not, let Dr. Oksana Aron help you find your weight gain triggers and develop a structured plan for weight loss success. Please call us at 718-491-5525 and make your first appointment with WeightLossNYC™.

Source: EverydayHealth

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Sugar or Sweetener?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jun 21, 2014

Taste with Your Brain?

Over recent years many people have been reaching for artificial sweeteners, thinking that it’s healthier than the real thing. It turns out that your tastebuds don’t know the difference between sugar and sweetener — but your brain does.

A new study out of the Netherlands used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure brain responses in people sipping two different orangeade drinks — one mixed with sugar and another mixed with four artificial sweeteners (aspartame, acesulfame K, cyclamate and saccharin).

The sugar and sweeteners were found to stimulate the amygdala, which is the part of the brain that detects pleasure. Only the sugared drink stimulated the caudate in the brain, showing that the human brain can tell the difference between a caloric drink and a noncaloric one.

Other research on artificially sweetened beverages include:

  • They can activate parts of the brain that create appetite, but do not satiate it.
  • Increased appetite has been found to occur in people who don’t consume artificially sweetened beverages often.
  • People who drink artificially sweetened beverages regularly tend to weigh more than those who don’t.
  • For those who consume a lot of artificially sweetened beverages, however, their brains, can become used to the sweeteners and may not necessarily cause them to eat more.
weight loss center

Sweet Opportunity

Visit WeightLossNYC.com to learn more about medical weight loss and how you can lose weight fast under physician supervision. Dr. Aron is a leading bariatric physician in Brooklyn.

Fast Weight Loss Testimonial

Listen to Cynthia tell you in her own words her experience with Weight Loss NYC.

Los Angeles Times

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How to Beat Winter Weight Gain (and Still Have Fun)

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Feb 3, 2014

Tips for Winter Weight Loss

While overeating and under-exercising in general is one sure-fire way to pack on the pounds, if you experience a minor slip-up, you can stay on track as long as you keep up with your exercise. Both exercise and diet are critical to your success, but it’s good to know you don't always have to be perfect.

Here are a few ideas for staying active and losing weight this winter season.

people eating french fries with ketchup
Even with setbacks you can get back on track

Stay Active and Smart

  • Get your family on board with planning healthier menus for gatherings
  • Only take a few bites of a dessert without overindulging
  • Plan to take a walk outdoors right after dinner
  • Create ways to burn extra calories such as walking laps around the mall while shopping sales or using the stairs several times a day
  • Go ice skating or play ice hockey for outdoor exercise
  • Get the blood pumping at the gym if it’s too cold outside

How to Enjoy your Holidays and Keep the Weight Off

Whether it’s Hanukkah or Halloween, Superbowl sunday or super-love Valentine’s day, temptations always exist.

Indulge in a few too many latkes?

Swipe a couple extra frosting-and-sprinkled sugar cookies?

Drank a little more eggnog than you’d care to admit?

You can still work Off the Weight

Celebrating the holidays doesn’t have to derail your new year weight loss resolution. A recent study published in the Journal of Physiology found that if you continue to exercise daily —even in short bursts— then your few extra nibbles won’t do much harm.

In a Bath University (U.K.) week-long study of 26 healthy young men, all were asked to overeat.

Half exercised for 45 minutes daily, while the other half remained inactive

The non-exercising group ate 50% more calories, while the exercising group overate by 75%.

The results: In just one week, the non-exercising group experienced a decline in blood sugar control. The exercising group, however, exhibited stable blood sugar levels. Additionally, “the activation of genes within fat cells in the non-exercising group were also found to be negatively changed to those levels needed for a well-functioning metabolism.”

Looking to improve your health and need some guidance?

of WeightLossNYC™ is here to help you reach your healthy weight loss goals. Call today at 718-491-5525 for your initial consultation. Make this year your year to shine.

Her clinic specializes in treatment of obesity or overweight persons, who have struggled to lose weight via other methods and are seeking medical help.

Cite: bath.ac.uk/news

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Using Calories to Your Advantage

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Aug 10, 2013

Weight Loss Nutrition

Maintaining a healthy weight and/or losing unhealthy weight is a science. What does it all boil down to? Calories, plain and simple.

You don’t have to obsessively count every single calorie, but here’s some food for thought if you want to lose weight or simply want to maintain it.

To lose weight, you need to consume less calories than the ones you burn (via exercise or typical daily activities).

To maintain your weight, you just need to consume the exact number of calories that you need and burn daily.

Figure out how many calories you need

Here’s a quick formula to estimate calorie needs on a daily basis:

Your Weight X 12 = Number of calories needed for weight maintenance

To lose about 1 pound per week: Reduce intake by 500 calories/day

Weight Loss Tip:

Make sure you’re filling up on healthy calories and not junk food.

Need help coming up with a healthy diet program you can actually stick to?

Call Dr. Aron 718-491-5525 today and get started

Source: abcnews

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11 Celebrity Weight Loss Secrets?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC May 21, 2013

Dr. Oksana Aron recommends taking a fresh look at the foods you eat every day is an important healthy start. Keep switching out some of the unhealthy items in your diet with healthier ingredients, you will feel and see the difference in your diet.

There are No Secrets, Just Healthy Facts

Media love to hype up celebrity diets, but you don’t need an endorsement to read up on healthier food options for your diet.

healthy dieting options
Healthy Dieting Program

Healthier foods, healthier you

On the quest for foods that help you lose weight? Or are you in a meal planning rut? Look no further than the following healthy foods to incorporate in your next meal to mix it up and drop some pounds. The only celebrity here is you, making famous food choices to build a healthier you.

  1. Black Beans

    An excellent non-meat source of protein, 1 cup of black beans give you 15 grams of protein to keep you full and satisfied
  2. Green Tea

    It boosts your metabolism and may even prevent fat absorption
  3. Cucumbers

    Cucumbers help you feel full and satisfied, but are low in calories
  4. Olive Oil

    Its healthy monounsaturated fats lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol
  5. Bran Cereal

    A high-fiber alternative to other breakfast cereals, it can help you cut calories and stay fuller
  6. Pears

    With 5 grams of fiber, they're as filling as they are delicious. They also contain pectin, which helps lower bad cholesterol.
  7. Dark Chocolate

    Its antioxidants may help boost your metabolism
  8. Wild Salmon

    Salmon can keep you feeling full and satisfied with its high levels of omega-3s
  9. Eggs

    Eating eggs for breakfast can lower your daily caloric intake by 400 calories.
  10. Low-Fat Mozzarella String Cheese

    With no carbs and lean protein, it helps you feel full.
  11. All-Natural Peanut Butter

    Its piceatannol content helps block the formation of fat cells.

Lose Weight Fast Diet Plan

You can lose weight quickly by calling us at 718-491-5525 for your initial consultation. By taking a holistic approach to your unique needs, Dr. Aron will help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

“Today’s diet is tomorrow’s body” — Oksana Aron, M.D.

Medical weight loss is the only clinical solution recommended by the American Society of Bariatric Physicians.

Visit Dr Aron at WeightLossNYC.com

Cite: rd.com; besthealthmag.ca; everydayhealth.com

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4 Reasons to Get Outside This Winter

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jan 6, 2013
Thaw out this winter, lose weight!

When it's cold out, the last thing you want to do is get out and exercise. Surprisingly enough, when the temps dip down, it's actually the perfect time to get moving.

Here are 4 great reasons why you should exercise outdoors when it's cold (and be sure to grab your hat and gloves).

Breathing in cold air is invigorating 

  • Exercising outdoors--instead of the gym or in front of the TV--can boost your energy and mood, decreasing your chance for depression, says research published in Environmental Science & Technology.

Exercise makes you feel great 

  • Anytime you exercise, your body releases endorphins. This makes you feel good, which is something that can often be lacking in the winter months. Kick your exercise routine into high gear this winter to stay happy and healthy.

Your body burns more calories in cold weather

  • You tend to move faster when it's cold, which means you can increase the calories you burn. A cold winter day is the perfect day to dust off your running shoes and push yourself to the limit.

A few minutes of exercise makes a difference

  • If you think it's too cold or you don't have time to exercise, guess again. A new study in the American Journal of Health Promotion says that people who exercise in spurts of 10 minutes or less a few times a day had the same health benefits as those who exercised for longer periods in structured activities.
  • Don't forget: those brisk walks to and from the subway count, so hop to it!

Got a new year's resolution to lose weight that you intend to stick to? WeightLossNYC can help! Call 718-491-5525 to schedule your first appointment with licensed bariatric weight loss specialist Dr. Aron.

Sources: WomensHealthMag.com; Health Behavior News Service, part of the Center for Advancing Health

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Thanksgiving Survival Guide, from Oksana Aron, M.D.

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Nov 19, 2012

How to Have a Happy Thanksgiving without Really Trying

thanksgiving is about the people you spend it with.

We’ve prepared this Thanksgiving Survival Guide* to give you ideas on how to best avoid overeating this Thursday, and keep yourself together on your weight loss program.

Abate Your Appetite; Trounce Temptation

The best way to battle any festival meal, where eating is the presumed focus, is to reduce your appetite thus obviously significantly lowering your temptation. You can follow these steps as guidelines to keep you on track with your diet plan.

Before You Go

  • As always, eat an appropriate breakfast as Dr. Aron has provided for your plan.
  • Be sure to include a real protein source to invoke satiety.
  • Keep up on your hydration. Drinking water will also help keep you feeling full.
  • Likewise, throughout the day, avoid alcoholic beverages for their dehydrating effects and of course insane caloric values.

Boots on the Ground

Once you’re there, keep it simple and safe:

  • Salad is always your friend. Enjoy the simple greens, not salads overladen with extras you know aren’t helpful to your diet.
  • Veggies, again mostly green, also round out your plate nicely and fill you up before looking further.
  • 4 ounce skinless white meat turkey as your meal protein. Keeping to the lower fat cut is the obvious choice.
  • Small samples of gravy or sauces for flavor are ok yet at a minimum. Avoid alcohol drinks entirely.
  • Small portion of potatoes or stuffing are better than breads and rolls.
  • Dessert? Only if you must, enjoy a small one. Better to enjoy a little more turkey, or better yet veggies/salad, we suggest.
“When facing the challenges of dieting during the holidays, remember to keep your focus on what’s really important — the people you’re spending the holidays with."

Remember Why You Came

Truly, the holidays are about getting together with friends and loved ones. Open your mouth more for the laughs and conversation, and keep the focus on the fun not the food. Think ahead when you get back home how much happier you'll be knowing you spent the day in conversation not in consuming unneeded calories.

Leftovers are Left for Others

You’re on a diet plan. You can leave them for others and keep the holiday meal behind as you walk out the door. Weather-permitting, keep on walking … and enjoy more conversation and fresh air as you move your body after a festival meal. When you get home, get back on your regular plan and keep the fond memories of the friends you enjoyed your holiday with.

Happy Thanksgiving, from Dr. Aron and Staff of WeightLossNYC

For more information on safe and healthy weight loss diet plans, visit our website WeightLossNYC.com and start losing weight, today.

*Thanksgiving Survival Guide, from Oksana Aron, M.D. is a copyrighted work by Weight Loss NYC® adapted from HRI Thanksgiving Success Plan. Image adapted from morgueFile.

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7 Weight Loss Nutrition and Beauty Tips

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Aug 7, 2012

Beauty is truly skin deep

The most common goal of following a healthy diet and exercising routinely is to lose weight and help you to get your body looking great. However, most people don’t realize there are so many other countless benefits of following a strict diet and a good workout plan, other than just dropping the pounds. One of the best kept secrets of following a good diet is the huge impact it has on your complexion, which keeps you looking younger.

Cutting back on certain foods can really improve the aging of your skin. The breakdown of sugar, for example, can really damage your collagen, which helps your skin to look smooth and firm. Try cutting back on your daily sugar intake or using substitutes, such as all natural sweetener. Also, hormones that are in certain foods such as dairy products, beef, and even poultry can contribute to acne breakouts. Eating grain-fed beefs and poultry can help make a huge difference in your skins complexion.

weight loss fitness

The many benefits of dieting and exercising

Exercising correctly is equally as important as doing it routinely, and is also a huge plus for your skin. Doing cardio on machines such as the treadmill can be beneficial in burning calories, but weight training helps to tone muscle and prevent sagging. Also, a yoga class is a much better work out to help relieve stress, as well as losing weight. Cutting down your stress level has a large impact on the aging of your skin, and relieving your tension. High tension levels can cause terrible skin breakouts, so try adding in a few yoga sessions to your weekly work outs.

Low Calorie dieting is a good way to lose weight but you can also make your diet beneficial to your body in other ways. Eating foods that are healthier and higher in vitamins can help improve your skin by making it smoother; capable of healing faster, harder to bruise, and can even improve some chronic skin conditions.

Nutrition and Weight Loss Diet Plan

Dr Oksana Aron will guide you to healthy weight loss with her nutritionally sound low calorie diet program, can direct you to lose the weight you want to lose every week. Call WeightLossNYC.com today at 718-491-5525 for more information or to schedule your first appointment with Dr Aron.

Call WeightLossNYC™ today at 718-491-5525

Related reading: 8 Diet and Exercise Mistakes That Age You, Prevention, 2012.

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Burn 300 Calories a Day the Easy Way

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jul 12, 2012

Stay active, lose weight
Burn an extra 300 extra calories a day to lose weight? It may sound like a daunting number, but it's easier than you think. Whether you're exercise-averse or simply don't have much time, you can burn calories by doing everyday activities. After 12 days of trying this, you may even lose an extra pound. Here's how to do it.

Everyday activities
Some examples of simple ways to burn extra calories when you're not sleeping or eating include walking, riding a bike as transportation, typing at the computer, and doing housework or yard work. Burning up extra calories via these activities can increase your metabolic rate. Do it every day and it can make a major difference at the scale.

The following are just a few examples of how many calories you can burn by doing everyday activities for 30 minutes (if you weigh 150 pounds):

  • Playing with kids: 136 calories

  • Raking leaves: 147 calories

  • Vacuuming: 119 calories

  • Mowing the lawn: 205 calories

Staying active is important for losing weight and remaining in good health. Walk instead of driving. Go swimming with the kids instead of popping in a DVD. Go on hiking or biking trips as recreation. It can involve regular cardiovascular exercise, but it can also include getting up and moving around as much as possible throughout the day. It's really as simple as that. Give it a try for a few weeks and see some results.

Star your healthier lifestyle today by calling WeightLossNYC at 718-491-5525.

Source: EverydayHealth.com

Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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7 Easy Healthy Eating Tips to Slim Down

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jul 6, 2012
Delicious dieting
By eating healthy, fresh foods you can get a great variety of flavor and lose weight at the same time. Here, we share a few tips on how to incorporate healthy foods in your diet and tell you what you can cut out for faster weight loss. It's not as complicated as you think, so read on.

1.) Eat your veggies
Filling your plate with a lot of fresh vegetables can help you lose weight. They can also keep you satisfied with their high water and fiber content.

Tip: Fill your plate with three different veggies so you not only get those nutrients in your diet, but also take in less calories. Also: season them with spices, lemon juice or olive oil and skip the salad dressing for a low-fat alternative.

2.) Soup it up
Including a healthy soup in your daily diet can keep you from eating too many calories. The key is to find a healthy soup that's broth-based, not creamy, and is low in sodium (many popular brands are very high in sodium, so look out).

Tip: Choose a low-calorie, low-sodium soup with a high vegetable content. Other healthy ingredients may include lentils and beans for extra fiber and protein.

3.) Tall drinks
Of course, it helps to only drink water, but whenever drinking a beverage, opt for a tall, skinny glass instead of a short, wide one. The reason? Studies show the tall glass provides a visual cue for you to drink as much as 25 to 35 percent less.

4.) Fresh breath
Looking for a simple way to keep snack attacks away? Chewing sugarless mint gum with a strong flavor has shown to be effective at preventing mindless snacking.

5.) A better pizza slice
When you eat or make your own pizza, you can make it healthier with the right toppings and ingredients.

Tip: Try low-fat or skim cheese, thin whole wheat crust and all-veggie toppings to lower the calories.

6.) Phase out soda
By replacing one soda a day with water instead, you can save yourself an extra 450 calories a day. One study showed that participants who drank soda regularly gained 2.5 pounds in a four-week period. By cutting out the unnecessary sugar, your teeth and waistline will thank you.

7.) Say no to bacon
Cutting out two slices of bacon can save you at least 100 calories a day, which can total a loss of up to 10 pounds in one year.

Tip: Instead, substitute other proteins such as tofu or eggs. Healthier bacon substitutions can include a turkey version (just make sure it is low in fat).

Lose weight fast with a customized diet plan. No surgery or diet food required! Schedule your appointment with WeightLossNYC today by calling 718-491-5525.

Source: webmd.com

Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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