3 benefits of light exercise that help weight loss
Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Apr 14, 2023No more excuses
To see some weight loss results, exercise and healthy eating go hand in hand. If you’ve never been athletic, there’s still hope--because even just a little bit of exercise can do wonders for your health and weight loss goals. Here’s how.

Easy does it
You don’t need to be a marathon runner. In fact, you’re better off jogging and doing moderate exercise if you want to lose weight. The best part? All you need to do is exercise a few times a week to get some traction in your weight loss scheme.
Check out these facts:
- You may live longer
Specifically, an encouraging 2012 study of 52,656 American adults found that those who ran 1 to 20 miles per week at an average pace of about 10 or 11 minutes per mile … lived longer, on average, than sedentary adults. They also lived longer than the group (admittedly small) who ran more than 20 miles per week.
- You can lose more weight
- In one study in Denmark, a group of overweight men lost more weight when they exercised moderately for 30 minutes several times per week compared with men who worked out twice as long. They also ate less than the men who exercised more.
- You can have more energy
- In the same study, those who exercised longer sat around more during the rest of the day than those who exercised moderately. Those who exercised for 30 minutes a day seemed to be more energized.
- Moving around, stretching and being more active during the day all add up! Even if you are active for 10 minutes a few times per day, a few days per week, that counts as exercise too--and every little bit helps.
Just do it
- The whole point is to not sit around too much being inactive, watching TV or using the computer. Find new ways of doing things (typing while standing, playing with the kids outside more or walking upstairs more often) to burn those extra calories. You’ll not only lose the weight, you’ll also get to enjoy life more when you improve your lifestyle and extend the number of days you get to live!
Make Your Move
Get actionable tips and support structures for weight loss from Dr. Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Center in Brooklyn NYC. A licensed bariatric specialist physician, she’ll set you straight on what you need to eat and do to lose up to 10 to 20 pounds of more each month. Call 718-491-5525 or book online for your initial consultation.
Source: nytimes.comLabels: brooklyn, diet, easy weight loss, exercise, healthy habits, lose weight, new york, overweight, weight loss