lose weight fast

Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Blog

Weight Loss Motivation. Weight Loss Results.

Dr. Aron brings you fun and important weight loss tips, exciting diet recipes, medical weight loss breakthroughs, and a steady source of weight loss motivation.

Her medical weight loss program provides real results for overweight and obese persons seeking non-surgical medical treatment, with lasting results.

Call now — 718-491-5525 or visit WeightLossNYC.com

Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Center

7032 4th Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11209, Directions to office

The Difference Losing 20 Pounds Makes

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Mar 23, 2024

Scale it down

Beat the bulge

If the number on the scale isn’t budging as much as you’d like, there’s still some good news. Research shows that even modest weight loss can have a long-term positive effect on your overall health.

Lose 20 pounds
Lose Weight Fast
Research has shown that even a 5 to 10 percent loss of the initial body weight can greatly reduce health risks and improve general well being

Worth the weight (loss)

By losing 20 pounds or 10 percent of a 200-pound person's body weight, overweight and obese individuals can reduce their risk of Type 2 diabetes by as much as 58 percent. It can also benefit sleep apnea, hypertension, quality of life and mobility as people age. Additionally, the health benefits from losing the weight can last up to about 10 years, even if the individual gains the weight back, according to the behavioral study on 3,000 participants who changed their eating habits by tracking everything they ate and keeping unhealthy foods out of the pantry.

Researchers will also examine whether these healthy habits will decrease the risk of heart attacks and heart disease, and ultimately, whether it can prolong your life.

Make it Happen

The time to start losing weight is now. It’s never too late to become a healthier you. Call Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at 718-491-5525 or visit WeightLossNYC.com to schedule your appointment.

Sources: ScienceDaily, Dr Oksana Aron

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Over-eating, Not Lack of Exercise Causes Obesity

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Feb 6, 2024

Bike or Bite?

A study presented at an international obesity conference in Amsterdam organized by the European Association for the Study of Obesity explains that the obesity epidemic in the U.S. is due to over-eating, and that exercise could not minimize the effects of excess calories.

[To return to 1970s levels] …children would have to cut their intake by about 350 calories a day … and adults by about 500 calories… [equivalent to over 2 hours of exercise per day.]
Woman riding fitness bicycle
Medical Weight Loss Program

Lean on this

Research shows that a decrease in physical exercise is not the primary cause of obesity. It also appears, based on the research, that even though adults step up physical exercise, that it does not negate weight gain caused by over-eating. It was also discovered that changes in physical activity in children had no impact on their gaining weight.

For the US population to return to its leaner, 1970s self, children would have to cut their intake by about 350 calories a day -- equal to one can of fizzy drink and a small portion of French fries, and adults by about 500 calories -- the equivalent of a Big Mac burger.

Alternatively, children would have to walk for an extra two-and-a-half hours a day, and adults for nearly two hours, said Swinburn.

“Getting everybody to walk an extra two hours a day is not really a feasible option for countering the epidemic,” he said.

“We need to limit our expectations of what an increase in physical activity can achieve.”

Weight Loss Facts

In sum, research still holds that physical exercise is necessary for overall health, but eating less is far more important.

In 2005, an estimated 1.6 billion American adults were considered overweight, with at least 400 million of them considered obese.

Lose Weight without Feeling Hungry

Dr Oksana Aron can provide you with the guidance and means to succeed in losing weight where other methods may not have worked for you. Visit her weight loss practice website, Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Center and start losing weight today.

Source: AFP; May 8, 2009

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Health vs Hype: Media Sensationalism vs Reality

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jan 27, 2024

Health vs Hype

Media sensationalism presents a very distorted view on causes of death for Americans than what actual causes occur. Our World in Data presented these figures quite significantly in the following chart. Heart Disease and Cancer are the actual causes of 60% of Americans, yet media have been shown to present instead violent causes to be 70%.

Chart of American causes of death
How Much Should I Weigh?

The best news from this however, is the results are far more in your own hands — You have much more control over your own health and wellness than media scare tactics distracting you from medical realities.

The first column represents each cause’s share of US deaths … the discrepancy between what we actually die from and what we get informed of in the media is what stands out:

Around one-third of the considered causes of deaths resulted from heart disease, yet this cause of death receives only 2-3 percent of Google searches and media coverage; just under one-third of the deaths came from cancer; we actually Google cancer a lot (37 percent of searches) … but it receives only 13-14 percent of media coverage; … the largest discrepancies concern violent forms of death … receive much more relative attention in Google searches and media coverage than their relative share of deaths. When it comes to the media coverage on causes of death, violent deaths account for more than two-thirds of coverage … but account for less than 3 percent of the total deaths in the US.

Your Medical Health Matters

The facts are facts, your personal health is a far more significant factor in yielding longer life than what popular media attempts to portray. Overweight and obesity-related conditions play a far more significant share of your health risk than other causes combined.

Visit Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at WeightLossNYC.com to learn more about how her medical weight loss program may help you.

Sources: Our World in Data, Wikimedia, Wikipedia

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The One Easiest Weight Loss Tip Ever

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Dec 28, 2023

Lose weight Easily

Is losing weight your number one goal? Setting a goal is great, however break it down into actionable steps so you can start seeing progress right away.

Today’s weight loss tip is so simple, yet most people don’t even consider it when trying to shed pounds. It’s one thing we can’t live without: sleep.

Get More Sleep, Lose Weight

Not getting enough sleep is linked to weight gain and obesity. When you’re tired, you reach for the wrong foods and wind up consuming extra calories. It also makes you hungrier, so you end up eating more than you need:

  • A study published in the Wall Street Journal in 2012 found that inadequate sleep triggered increased levels of ghrelin, the hormone that causes hunger, in men.
  • In women, it can lower their levels of the hormone GLP-1, which suppresses appetite.

Do Something About It

If you haven’t been getting enough shut eye (around 6-8 hours for adults), let’s change that. You’ll not only improve your weight loss success, you’ll also improve your quality of life and even live longer than those who are sleep deprived.

Tip: Be sure to shut off your computers, cell phones and TV at least one hour before bedtime to drift off to sleep easily.

If there’s one simple step to take right now to lose weight, sleeping enough is it. Try it and watch how quickly things will change!

Big Changes, Small Steps

Is it time for a change? Take the first step by calling us at 718-491-5525 to set your first appointment with Dr. Oksana Aron at WeightLossNYC™. We’re here to help you every step of the way to your healthiest weight ever.

Source: Huffington Post

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Bust Your Belly - Boost Your Health

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Dec 20, 2023

Belly Fat: Sign or Symptom

We may tend to see ourselves just as we are but some signs can be symptoms of potential health risks. Body fat can position itself in many places, however being overweight is not the same as being obese.

Obesity vs Overweight

Obesity means having too much body fat. It is different from being overweight, which means weighing too much. The weight may come from muscle, bone, fat, and/or body water. Both terms mean that a person’s weight is greater than what’s considered healthy for his or her height.¹

Obesity increases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and some cancers. If you have obesity, losing even 5 to 10% of your weight can delay or prevent some of these diseases. For example, that means losing 10 to 20 pounds if you weigh 200 pounds.

Woman looking down and holding her belly
Healthy Weight

Normal Weight

As we have blogged before, your weight distribution is a significant factor in assessing your health.

[N]ormal-weight people can have what’s called central obesity because of the belly fat. They’re also nearly three times more likely to die from heart disease and twice as likely to die of any cause compared to other normal-weight individuals with a healthy waist-to-hip ratio. Another danger: Normal-weight people may not feel the need to improve their lifestyle by making healthier choices, which can only increase their health risk.²

Dr Aron provides a clinical review of your health, symptoms and history to develop a profile for your personalized weight loss treatment protocol.

[B]ody shape was a better indicator of calcium or plaque status than weight or BMI. For both men and women, the larger the belly is in relation to hips the greater the possibility of having arterial calcium in the heart.
Those with the largest waist to hip ratios in the group studied were nearly twice as likely to have coronary calcium and three times as likely to have atherosclerotic plaque compared to those with the smallest. Even incremental increases in waist to hip ratios meant steady increases in calcium deposits.²

Lose Weight Now

Visit Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at WeightLossNYC.com to learn how her medical weight loss program may benefit you.

Sources:MedlinePlus, National Library of Medicine¹, Dr Oksana Aron blog²

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Weight Loss Pills: What Works?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Dec 18, 2023

What weight loss supplements are safe?

You want to lose weight—and fast. You’re willing to try almost any weight loss product promising a miracle, but will it work? And more importantly, is it safe?

Weight Loss pills
FDA Approved Medications

FTC cracks down on false weight loss claims

Looks like the Federal Trade Commission is cracking down on companies hawking weight loss products with bogus claims and here’s what’s happening right now.

Products that the FTC says are making false claims include Sensa and a “slimming” body cream by L’Occitane. The FTC is also working to get consumers their money back for purchasing such products and is going to urge the companies to stop the false advertising.

Some common false claims:

  • Eat whatever you want and still lose weight
  • No diet or exercise required
  • Just take this pill and you’ll lose weight

There’s no miracle

Jessica Rich, Director of the FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection:

“The chances of being successful at substantial weight loss just by sprinkling something on your food, rubbing creams on your body or just using a supplement, well, they’re slim to none”

There are no miracle weight loss pills, no matter what those companies try to get you to believe. Buying these supplements from unscrupulous sources online without a doctor’s supervision is dangerous. Not only do they not work—they could cause you serious harm or even death.

How to lose weight safely

The only legal (and legitimate) weight loss medications are those approved by the FDA, and are only available by prescription. These include Phentermine, Phendimetrizine, Qsymia, and more:

FDA Approved Medical Weight Loss pills

Medical Weight Loss

If you are overweight:, your best option is to work with a medical weight loss doctor who can advise you safely on what your body needs in order to lose weight.

Dr. Oksana Aron, Medical Weight Loss Doctor

Learn how to lose weight fast and in a safe manner by consulting with Bariatric Physician Dr. Oksana Aron.. Schedule your initial consultation; Visit WeightLossNYC.com or call 718-491-5525

Cite: NBCNews

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Turn Down the Thermostat to Maintain Weight

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC

Hot Weight Loss Tip

We previously shared you can turn up the heat on your food by eating hot peppers and bell peppers to lose weight. Now, we’re turning the tables and saying you can also cool things down to lose or maintain your weight — It’s as easy as turning down the temperature on your thermostat in your home.

weight loss metabolism and temperature
Faster Weight Loss

The reason is this: human metabolism slows down in warmer temperatures. When the temperature is 77 to 80 degrees, that’s when the body’s metabolic rate is at its lowest. In colder temperatures, however, the body works hard to warm itself, which burns calories.

Get out of the comfort zone

This reduced exposure to indoor cold may have minimized the need for higher energy expenditure for the body to stay warm, Johnson and co-authors suggested.

What researchers discovered is that since the 1960s, our norms of thermal comfort have been changed by using central heating, which can lower the body’s own internal thermostat and its ability to burn fat — and it may also contribute to widespread obesity, according to research by Fiona Johnson, MRCPsych, and colleagues at the University College London, as published in Obesity Reviews.

Cool Weight Loss Tip

The conclusion? There is a causal link between increased time spent in thermal comfort and weight gain. So if you normally keep the thermostat high during the cold months, time to turn it down. You’ll not only save on your heating bill, you could save yourself some pounds!

Actionable Weight Loss

Make an actionable weight loss plan with Dr. Oksana Aron today at Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center, WeightLossNYC™. Take the first step by starting today

Sources: NIH, MedPageToday (retrieved 2012), digitalart/FreeDigitalPhotos

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Association between Obesity and Colon Cancer

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Dec 13, 2023

Obesity and Cancer

Health Risks of being overweight includes over a dozen cancers along with worse outcomes including greater chances of death.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]:

Being overweight or having obesity increases your risk of getting cancer.

You may be surprised to learn that being overweight or having obesity are linked with a higher risk of getting 13 types of cancer. These cancers make up 40% of all cancers diagnosed in the United States each year.…

human cancers linked to obesity
Obesity Health Risks

“Obesity has been associated with reduced survival in some cancers.…

“In metastatic colon cancer, obesity has been associated with reduced survival…

“Adipose tissue also makes up a large proportion of breast cancer, and obesity has been shown to increase tumor inflammation, the researchers note.

Researchers from Michigan State University and Oakland University in Rochester, MI, discovered how leptin, a fat cell-derived hormone, may aid in the progression of colon cancer. Their results appear in a paper called Novel Mechanism for Obesity-induced Colon Cancer Progression published in Carcinogenesis.

[Researchers] discovered how leptin, a fat cell-derived hormone, may aid in the progression of colon cancer. They found that the hormone induced precancerous colon cells to increase production of a growth factor that enhances blood supply to early cancer cells promoting tumor growth and cancer progression.

Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center

Dr Oksana Aron is a medical doctor specialized in helping patients lose weight where other methods have proved insufficient. Visit her practice website at WeightLossNYC.com to learn more about her medical weight loss program and schedule your first consultation today.

Sources: GEN News: Novel Mechanism for Obesity-induced Colon Cancer Progression" (retrieved 2019, updated 2023), Obesity Factors Implicated in Anti-VEGF Therapy Failure against Breast Cancer (retrieved 2023), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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Lose the Belly, Not Just the Pounds

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Dec 11, 2023

Measure Your Belly to Hip Ratio

Based on findings from a multi-ethnic Dallas Heart Study of more than 2,700 men and women between the ages of 30 and 65, it was determined that body shape was a better indicator of calcium or plaque status than weight or BMI. For both men and women, the larger the belly is in relation to hips the greater the possibility of having arterial calcium in the heart.

Those with the largest waist to hip ratios in the group studied were nearly twice as likely to have coronary calcium and three times as likely to have atherosclerotic plaque compared to those with the smallest. Even incremental increases in waist to hip ratios meant steady increases in calcium deposits.

woman hiding behind a large leaf
Weight Loss Tips

According to findings published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology as cited in ABC HealthDay article: "pot bellies" may play an important role in determining the risk for heart disease:

Not Them Apples

“What we’re seeing is a quite strong association between the pot-belly, apple shape among a relatively young group of people and the build-up of plaque in the arteries,…

“Ten to 15 years down the road, this can lead to major cardiac problems, such as a heart attack,…

Dr Oksana Aron can help

Work with Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center if you need actionable guidance from a medical weight loss doctor in Brooklyn, NYC. Visit WeightLossNYC.com or call 718-491-5525 to start now.

Sources: HealthDay Reporter retrieved 03/23/07, ABC News, American College of Cardiology

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How Does Belly Fat Affect Your Health?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC

Belly fat beware

Just because you think you’re a normal size and weight, it doesn’t mean you’re healthy. We all know belly fat is unhealthy, but the latest research shows that people of a normal weight who have belly fat have a higher risk of dying from heart disease, even when compared to obese people.

woman measuring her midsection
Lose Belly Fat

The study found that normal-weight people can have what’s called central obesity because of the belly fat. They’re also nearly three times more likely to die from heart disease and twice as likely to die of any cause compared to other normal-weight individuals with a healthy waist-to-hip ratio.

Another danger: Normal-weight people may not feel the need to improve their lifestyle by making healthier choices, which can only increase their health risk.

The healthy solution?

Losing unhealthy weight, eating healthfully, exercising and increasing muscle mass have shown to help normal-weight individuals with central obesity or belly fat. That way, they lose weight and build muscle mass at the same time, while redistributing their weight in a healthier way.

Waist-to-hip ratio, according to some studies, has been found to be more reliable in determining cardiovascular mortality risk than body mass index (BMI).

Need Help Losing Weight?

If you are looking to lose weight successfully and fast, contact Dr Aron Medical Weight Loss Center at WeightLossNYC.com or call 718-491-5525. Get on track with your weight loss goals now.

Source: EverydayHealth, Image: FreeDigitalPhotos

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Childhood obesity

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Dec 2, 2023

Backward Trends

A recent public health study showed that among 4 year olds: nearly 13 percent of Asian children were obese, along with 16 percent of whites, almost 21 percent of blacks, 22 percent of Hispanics, and 31 percent of American Indians.

Weight Loss Guidance
Obesity is the reason our children will for the first time ever live shorter lives than their parents.

Pain Point

Obesity is the reason our children will for the first time ever live shorter lives than their parents.

Many school sells fruity and sugary drinks after school (every Friday afternoon) as the children are leaving school. Many of the kids get one and the other parents who do not want to get one are almost forced to as all the other kids are getting one.

Things need to have to change in our society regarding food and the marketing of food. This can start with your guidance at home.

Help Yourself

Improving your own health habits can have reverberations at home. Start your own medical weight loss journey with Dr Oksana Aron — visit WeightLossNYC.com to learn more.

Sources: AP, NBC News, Red Deer Advocate

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Men: Better Body, Better Sex Life

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Apr 13, 2023

Bigger isn’t always better

erectile dysfunction and obesity
Weight Loss for Men

The link between erectile dysfunction and weight

It’s a topic no man wants to talk about, but listen up, guys. Men may have a new “cure” for erectile dysfunction (ED) that can also improve other areas of your life: losing weight.

According to an Italian study, researchers found that overweight men experienced an improvement of their ED after going on a healthy eating and exercise plan.

The study involved 110 obese men between the ages of 35 and 55 who suffered from ED and were put on a plan to eat healthy and exercise in order to lose 10 percent or more of their body weight.

In two years’ time, one third of the men had lost 33 pounds on average. Additionally, they were found to be more physically active in general.

ED may be a highly sensitive issue, but this study shows that men have options other than going on medication. By pursuing a healthy, active lifestyle and eating right, men can enjoy a healthier sex life and improved self image. Make the commitment to exercise and diet to lose weight--and improving this condition is just another benefit and motivator for healthy living.

Weight Loss NYC can help

By making your first appointment with WeightLossNYC® today, you’ll be on your way to an improved lifestyle and an improved YOU! Your first step is to call us at 718-491-5525.

Source: webmd

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Your Momma's BMI is So High...

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Nov 9, 2018

… It could lead to a much higher mortality risk for you, too

”Adult children of mothers who were overweight or obese had up to a 90% higher risk of dying from heart disease or stroke compared with peers born to mothers who were not overweight or obese, a study[1] indicated. The results were presented at the American Heart Association meeting.”

With fewer than 1,200 medical weight loss doctors for over 100 million obese Americans[2], it’s time you take control of your own health and wellness. Don’t be a weight loss mortality statistic — be a weight loss success.

Learn how to lose weight quickly.

Woman holding child

Medical Weight Loss

Get the latest information on medical weight loss and health tips from Oksana Aron, M.D. at WeightLossNYC. Her medical weight loss program has helped thousands of New Yorkers lose weight where other methods did not.


  1. American Heart Association, Study links mother’s BMI, later heart risk for children
  2. Medpage, U.S. Still Poorly Prepared to Treat Obesity

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What Type of Diet is Right for You? Mediterranean? Ketogenic? Vegan?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Oct 13, 2018
Green Vegetable

Fact not Fad

There is no shortage of diet names to confuse us all. We want to be healthy and want to go beyond just a gimmick or trend. Dr Aron surely knows fact from fad, she prescribes diets to all her patients. So here are some simple facts about what makes a diet healthy, and why it should matter to you.

“Diet is the single most significant risk factor for disability and premature death.” — American Family Physician

Well … That seems like a pretty good reason to care about your diet.

be happy and healthy

Diet Characteristics

Across the board evaluation of clinically viable food plans favor higher percentage of vegetables, limiting sugars, and replacing processed grains with whole grain sources. Important to note is that juices are not considered a proper replacement for real fruits and vegetables due to their higher glycemic index and loss of healthy fiber in processing. Likewise, potatoes fall into the carb camp not as veggies.

Making the proper substitutions can be challenging yet the clinical outcomes are meaningful in that your diet can push back on risk factors for cardio-vascular diseases, high blood pressure, obesity, and of course, diabetes.

healthy lifestyle choices

What to do next

Fundamentally, maintaining proper nutrition is key, via proper balanced diet and appropriate food choices. Dr Aron can advise you of any items you are not sure if suitable for your weight loss progress as well as for your life.

Visit her medical practice at WeightLossNYC.com to learn more.

Sources: American Family Physician; Twitter author jokes

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This is what body fat looks like.

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jun 1, 2017

Cross section of fit and obese men:

healthy vs obese men

It doesn’t have to be this way. Your healthy body is waiting inside to get out. What actions will you take today to improve your health and wellness?

Cross section of fit and obese women:

obese and fit women

Source: reddit. Share via twitter instagram facebook

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More Obese Americans than Overweight

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jun 29, 2015
surprised woman

Americans continue to gain weight

Several striking news reports reflect that in the US, more adults who are obese outnumber those who are just overweight. The LA Times reported notes from published in JAMA Internal Medicine quoting “adults who are obese now outnumber those who are merely overweight.”

[Researchers] estimated that 67.6 million Americans over the age of 25 were obese as of 2012, and an additional 65.2 million were overweight.
  • Washington Post remarks “"[this is] a startling shift from 20 years ago when 63 percent of men and 55 percent of women were overweight or obese and a depressing sign that campaigns to get Americans to eat healthier and exercise more may be failing.”
  • CBS News (website) notes the ”analyzed data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2007 to 2012 to estimate the prevalence of overweight and obesity.” including details on “15,208 men and women age 25 or older.”
  • TIME magazine iterated “40% of men were overweight and 35% of men were obese” — “30% of women were overweight and 37% were obese.” Numbers “are similar to those estimated by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which suggest that one third of American adults are obese.”
  • and MedPage Today remarked “33% of Americans ages 25 to 54, and 28% of those 55 and older, fell into the normal weight category of having a (BMI) of 18.5-24.9.”

Am I obese? or just Overweight?

You can test your own at WeightLossNYC™ for free online now, and determine your health risk and obesity/overweight metric.

For more results, you can visit for a complete medical evaluation and treatment of your body weight, fat, metabolism and more.

Source AMA medical rounds, JAMA, CDC, and cited news sources

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The Truth about Hidden Sugar in your Diet #health #weightloss #nyc

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Dec 8, 2014

What’s the Health Risk?

Excess sugar can not only lead to weight gain, but you also have other health concerns to worry about. People who drink 1 to 2 cans of soda a day can increase their risk for Type 2 diabetes by 26%. Additionally, daily sugary drinks can also increase your risk of heart attack, death from heart attack and heart disease.

—Oksana Aron,M.D.
Bariatric Physician

The Not-So-Sweet Side of Sugar

We all know that sugar isn’t good for our health, waistline or teeth. But what we don’t know about it—including where it’s coming from—can be even more important. Additionally, many contain genetically modified sugars (GMO) and are often unlabelled as such, yielding further obscurity.

Consuming sugary drinks such as sodas and fruit drinks were once thought to be the main source of sugar in our diet, but the latest from the U.S. CDC shows that Americans are getting their sugar mainly from their food, not drinks.

Without knowing this fact, many people may be unwittingly be consuming a lot more sugar than they think and are scratching their heads as to why they can’t lose those last few pounds.

How sugar sneaks into your diet & How to prevent it.

Where’s the sugar?

A whopping 70 percent of added sugars in the American diet comes from processed foods such as:

  • Breads
  • Jellies and Jams
  • Cakes
  • Ice Cream

Where else is there sugar?

Some Less obvious sources of sugar in popular foods include:

  • Tomato Sauces
  • Salad Dressings
  • Condiments
  • Cereals
  • Multigrain Crackers

Healthy Tip

When checking the ingredients list on food packaging, make sure that sugar or its other names (such as high-fructose corn syrup HFCS or corn syrup, etc.) isn’t one of the first few ingredients. That way you’ll know that the food isn’t mostly sugar.

Medical Weight Loss Consultation

Lose the weight to reveal a healthier body. Stay motivated and keep the weight off with a healthy weight loss plan. Call 718-491-5525 to schedule your consultation with Oksana Aron, M.D., Bariatric Physician at WeightLossNYC™.

Sources: New York Times Well, Harvard School of Public Health, image phanlop88 of FreeDigitalPhotos

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How much does it cost to be Overweight?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Aug 1, 2014

Obesity Medical Expenses Cost Billions Each Year

Obesity not only takes a toll on your health but your wallet as well, as it costs $147 billion each year in direct medical costs and nearly 10 percent of all medical spending in the U.S.

Roughly one in three Americans are considered obese. An obese person could spend as much as $4,870 per year on health care expenses on Medicare, which is about 41 percent more than a normal weight person spends at $3,400.

Prescription drugs are the majority of medical expenses and can cost an obese person upwards of $1,300 a year, which is 80 percent more than the $700 an average weight person spends.

“…the clear link between rising rates of obesity and increasing medical costs is alarming, but not unexpected,” …the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation said in a statement. “Obesity is the driver of so many chronic conditions — heart disease, diabetes, cancer — that generate the exorbitant costs that are crushing our health-care system,” she said.

“The only way to show real savings in health expenditures in the future is through efforts to reduce the prevalence of obesity and related health conditions,” study author [and] director, RTI Public Health Economics Program, said.

Improve Your Health Today

Dr Aron can help you save money by helping you improve your health and wellness. Visit WeightLossNYC.com to learn about her medical weight loss program.

heart health and obesity

Sources: HealthDay News

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Slow food: what a difference it makes for your waistline

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC May 27, 2014

Slow down your eating to speed up weight loss

When you sit down to eat, do you savor it slowly or do you gobble it up in record time? Did you know that eating quickly can make you gain weight because your body hasn't registered how full your stomach really is?

Well, that's not the only news. Taking your time to eat can help prevent you from overeating, but there's a difference in how this affects your body, depending on whether you're considered normal weight, overweight or obese. Read on for more details.

Eating quickly can make you gain weight because your body hasn't registered how full your stomach is. Taking your time to eat can help prevent you from overeating, but how this affects your body depends on whether you're considered normal weight, overweight or obese.

Bite for bite, pound for pound

In the study published by the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, two groups were observed: one group of normal-weight individuals and another of overweight and obese individuals. Both groups were asked to consume two meals, one at a slow pace with no time constraints in mind in which they were asked to stop and put the spoon down in between bites, and a second one at a fast speed with an imagined time constraint, large bites and quick chewing without putting the spoon down for breaks.

The results:

  • Both the normal-weight and overweight groups were less hungry after eating the slower meal.
  • They also tended to drink more water, which could have affected the amount of calories they consumed.

What can we learn from this? Taking our time and enjoying our meals—healthy food, mind you—we can ensure we'll be taking in a proper amount of calories. Plus, don't forget your H2O…

Get more than diet tips

Learn how to lose weight and stay healthy: Call us at 718-491-5525 today and schedule your first appointment with Dr. Aron

References: eurekalert

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Ask the Doctor: Can your friends make you fat?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC May 3, 2014

You Are Who You Eat With

Friends can be very influential in the way we dress, speak and even eat. So does that mean who we hang around with can make us fat? Obese, even? Researchers decided to look into this to see if that was the case.

women eating snacks together
Friends influence our eating habits

What did researchers find?

Turns out that the people around us can affect what we eat and how much, according to findings from several studies published in The Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

I’ll Have What She’s Having

When people know that others in the group are eating low-calorie food, it makes them more likely to want to eat the same, the data said. The same went for high-calorie food. People also ate similar quantities of food just to fit in. When eating in group settings, people tend to eat like their friends do, whether it's healthy or not.

Real Friends Don't Let Friends Eat Junk

Eating is a social behavior and we can use it for good. When dining out or having friends over for a dinner party, set a healthy trend. Select healthier options on the menu and opt to split a large dish to cut calories. Serve a nutritious spread of fruits, veggies and smaller-portioned foods at your next party.

Overeating and making the wrong food choices can make you gain weight, so it's especially important to mind what you eat when in the company of friends. Be the one to make the first move!

Need to lose weight?

Whether 20, 50, or 100 pounds or more, Dr. Aron is here to listen and help. Read more about her medical weight loss program in New York.

Cite: eurekalert

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