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Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Blog

Weight Loss Motivation. Weight Loss Results.

Dr. Aron brings you fun and important weight loss tips, exciting diet recipes, medical weight loss breakthroughs, and a steady source of weight loss motivation.

Her medical weight loss program provides real results for overweight and obese persons seeking non-surgical medical treatment, with lasting results.

Call now — 718-491-5525 or visit WeightLossNYC.com

Dr Oksana Aron Medical Weight Loss Center

7032 4th Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11209, Directions to office

Fast Food Getting You Down?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Dec 4, 2012

New Fast-Food Health Risk: Depression

fast food link to depression

Don’t let fast food super-size you

Is fast food your weight loss kryptonite? Do you let yourself splurge while on the go, telling yourself, “It‘s just this once,” and that you’ll eat healthier tomorrow to make up for it?

Well that doesn’t work because you’ll just do it again. And again. Before long, you’ve packed on a few extra pounds and you don’t even know why.

Why is fast food bad for you?

Sure, fast food is convenient and cheap, but its unnatural ingredients come with health risks. When consumed regularly, fast food fills you up on fat and empty calories, causes you to gain weight and puts you at risk for obesity. Even worse, you can increase your chance of heart attack, stroke and liver disease.

But that’s not all. New evidence shows that fast food lovers have a higher risk of depression. A Spanish study published in Public Health Nutrition found that people who ate fast food were 51 percent more likely to be depressed.

What’s more, the study authors discovered what’s called a “dose-response relationship,” which means that the more fast food subjects ate the higher their risk of developing depression. And in this case fast food was not limited to just hotdogs, hamburgers, and pizza, but also what the researchers refer to as “commercial baked goods,” meaning foods like doughnuts, croissants, and snack cakes.

The healthy alternative

Think twice before you grab a bite to eat. Instead of dining out, dine at home. Follow a delicious, healthy recipe and learn how to cook for yourself. Knowing what’s in your food and how it’s made will keep you on the road to a healthy weight. People who cook at home are said to live longer too, so it can benefit you in many ways!

Healthy Weight Loss

Get answers to your weight loss and dieting questions today: If you need real guidance from a licensed bariatric physician on how to lose weight, call us at 718-491-5525 for your first consultation with Dr. Aron. You’ll receive clinically proven weight loss treatment that will make you a success story.

Sources: EverydayHealth; Huffington Post

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HCG for Treating Obesity: The Facts | Weight Loss NYC

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Nov 26, 2012

Is HCG a miracle cure?

HCG injection
Safety and efficacy of HCG for weight loss vs other medical weight loss treatments available with prescription or bariatric physician supervision.
You’ve heard of doctors treating obese patients with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for weight loss because it's been touted as a rapid weight loss medication, but does it work the way it's supposed to? If you're looking for a quick fix in losing weight with HCG injections, you’ll want to read on for more information.

Does HCG cause weight loss?

First used in a 1954 study of patients who were injected with HCG in conjunction with a 500-calorie-a-day diet, it was believed to produce rapid weight and fat loss, reduce hunger, and result in no weakness. Once popular in the 1970s, later challenges to the study, however, found that HCG was ineffectual in weight loss and that the weight loss during the study was likely due to the restricted-calorie diet alone.

Is HCG Safe and Effective for Weight Loss?

Today, HCG is available in tablet form or by injection, and is surging in popularity again, but scientific evidence doesn't support the claim that HCG can alter fat distribution or reduce hunger. Not only that, but HCG and the lower intake of protein in the diet that accompanies HCG for weight loss are not considered safe and are not recommended, according to the American Society of Bariatric Physicians.

What is the Best Medical Weight Loss Program?

Get the facts on the best weight loss supplements as part of an effective weight loss plan that works for you. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Aron in our Brooklyn office today. Simply call WeightLossNYC® at 718-491-5525.
Source: asbp.org; image courtesy of Victor Habbick, FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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Thanksgiving Survival Guide, from Oksana Aron, M.D.

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Nov 19, 2012

How to Have a Happy Thanksgiving without Really Trying

thanksgiving is about the people you spend it with.

We’ve prepared this Thanksgiving Survival Guide* to give you ideas on how to best avoid overeating this Thursday, and keep yourself together on your weight loss program.

Abate Your Appetite; Trounce Temptation

The best way to battle any festival meal, where eating is the presumed focus, is to reduce your appetite thus obviously significantly lowering your temptation. You can follow these steps as guidelines to keep you on track with your diet plan.

Before You Go

  • As always, eat an appropriate breakfast as Dr. Aron has provided for your plan.
  • Be sure to include a real protein source to invoke satiety.
  • Keep up on your hydration. Drinking water will also help keep you feeling full.
  • Likewise, throughout the day, avoid alcoholic beverages for their dehydrating effects and of course insane caloric values.

Boots on the Ground

Once you’re there, keep it simple and safe:

  • Salad is always your friend. Enjoy the simple greens, not salads overladen with extras you know aren’t helpful to your diet.
  • Veggies, again mostly green, also round out your plate nicely and fill you up before looking further.
  • 4 ounce skinless white meat turkey as your meal protein. Keeping to the lower fat cut is the obvious choice.
  • Small samples of gravy or sauces for flavor are ok yet at a minimum. Avoid alcohol drinks entirely.
  • Small portion of potatoes or stuffing are better than breads and rolls.
  • Dessert? Only if you must, enjoy a small one. Better to enjoy a little more turkey, or better yet veggies/salad, we suggest.
“When facing the challenges of dieting during the holidays, remember to keep your focus on what’s really important — the people you’re spending the holidays with."

Remember Why You Came

Truly, the holidays are about getting together with friends and loved ones. Open your mouth more for the laughs and conversation, and keep the focus on the fun not the food. Think ahead when you get back home how much happier you'll be knowing you spent the day in conversation not in consuming unneeded calories.

Leftovers are Left for Others

You’re on a diet plan. You can leave them for others and keep the holiday meal behind as you walk out the door. Weather-permitting, keep on walking … and enjoy more conversation and fresh air as you move your body after a festival meal. When you get home, get back on your regular plan and keep the fond memories of the friends you enjoyed your holiday with.

Happy Thanksgiving, from Dr. Aron and Staff of WeightLossNYC

For more information on safe and healthy weight loss diet plans, visit our website WeightLossNYC.com and start losing weight, today.

*Thanksgiving Survival Guide, from Oksana Aron, M.D. is a copyrighted work by Weight Loss NYC® adapted from HRI Thanksgiving Success Plan. Image adapted from morgueFile.

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Can Your Daily Schedule Cause Obesity?

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Sep 19, 2012
Are you at risk for obesity?

Obesity has become an epidemic and there are many factors why. Our modern era of processed and fast food, rushed schedules, and too many restaurants to choose from are a major part of it. Here's one obesity risk you've probably never heard of and how to reduce your risk.

A paper recently published in Bioessays by Dr. Cathy Wyse, working with the University of Aberdeen, examines how the human internal clock, or daily circadian rhythms, is affected by irregular eating and sleeping patterns and work schedules such as shift jobs, and whether that contributes to obesity or impacts health.

Says Wyse: "The human clock struggles to remain tuned to our highly irregular lifestyles, and I believe that this causes metabolic and other health problems, and makes us more likely to become obese."

Dr. Wyse believes that circadian desynchrony affects human health by disrupting the systems in the brain that regulate metabolism, leading to an increased likelihood of developing obesity and diabetes.

Further research is needed in studying how circadian desynchrony, along with diet and exercise, come into play with obesity.

News you can use

Is your daily schedule erratic? Time to make a change for the better--and your body will thank you. To maintain a healthy weight and reduce your obesity risk, try the following:

  • Get enough sleep each night while in total darkness (and get to sleep at the same time)
  • Get sunlight during the day
  • Eat meals at the same time each day

Take care of your health and the weight loss will follow. Contact WeightLossNYC at 718-491-5525 if you want to change your life today.

Source: ScienceDaily.com

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Exercise for Weight Loss? Try 30 Minutes a Day

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Sep 10, 2012

30 minutes is all you need
We've all heard how important it is to exercise and eat right to lose weight. We all know we need to do cardiovascular exercise at least a few times a week to see results. But did you know that 30 minutes of exercise can get you better results than 60 minutes of exercise? Now that we've got your attention, read on to find out why and how.

Less exercise, less pounds

More exercise doesn't always mean more weight loss. According to a Danish study of sedentary young men in good health who were slightly overweight, published in the American Journal of Physiology, 30 minutes of sweating it out during physical exercise over a period of three months resulted in a similar amount of weight loss as those in the study who did 60 minutes of exercise a day. In fact, some participants even lost more weight by exercising 30 minutes daily.

On average, the men who exercised 30 minutes a day lost 3.6 kg in three months, and those who exercised 60 minutes a day lost 2.7 kg. The reduction in body fat was about 4 kg for both groups.

Researchers also noted the possibility that the 60 minute-a-day study participants may have overcompensated by eating more, losing less weight than they could have by not overeating.

Just do it!

Sticking to an exercise regimen of 30 minutes a day is much easier to commit to if you struggle with motivating yourself or finding the time. But it can also give you that extra boost and weight loss benefit you need to keep at your weight loss goal.

Don't delay doing something about your weight for another day. Learn how to lose as much as 10 to 20 pounds per month by making the right healthy choices. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Aron at WeightLossNYC today! Give us a call at 718-491-5525.

Source: MedicalNewsToday.com
Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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7 Weight Loss Nutrition and Beauty Tips

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Aug 7, 2012

Beauty is truly skin deep

The most common goal of following a healthy diet and exercising routinely is to lose weight and help you to get your body looking great. However, most people don’t realize there are so many other countless benefits of following a strict diet and a good workout plan, other than just dropping the pounds. One of the best kept secrets of following a good diet is the huge impact it has on your complexion, which keeps you looking younger.

Cutting back on certain foods can really improve the aging of your skin. The breakdown of sugar, for example, can really damage your collagen, which helps your skin to look smooth and firm. Try cutting back on your daily sugar intake or using substitutes, such as all natural sweetener. Also, hormones that are in certain foods such as dairy products, beef, and even poultry can contribute to acne breakouts. Eating grain-fed beefs and poultry can help make a huge difference in your skins complexion.

weight loss fitness

The many benefits of dieting and exercising

Exercising correctly is equally as important as doing it routinely, and is also a huge plus for your skin. Doing cardio on machines such as the treadmill can be beneficial in burning calories, but weight training helps to tone muscle and prevent sagging. Also, a yoga class is a much better work out to help relieve stress, as well as losing weight. Cutting down your stress level has a large impact on the aging of your skin, and relieving your tension. High tension levels can cause terrible skin breakouts, so try adding in a few yoga sessions to your weekly work outs.

Low Calorie dieting is a good way to lose weight but you can also make your diet beneficial to your body in other ways. Eating foods that are healthier and higher in vitamins can help improve your skin by making it smoother; capable of healing faster, harder to bruise, and can even improve some chronic skin conditions.

Nutrition and Weight Loss Diet Plan

Dr Oksana Aron will guide you to healthy weight loss with her nutritionally sound low calorie diet program, can direct you to lose the weight you want to lose every week. Call WeightLossNYC.com today at 718-491-5525 for more information or to schedule your first appointment with Dr Aron.

Call WeightLossNYC™ today at 718-491-5525

Related reading: 8 Diet and Exercise Mistakes That Age You, Prevention, 2012.

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Act Like an Olympian and Lose Weight!

Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Aug 1, 2012
Get motivated: Lose weight now

Now that the Summer Olympic Games are here, it's time to get physical. Does watching the Olympics motivate you? Get out there and burn some calories to lose weight and feel great.

No need to watch on the sidelines anymore when you can challenge yourself to be an Olympian at home.

No pain, no gain

What follows is how many calories you can burn by doing exercises you typically see during the Olympics. The number of calories listed are how many a 150-lb. person can burn when performing each exercise for 30 minutes--a great start for cardiovascular fitness. Doing cardiovascular exercise at least 30 minutes a day a few times per week will keep you in shape and keep the extra weight off.

Here are just some of the fun exercises you can do to stay fit and healthy:

Walk: 4 mph (15 min/mi)
162 calories

Running: 5.2 mph (11.5 min/mile)
324 calories

Swimming: general
216 calories

Gymnastics: general
144 calories

Can't do flips? Try aerobics instead!

Aerobics: low impact
198 calories

Aerobics: high impact
252 calories

Bicycling, Stationary: moderate
252 calories

Rowing, Stationary: vigorous
306 calories

Weight Lifting: general
108 calories

Weight Lifting: vigorous
216 calories

Basketball: playing a game
288 calories

Volleyball: non-competitive, general play
108 calories

Volleyball: beach
288 calories

Water Polo
360 calories

Looking to lose 10 to 20 pounds a month (and more)? Contact WeightLossNYC today at 718-491-5525 to schedule your first appointment.

Source: healthdiscovery.net

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