HCG for Treating Obesity: The Facts | Weight Loss NYC
Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Nov 26, 2012Is HCG a miracle cure?

Safety and efficacy of HCG for weight loss vs other medical weight loss treatments available with prescription or bariatric physician supervision.
You’ve heard of doctors treating obese patients with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for weight loss because it's been touted as a rapid weight loss medication, but does it work the way it's supposed to? If you're looking for a quick fix in losing weight with HCG injections, you’ll want to read on for more information.
Does HCG cause weight loss?
First used in a 1954 study of patients who were injected with HCG in conjunction with a 500-calorie-a-day diet, it was believed to produce rapid weight and fat loss, reduce hunger, and result in no weakness. Once popular in the 1970s, later challenges to the study, however, found that HCG was ineffectual in weight loss and that the weight loss during the study was likely due to the restricted-calorie diet alone.Is HCG Safe and Effective for Weight Loss?
Today, HCG is available in tablet form or by injection, and is surging in popularity again, but scientific evidence doesn't support the claim that HCG can alter fat distribution or reduce hunger. Not only that, but HCG and the lower intake of protein in the diet that accompanies HCG for weight loss are not considered safe and are not recommended, according to the American Society of Bariatric Physicians.What is the Best Medical Weight Loss Program?
Get the facts on the best weight loss supplements as part of an effective weight loss plan that works for you. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Aron in our Brooklyn office today. Simply call WeightLossNYC® at 718-491-5525.
Source: asbp.org; image courtesy of Victor Habbick, FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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