Controversial Aspartame ... now renamed AminoSweet
Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jul 26, 2010
Say Ami-NO THANKS, to Un-Sweet news
Marketed under other names including NutraSweet, aspartame is present in many commercial products including diet foods and diet sodas, sugar-free chewing gum, sweetener packets and more - in fact 6,000 items more - including diabetic foods, vitamins, over-the-counter drugs and even some prescription medications.
Controversial because in 30 years, the FDA has received more complaints (over 10,000) for aspartame than any other food additive combined. Two-thirds of reported complaints reflect neurological symptoms that can even mimic severe health conditions making them harder to diagnose.
Diet Foods and Drinks May Cause Weight Problems
The controversy continues in that some applications of artificial sweeteners may induce metabolic syndrome, as well as simply mislead your body into how many calories you've consumed.
Aspartame, NutraSweet, AminoSweet.. not a health food
The advertising deception in these sweeteners is that in playing on popular culture's fears about sugar, they introduce a new molecule made from distortions in amino acids (basis of proteins) implying a healthy protein connection, where there is no such merit at all.
Mass-consumption of the phenyl-alanine and aspartic acid compounds in these sweeteners have documented effects that can affect brain hormone balance and more.
Healthy Foods Your Best Choice
Your best solution is to eat healthy foods free of artificial additives and misleading marketing messages! Send us your favorite diet recipes and we'll share them with our readers.
Source Huffington
Labels: 718-491-5525, artificial sweeteners, brain, metabolic syndrome, nutrition facts