Is Organic Milk healthier for you?
Author: Oksana Aron, MD Source: Weight Loss NYC Jul 23, 2014Topics: Weight Loss, Nutrition, Health
Organic milk: Does it help you lose weight?
Organic or non-organic? Whether we’re talking about fruits, veggies, meats or dairy, opinions abound.

While some claim it doesn't make a difference, a recent study published in PLoS One proves that organic milk is healthier for you than conventional milk. Here’s why:
It’s all about the fatty acids
Cows producing organic milk are fed grass with high omega-3 fatty acids, while cows used for conventional milk are fed corn, which have higher levels of omega-6 fatty acids.
- Organic milk has a healthier balance of omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids in all types of milk but nonfat milk, which can aid weight loss or help maintain your weight.
- In the samples taken in the study, the total amount of fat in the organic milk was the same as the conventional milk. But when comparing the types of fatty acids, organic milk had 62 percent more omega-3s and 25 percent fewer omega-6s.
- Both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are essential to a healthy diet. Omega-3s can be found in fish and flaxseed, while omega-6s can be found in many fried foods. The right balance of both is key. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids offer health benefits, but when it comes to milk, organic milk may be your healthiest option.
Struggling with your weight?
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Labels: 718-491-5525, diet, healthy foods, ny, nyc, omega 3 fatty acid, weight loss